The independent acquisition of plant root nitrogen-fixing symbiosis in Fabids recruited the same genetic pathway for nodule organogenesis.

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Published in PLoS One on May 31, 2013


Sergio Svistoonoff1, Faiza Meriem Benabdoun, Mathish Nambiar-Veetil, Leandro Imanishi, Virginie Vaissayre, Stella Cesari, Nathalie Diagne, Valérie Hocher, Françoise de Billy, Jocelyne Bonneau, Luis Wall, Nadia Ykhlef, Charles Rosenberg, Didier Bogusz, Claudine Franche, Hassen Gherbi

Author Affiliations

1: Equipe Rhizogenèse, UMR DIADE (IRD, UM2), Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Montpellier, France.

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