Published in JAMA Psychiatry on August 01, 2013
Imaging Predictors of Treatment Response in Depression | NCT00367341
Resting-state connectivity biomarkers define neurophysiological subtypes of depression. Nat Med (2016) 2.12
Depression-Related Increases and Decreases in Appetite: Dissociable Patterns of Aberrant Activity in Reward and Interoceptive Neurocircuitry. Am J Psychiatry (2016) 1.43
Annual Research Review: Building a science of personalized intervention for youth mental health. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2015) 1.43
The promise of cognitive behavior therapy for treatment of severe mental disorders: a review of recent developments. World Psychiatry (2014) 1.42
Resting-state networks link invasive and noninvasive brain stimulation across diverse psychiatric and neurological diseases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2014) 1.42
Interoceptive predictions in the brain. Nat Rev Neurosci (2015) 1.36
Prediction as a humanitarian and pragmatic contribution from human cognitive neuroscience. Neuron (2015) 1.33
Major depressive disorder is associated with abnormal interoceptive activity and functional connectivity in the insula. Biol Psychiatry (2013) 1.24
The Personalized Advantage Index: translating research on prediction into individualized treatment recommendations. A demonstration. PLoS One (2014) 1.22
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Pretreatment brain states identify likely nonresponse to standard treatments for depression. Biol Psychiatry (2013) 1.05
Identifying predictors, moderators, and mediators of antidepressant response in major depressive disorder: neuroimaging approaches. Am J Psychiatry (2015) 1.04
Computational psychiatry as a bridge from neuroscience to clinical applications. Nat Neurosci (2016) 1.04
Uncovering the role of the insula in non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Brain (2014) 1.03
Brain connectomics predict response to treatment in social anxiety disorder. Mol Psychiatry (2015) 0.95
Resting-state connectivity predictors of response to psychotherapy in major depressive disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology (2015) 0.94
Mechanisms of antidepressant resistance. Front Pharmacol (2013) 0.92
Neuroimaging-based biomarkers for treatment selection in major depressive disorder. Dialogues Clin Neurosci (2014) 0.91
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Measures of Brain Structure to Predict Antidepressant Treatment Outcome in Major Depressive Disorder. EBioMedicine (2014) 0.89
Clinical, cognitive, and functional connectivity correlations of resting-state intrinsic brain activity alterations in unmedicated depression. J Affect Disord (2014) 0.87
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Lowers Elevated Functional Connectivity in Depressed Adolescents. EBioMedicine (2017) 0.86
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Using biomarkers to predict treatment response in major depressive disorder: evidence from past and present studies. Dialogues Clin Neurosci (2014) 0.84
Magnetic resonance imaging predictors of treatment response in late-life depression. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol (2013) 0.84
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An active inference theory of allostasis and interoception in depression. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2016) 0.76
Resting-state functional connectivity of the amygdala and longitudinal changes in depression severity in adolescent depression. J Affect Disord (2016) 0.76
Attenuation of Frontostriatal Connectivity During Reward Processing Predicts Response to Psychotherapy in Major Depressive Disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology (2016) 0.76
Role of functional imaging in the development and refinement of invasive neuromodulation for psychiatric disorders. World J Radiol (2014) 0.76
Early changes in emotional processing as a marker of clinical response to SSRI treatment in depression. Transl Psychiatry (2016) 0.76
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Early cortical biomarkers of longitudinal transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation treatment success in depression. Neuroimage Clin (2016) 0.75
Neural Correlates of Antidepressant Treatment Response in Adolescents with Major Depressive Disorder. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol (2016) 0.75
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