Published in Mamm Genome on August 09, 2013
A statistical framework for quantitative trait mapping. Genetics (2001) 7.55
Endothelial cells dynamically compete for the tip cell position during angiogenic sprouting. Nat Cell Biol (2010) 3.61
Defining the mammalian CArGome. Genome Res (2005) 2.59
R/qtl: high-throughput multiple QTL mapping. Bioinformatics (2010) 1.99
Improved semiautomatic method for morphometry of angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in corneal flatmounts. Exp Eye Res (2008) 1.85
The mouse cornea micropocket angiogenesis assay. Nat Protoc (2007) 1.74
Effect of destrin mutations on the gene expression profile in vivo. Physiol Genomics (2008) 1.68
Aberrant actin cytoskeleton leads to accelerated proliferation of corneal epithelial cells in mice deficient for destrin (actin depolymerizing factor). Hum Mol Genet (2003) 1.58
Loss of epidermal growth factor receptor in vascular smooth muscle cells and cardiomyocytes causes arterial hypotension and cardiac hypertrophy. Hypertension (2012) 1.54
"Sprouting angiogenesis", a reappraisal. Dev Biol (2012) 1.29
Mechanical regulation of the proangiogenic factor CCN1/CYR61 gene requires the combined activities of MRTF-A and CREB-binding protein histone acetyltransferase. J Biol Chem (2009) 1.28
Corn1: a mouse model for corneal surface disease and neovascularization. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (1996) 1.24
Lymphangiogenesis and angiogenesis: concurrence and/or dependence? Studies in inbred mouse strains. FASEB J (2009) 1.18
Mapping, genetic isolation, and characterization of genetic loci that determine resistance to atherosclerosis in C3H mice. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol (2007) 1.18
Corneal transparency: genesis, maintenance and dysfunction. Brain Res Bull (2009) 1.18
Mediators of ocular angiogenesis. J Genet (2009) 1.17
Genetic dependence of central corneal thickness among inbred strains of mice. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (2009) 1.12
Identifying functional single nucleotide polymorphisms in the human CArGome. Physiol Genomics (2011) 1.11
Genetic loci that control vascular endothelial growth factor-induced angiogenesis. FASEB J (2003) 1.10
Quantitative trait locus analysis of neointimal formation in an intercross between C57BL/6 and C3H/HeJ apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Circ Cardiovasc Genet (2009) 1.02
Genetic loci that control the angiogenic response to basic fibroblast growth factor. FASEB J (2004) 0.97
Differential suppression of vascular permeability and corneal angiogenesis by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (2008) 0.95
Expression of angiogenic factor Cyr61 during neuronal cell death via the activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase and serum response factor. J Biol Chem (2003) 0.94
Vascular cell-adhesion molecule-1 plays a central role in the proangiogenic effects of oxidative stress. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2011) 0.94
Building blood vessels in development and disease. Curr Opin Hematol (2013) 0.92
Defects in actin dynamics lead to an autoinflammatory condition through the upregulation of CXCL5. PLoS One (2008) 0.89
Quantitative lymphatic vessel trait analysis suggests Vcam1 as candidate modifier gene of inflammatory bowel disease. Genes Immun (2010) 0.89
Preweanling sensorial and motor development in laboratory mice: quantitative trait loci mapping. Dev Psychobiol (1999) 0.89
Genetic modification of the schisis phenotype in a mouse model of X-linked retinoschisis. Genetics (2008) 0.88
A pathogenic relationship between a regulator of the actin cytoskeleton and serum response factor. Genetics (2010) 0.87
Establishment of consomic strains derived from A/J and SM/J mice for genetic analysis of complex traits. Mamm Genome (2012) 0.84
The albino mutation of tyrosinase alters ocular angiogenic responsiveness. Angiogenesis (2013) 0.81
Differences in corneal phenotypes between destrin mutants are due to allelic difference and modified by genetic background. Mol Vis (2012) 0.81
Serum response factor controls transcriptional network regulating epidermal function and hair follicle morphogenesis. J Invest Dermatol (2012) 0.78
Corneal avascularity is due to soluble VEGF receptor-1. Nature (2006) 4.77
piRNAs can trigger a multigenerational epigenetic memory in the germline of C. elegans. Cell (2012) 3.49
Mutations in ALMS1 cause obesity, type 2 diabetes and neurosensory degeneration in Alström syndrome. Nat Genet (2002) 2.91
The nob2 mouse, a null mutation in Cacna1f: anatomical and functional abnormalities in the outer retina and their consequences on ganglion cell visual responses. Vis Neurosci (2006) 2.10
Effect of destrin mutations on the gene expression profile in vivo. Physiol Genomics (2008) 1.68
Progress toward understanding the genetic and biochemical mechanisms of inherited photoreceptor degenerations. Annu Rev Neurosci (2003) 1.62
Development of a portable taste sensor with a lipid/polymer membrane. Sensors (Basel) (2013) 1.15
Spontaneous corneal hem- and lymphangiogenesis in mice with destrin-mutation depend on VEGFR3 signaling. Am J Pathol (2005) 1.09
Development and evaluation of a miniaturized taste sensor chip. Sensors (Basel) (2011) 1.09
Genetic modifiers of vision and hearing. Hum Mol Genet (2002) 1.03
Reduced synaptic vesicle density and aberrant synaptic localization caused by a splice site mutation in the Rs1h gene. Vis Neurosci (2007) 0.97
Carbonic anhydrase related protein 8 mutation results in aberrant synaptic morphology and excitatory synaptic function in the cerebellum. Mol Cell Neurosci (2007) 0.97
Mapping of genetic modifiers of Nr2e3 rd7/rd7 that suppress retinal degeneration and restore blue cone cells to normal quantity. Mamm Genome (2008) 0.94
Mutation in archain 1, a subunit of COPI coatomer complex, causes diluted coat color and Purkinje cell degeneration. PLoS Genet (2010) 0.92
Defects in actin dynamics lead to an autoinflammatory condition through the upregulation of CXCL5. PLoS One (2008) 0.89
Genetic modification of the schisis phenotype in a mouse model of X-linked retinoschisis. Genetics (2008) 0.88
Serum response factor is essential for the proper development of skin epithelium. Mamm Genome (2010) 0.88
A pronounced evolutionary shift of the pseudoautosomal region boundary in house mice. Mamm Genome (2012) 0.87
A pathogenic relationship between a regulator of the actin cytoskeleton and serum response factor. Genetics (2010) 0.87
An allele of microtubule-associated protein 1A (Mtap1a) reduces photoreceptor degeneration in Tulp1 and Tub Mutant Mice. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (2012) 0.82
Differences in corneal phenotypes between destrin mutants are due to allelic difference and modified by genetic background. Mol Vis (2012) 0.81
Tyrosinase is the modifier of retinoschisis in mice. Genetics (2010) 0.80
Towards understanding the function of the tubby gene family in the retina. Adv Exp Med Biol (2003) 0.79
Serum response factor: positive and negative regulation of an epithelial gene expression network in the destrin mutant cornea. Physiol Genomics (2014) 0.78
Gene targeting in the mouse. Methods Mol Biol (2011) 0.77
Genetic basis of age-dependent synaptic abnormalities in the retina. Mamm Genome (2014) 0.76
Method development for the measurement of quinone levels in urine. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci (2011) 0.75