Early identification and heritability of mild cognitive impairment.

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Published in Int J Epidemiol on December 26, 2013


William S Kremen1, Amy J Jak, Matthew S Panizzon, Kelly M Spoon, Carol E Franz, Wesley K Thompson, Kristen C Jacobson, Terrie Vasilopoulos, Eero Vuoksimaa, Hong Xian, Rosemary Toomey, Michael J Lyons

Author Affiliations

1: Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA, Center of Excellence for Stress and Mental Health, VA San Diego Healthcare System, La Jolla, CA, USA, Psychology Service, VA San Diego Healthcare System, La Jolla, CA, USA, Computational Science Research Center, San Diego State University/Claremont Graduate University, San Diego, CA, USA, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA, Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, Department of Statistics, St Louis University, St Louis, MO, USA, Research Service, VA St Louis Healthcare System, St Louis, MO, USA and Department of Psychology, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA.

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