Published in Neurology on January 29, 2014
Pathogens penetrating the central nervous system: infection pathways and the cellular and molecular mechanisms of invasion. Clin Microbiol Rev (2014) 1.03
Combined 3 Tesla MRI Biomarkers Improve the Differentiation between Benign vs Malignant Single Ring Enhancing Brain Masses. PLoS One (2016) 0.75
A case of a brain stem abscess with a favorable outcome. Surg Neurol Int (2015) 0.75
Expressive aphasia caused by Streptococcus intermedius brain abscess in an immunocompetent patient. Int Med Case Rep J (2017) 0.75
Intracranial subdural empyema mimicking a recurrent chronic subdural hematoma. J Surg Case Rep (2016) 0.75
Progressive headache in a 48-year-old man. BMJ Case Rep (2015) 0.75
Diagnosis and Treatment of Central Nervous System Infections in the Emergency Department. Emerg Med Clin North Am (2016) 0.75
Acute Hemiparesis in a Healthy Elderly Woman: Where and What Is the Lesion? Front Neurol (2017) 0.75
Early cerebritis resulting in a first-time seizure in an otherwise healthy young man. Infect Dis Clin Pract (Baltim Md) (2016) 0.75
Bedside twist drill aspiration of cerebral abscess less than 2.5 cm in size: A case series and discussion. Surg Neurol Int (2017) 0.75
Familial cerebral abscesses caused by hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Clin Case Rep (2017) 0.75
Unexpected brain finding in pre-autopsy postmortem CT. Forensic Sci Med Pathol (2017) 0.75
The burden and epidemiology of community-acquired central nervous system infections: a multinational study. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2017) 0.75
Dexamethasone in adults with bacterial meningitis. N Engl J Med (2002) 11.10
Brain abscess. N Engl J Med (2014) 3.95
Epidemiology, diagnosis, and antimicrobial treatment of acute bacterial meningitis. Clin Microbiol Rev (2010) 3.58
Targeted inactivation of hepatic Abca1 causes profound hypoalphalipoproteinemia and kidney hypercatabolism of apoA-I. J Clin Invest (2005) 3.25
Induced hypothermia in severe bacterial meningitis: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA (2013) 2.97
Clinical features, complications, and outcome in adults with pneumococcal meningitis: a prospective case series. Lancet Neurol (2006) 2.67
Systemic infection and delirium: when cytokines and acetylcholine collide. Lancet (2010) 2.36
Post-stroke infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Neurol (2011) 2.29
Dilemmas in the diagnosis of acute community-acquired bacterial meningitis. Lancet (2012) 2.14
Community-acquired Listeria monocytogenes meningitis in adults. Clin Infect Dis (2006) 2.08
The immunology of acute stroke. Nat Rev Neurol (2012) 2.06
Pathogenesis and pathophysiology of pneumococcal meningitis. Clin Microbiol Rev (2011) 1.87
Host genetic susceptibility to pneumococcal and meningococcal disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infect Dis (2008) 1.78
A risk score for unfavorable outcome in adults with bacterial meningitis. Ann Neurol (2008) 1.66
Community-acquired bacterial meningitis in older people. J Am Geriatr Soc (2006) 1.59
Effect of vaccines on bacterial meningitis worldwide. Lancet (2012) 1.50
Dexamethasone and long-term survival in bacterial meningitis. Neurology (2012) 1.49
Adjunctive dexamethasone in adults with meningococcal meningitis. Neurology (2012) 1.48
Decompressive surgery in cerebrovenous thrombosis: a multicenter registry and a systematic review of individual patient data. Stroke (2011) 1.39
Pneumococcal meningitis in adults: new approaches to management and prevention. Lancet Neurol (2006) 1.26
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in transplant recipients. Ann Neurol (2011) 1.26
Specific mutations in ABCA1 have discrete effects on ABCA1 function and lipid phenotypes both in vivo and in vitro. Circ Res (2006) 1.25
Complement component 5 contributes to poor disease outcome in humans and mice with pneumococcal meningitis. J Clin Invest (2011) 1.24
Dexamethasone and pneumococcal meningitis. Ann Intern Med (2004) 1.23
Emergency diagnosis and treatment of adult meningitis. Lancet Infect Dis (2007) 1.23
Corticosteroids for acute bacterial meningitis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2013) 1.22
Antibiotic therapy for preventing infections in patients with acute stroke. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2012) 1.21
Community-acquired recurrent bacterial meningitis in adults. Clin Infect Dis (2007) 1.20
Cognitive outcome in adults after bacterial meningitis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (2007) 1.18
Diffuse cerebral intravascular coagulation and cerebral infarction in pneumococcal meningitis. Neurocrit Care (2010) 1.16
Listeria monocytogenes sequence type 6 and increased rate of unfavorable outcome in meningitis: epidemiologic cohort study. Clin Infect Dis (2013) 1.11
Soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 1: a biomarker for bacterial meningitis. Intensive Care Med (2006) 1.11
Characterization of a pneumococcal meningitis mouse model. BMC Infect Dis (2012) 1.11
Naturally occurring lipid A mutants in neisseria meningitidis from patients with invasive meningococcal disease are associated with reduced coagulopathy. PLoS Pathog (2009) 1.08
Prognostic risk score for pleocytosis with a negative gram stain: valid but of limited utility in bacterial meningitis patients. Mayo Clin Proc (2013) 1.07
Clinical features, outcome, and meningococcal genotype in 258 adults with meningococcal meningitis: a prospective cohort study. Medicine (Baltimore) (2008) 1.06
Daptomycin in experimental murine pneumococcal meningitis. BMC Infect Dis (2009) 1.05
Decompressive hemicraniectomy in cerebral sinus thrombosis: consecutive case series and review of the literature. Stroke (2009) 1.05
Corticosteroids for acute bacterial meningitis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2010) 1.04
Arthritis in adults with community-acquired bacterial meningitis: a prospective cohort study. BMC Infect Dis (2006) 1.04
Host genetics and outcome in meningococcal disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infect Dis (2010) 1.03
Drug Insight: steroids in CNS infectious diseases--new indications for an old therapy. Nat Clin Pract Neurol (2008) 1.02
Preventive antibiotics in stroke study: rationale and protocol for a randomised trial. Int J Stroke (2010) 1.01
Cerebral infarction in adults with bacterial meningitis. Neurocrit Care (2012) 1.00
Hydrocephalus in adults with community-acquired bacterial meningitis. Neurology (2010) 0.99
Cerebral venous thrombosis and thrombophilia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Semin Thromb Hemost (2013) 0.97
The effect of HIV infection on adult meningitis in Indonesia: a prospective cohort study. AIDS (2009) 0.96
An analysis of the sequence variability of meningococcal fHbp, NadA and NHBA over a 50-year period in the Netherlands. PLoS One (2013) 0.96
Preoperative cerebrospinal fluid cytokine levels and the risk of postoperative delirium in elderly hip fracture patients. J Neuroinflammation (2013) 0.95
Update on bacterial meningitis: epidemiology, trials and genetic association studies. Curr Opin Neurol (2013) 0.95
Resistance to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and Tropheryma whipplei. Int J Antimicrob Agents (2009) 0.95
Subdural empyema in bacterial meningitis. Neurology (2012) 0.91
Dexamethasone and long-term outcome in adults with bacterial meningitis. Ann Neurol (2006) 0.91
Intracerebral hemorrhages in adults with community associated bacterial meningitis in adults: should we reconsider anticoagulant therapy? PLoS One (2012) 0.90
Genetic variation and cerebrospinal fluid levels of mannose binding lectin in pneumococcal meningitis patients. PLoS One (2013) 0.90
Community-acquired bacterial meningitis in adults. Pract Neurol (2008) 0.89
Herpes simplex encephalitis with normal initial cerebrospinal fluid examination. J Am Geriatr Soc (2009) 0.89
Delayed cerebral thrombosis after initial good recovery from pneumococcal meningitis: past as prologue: delayed stroke as a parainfectious process of bacterial meningitis? Neurology (2010) 0.88
Decompressive hemicraniectomy followed by endovascular thrombosuction in a patient with cerebral venous thrombosis. J Neurol (2011) 0.87
Decompressive hemicraniectomy in severe cerebral venous thrombosis: a prospective case series. J Neurol (2011) 0.87
Common polymorphisms in the complement system and susceptiblity to bacterial meningitis. J Infect (2012) 0.86
Hyperglycemia in bacterial meningitis: a prospective cohort study. BMC Infect Dis (2009) 0.86
Signalling or binding: the role of the platelet-activating factor receptor in invasive pneumococcal disease. Cell Microbiol (2013) 0.86
Bacterial meningitis: a review of effective pharmacotherapy. Expert Opin Pharmacother (2007) 0.86
Genetic variation in the β2-adrenocepter gene is associated with susceptibility to bacterial meningitis in adults. PLoS One (2012) 0.86
Cognitive outcome in adults with moderate disability after pneumococcal meningitis. J Infect (2005) 0.85
Cognitive functioning and quality of life nine years after bacterial meningitis. J Infect (2010) 0.85
Corticosteroids for acute bacterial meningitis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2015) 0.85
A horse bite to remember. Lancet (2010) 0.84
Procoagulant and fibrinolytic activity in cerebrospinal fluid from adults with bacterial meningitis. J Infect (2007) 0.84
Neurosarcoidosis in a Tertiary Referral Center: A Cross-Sectional Cohort Study. Medicine (Baltimore) (2016) 0.83
High serum cholesterol levels are associated with herpes zoster infection after heart transplantation. Clin Infect Dis (2010) 0.83
Bacterial meningitis in adults after splenectomy and hyposplenic states. Mayo Clin Proc (2013) 0.83
Attenuated cerebrospinal fluid leukocyte count and sepsis in adults with pneumococcal meningitis: a prospective cohort study. BMC Infect Dis (2006) 0.83
Repeated lumbar puncture in adults with pneumococcal meningitis: an observational study. J Infect (2013) 0.83
Community-acquired bacterial meningitis in alcoholic patients. PLoS One (2010) 0.82
Risk score for identifying adults with CSF pleocytosis and negative CSF Gram stain at low risk for an urgent treatable cause. J Infect (2013) 0.82
Delayed cerebral thrombosis in bacterial meningitis: a prospective cohort study. Intensive Care Med (2012) 0.81
Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 influences cerebrovascular complications and death in pneumococcal meningitis. Acta Neuropathol (2013) 0.81
Update on the Preventive Antibiotics in Stroke Study (PASS): a randomised controlled phase 3 clinical trial. Trials (2014) 0.80
Brain teasing effect of dexamethasone. Lancet Neurol (2007) 0.80
Cerebral abscesses in patients with bacterial meningitis. J Infect (2011) 0.80
Association of chronic meningococcemia with infection by meningococci with underacylated lipopolysaccharide. J Infect (2011) 0.80
Nosocomial meningitis caused by gas producing Klebsiella pneumoniae. BMJ Case Rep (2012) 0.79
Genetic variation in inflammasome genes is associated with outcome in bacterial meningitis. Immunogenetics (2012) 0.79
Traumatic brain injury in rats induces lung injury and systemic immune suppression. J Neurotrauma (2013) 0.79
Genetics in meningococcal disease: one step beyond. Clin Infect Dis (2009) 0.78
Perfusion CT to evaluate the effect of transluminal angioplasty on cerebral perfusion in the treatment of vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurocrit Care (2007) 0.78
Meningococcal factor H binding protein fHbpd184 polymorphism influences clinical course of meningococcal meningitis. PLoS One (2012) 0.78
Prevalence and clinical course in invasive infections with meningococcal endotoxin variants. PLoS One (2012) 0.77
Meningitis-associated hearing loss: protection by adjunctive antioxidant therapy. Ann Neurol (2004) 0.77
Herpes reactivation in patients with bacterial meningitis. J Infect (2008) 0.77
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor, infection, the brain, and corticosteroids. Crit Care (2009) 0.77
Streptococcus pneumoniae arginine synthesis genes promote growth and virulence in pneumococcal meningitis. J Infect Dis (2013) 0.77
Validation of a Dutch risk score predicting poor outcome in adults with bacterial meningitis in Vietnam and Malawi. PLoS One (2012) 0.77
Glycerol in bacterial meningitis: one strike and out? Lancet Infect Dis (2011) 0.76
Endocarditis in adults with bacterial meningitis. Circulation (2013) 0.76
Delayed life-threatening subdural hematoma after minor head injury in a patient with severe coagulopathy: a case report. Cases J (2009) 0.75
Cryptococcal meningitis complicating sarcoidosis. Medicine (Baltimore) (2016) 0.75
Hydrocephalus in cerebral venous thrombosis. J Neurol (2015) 0.75