Published in BMJ Open on June 05, 2014
Counting the dead and what they died from: an assessment of the global status of cause of death data. Bull World Health Organ (2005) 15.50
Cohort profile: The Thai Cohort of 87,134 Open University students. Int J Epidemiol (2007) 3.79
The global burden of unintentional injuries and an agenda for progress. Epidemiol Rev (2010) 2.61
The more you drink, the harder you fall: a systematic review and meta-analysis of how acute alcohol consumption and injury or collision risk increase together. Drug Alcohol Depend (2010) 2.37
A critical assessment of mortality statistics in Thailand: potential for improvements. Bull World Health Organ (2006) 1.83
Estimated causes of death in Thailand, 2005: implications for health policy. Popul Health Metr (2010) 1.74
Verifying causes of death in Thailand: rationale and methods for empirical investigation. Popul Health Metr (2010) 1.63
Cause-specific mortality patterns among hospital deaths in Thailand: validating routine death certification. Popul Health Metr (2010) 1.60
The contribution of alcohol to serious car crash injuries. Epidemiology (2004) 1.47
A large national Thai Cohort Study of the Health-Risk Transition based on Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University students. ASEAN J Open Distance Learn (2012) 1.40
Excess injury mortality among smokers: a neglected tobacco hazard. Tob Control (2005) 1.25
The completeness of death registration in Thailand: Evidence from demographic surveillance system of the Kanchanaburi Project. World Health Popul (2006) 1.17
Assessing the association between all-cause mortality and multiple aspects of individual social capital among the older Japanese. BMC Public Health (2011) 1.16
Thailand's national death registration reform: verifying the causes of death between July 1997 and December 1999. Asia Pac J Public Health (2005) 1.15
Individual-level measures of social capital as predictors of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: a population-based prospective study of men and women in Finland. Eur J Epidemiol (2007) 1.06
Data sources for improving estimates of the global burden of injuries: call for contributors. PLoS Med (2009) 1.03
The national burden of road traffic injuries in Thailand. Popul Health Metr (2011) 1.03
Smoking as a risk factor for accident death: a meta-analysis of cohort studies. Accid Anal Prev (2000) 1.02
Association between heat stress and occupational injury among Thai workers: findings of the Thai Cohort Study. Ind Health (2013) 1.01
Distribution of transport injury and related risk behaviours in a large national cohort of Thai adults. Accid Anal Prev (2011) 0.95
Risk factors for injury in a national cohort of 87,134 Thai adults. Public Health (2011) 0.94
Major depression and injury risk. Can J Psychiatry (2010) 0.88
The global injury mortality data collection of the Global Burden of Disease Injury Expert Group: a publicly accessible research tool. Int J Inj Contr Saf Promot (2011) 0.87
The relationship between five different measures of structural social capital, medical examination outcomes, and mortality. Soc Sci Med (2013) 0.86
Measuring the global burden of road traffic injury: implications for low-income and middle-income countries. Inj Prev (2009) 0.84
Road traffic injuries in Thailand: current situation. J Med Assoc Thai (2012) 0.79
Epidemiologic approaches to injury and violence. Epidemiol Rev (2011) 0.78
Cohort profile: The Thai Cohort of 87,134 Open University students. Int J Epidemiol (2007) 3.79
Gender, socioeconomic status, and self-rated health in a transitional middle-income setting: evidence from Thailand. Asia Pac J Public Health (2010) 1.28
Used and foregone health services among a cohort of 87,134 adult open university students residing throughout Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health (2009) 1.14
Association between occupational heat stress and kidney disease among 37,816 workers in the Thai Cohort Study (TCS). J Epidemiol (2012) 1.07
Distribution of transport injury and related risk behaviours in a large national cohort of Thai adults. Accid Anal Prev (2011) 0.95
Risk factors for injury in a national cohort of 87,134 Thai adults. Public Health (2011) 0.94
Validity of self-reported hypertension: findings from the Thai Cohort Study compared to physician telephone interview. Glob J Health Sci (2013) 0.92
Oral Health-Related Quality of Life among a large national cohort of 87,134 Thai adults. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2011) 0.90
Review of injuries over a one year period among 87,134 adults studying at an open university in Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health (2010) 0.88
Heat stress, health and well-being: findings from a large national cohort of Thai adults. BMJ Open (2012) 0.85
Health, well-being, and social indicators among monks, prisoners, and other adult members of an Open University Cohort in Thailand. J Relig Health (2012) 0.84
Health-risk factors and the prevalence of hypertension: cross-sectional findings from a national cohort of 87,143 Thai Open University students. Glob J Health Sci (2013) 0.84
Secular changes and predictors of adult height for 86 105 male and female members of the Thai Cohort Study born between 1940 and 1990. J Epidemiol Community Health (2010) 0.84
Physically and psychologically hazardous jobs and mental health in Thailand. Health Promot Int (2013) 0.83
Risk factors for cardiovascular disease mortality among 86866 members of the Thai Cohort Study, 2005-2010. Glob J Health Sci (2015) 0.82
The impact of the Thai motorcycle transition on road traffic injury: Thai Cohort Study results. PLoS One (2015) 0.82
Short sleep and obesity in a large national cohort of Thai adults. BMJ Open (2012) 0.81
Determinants of workplace injury among Thai Cohort Study participants. BMJ Open (2013) 0.80
Alcohol consumption patterns in Thailand and their relationship with non-communicable disease. BMC Public Health (2015) 0.79
Factors associated with self-reported number of teeth in a large national cohort of Thai adults. BMC Oral Health (2011) 0.78
Epidemiological associations of hearing impairment and health among a national cohort of 87 134 adults in Thailand. Asia Pac J Public Health (2011) 0.77
Reporting of lifetime fractures: methodological considerations and results from the Thai Cohort Study. BMJ Open (2012) 0.77
The effect of injuries on health measured by short form 8 among a large cohort of Thai adults. PLoS One (2014) 0.77
Health-Risk Factors and the Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease: Cross-Sectional Findings from a National Cohort of 87,143 Thai Open University Students. Glob J Health Sci (2015) 0.76
Self-reported health and subsequent mortality: an analysis of 767 deaths from a large Thai cohort study. BMC Public Health (2014) 0.76
Low back pain and limitations of daily living in Asia: longitudinal findings in the Thai cohort study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord (2017) 0.75
Association between vision impairment and health among a national cohort of 87,134 Thai adults. Asia Pac J Public Health (2012) 0.75
Caregiving and mental health among workers: Longitudinal evidence from a large cohort of adults in Thailand. SSM Popul Health (2016) 0.75
The effect of pre-existing health conditions on the cost of recovery from road traffic injury: insights from data linkage of medicare and compensable injury claims in Victoria, Australia. BMC Health Serv Res (2016) 0.75
Smoking, smoking cessation, and 7-year mortality in a cohort of Thai adults. Popul Health Metr (2015) 0.75
Social capital dynamics and health in mid to later life: findings from Australia. Qual Life Res (2017) 0.75