Published in Front Comput Neurosci on July 01, 2014
Neurocognitive Architecture of Working Memory. Neuron (2015) 1.00
Large-Scale Simulations of Plastic Neural Networks on Neuromorphic Hardware. Front Neuroanat (2016) 0.78
Limitation in monitoring depth of anesthesia: a case report. J Anesth (2015) 0.77
Functional Relevance of Different Basal Ganglia Pathways Investigated in a Spiking Model with Reward Dependent Plasticity. Front Neural Circuits (2016) 0.76
A simplified computational memory model from information processing. Sci Rep (2016) 0.75
Reducing the computational footprint for real-time BCPNN learning. Front Neurosci (2015) 0.75
A Spiking Working Memory Model Based on Hebbian Short-Term Potentiation. J Neurosci (2017) 0.75
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Pattern separation in the dentate gyrus and CA3 of the hippocampus. Science (2007) 8.49
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Modeling hippocampal and neocortical contributions to recognition memory: a complementary-learning-systems approach. Psychol Rev (2003) 5.60
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Pattern separation in the human hippocampal CA3 and dentate gyrus. Science (2008) 5.56
Memory of sequential experience in the hippocampus during slow wave sleep. Neuron (2002) 5.53
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Synaptic theory of working memory. Science (2008) 4.87
Schemas and memory consolidation. Science (2007) 4.54
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Temporally structured replay of awake hippocampal ensemble activity during rapid eye movement sleep. Neuron (2001) 4.16
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Mechanism of graded persistent cellular activity of entorhinal cortex layer v neurons. Neuron (2006) 2.81
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Replay of rule-learning related neural patterns in the prefrontal cortex during sleep. Nat Neurosci (2009) 2.78
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Schema-dependent gene activation and memory encoding in neocortex. Science (2011) 2.65
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Mechanisms of adaptation in human auditory cortex. J Neurophysiol (2013) 0.89
Modeling the spontaneous reactivation of experience-specific hippocampal cell assembles during sleep. Hippocampus (1996) 0.86
Efficient partitioning of memory systems and its importance for memory consolidation. PLoS Comput Biol (2013) 0.86
A Bayesian attractor network with incremental learning. Network (2002) 0.83
Reactivation in working memory: an attractor network model of free recall. PLoS One (2013) 0.83
Potts-glass models of neural networks. Phys Rev A Gen Phys (1988) 0.82
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A single-trace dual-process model of episodic memory: a novel computational account of familiarity and recollection. Hippocampus (2010) 0.81
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Retrograde facilitation of memory by triazolam: effects on automatic processes. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2001) 0.80
Imposing biological constraints onto an abstract neocortical attractor network model. Neural Comput (2007) 0.80
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Hippocampal damage produces retrograde but not anterograde amnesia for a cued location in a spontaneous exploratory task in rats. Hippocampus (2010) 0.76