Published in PLoS One on October 17, 2014
Predictors of successful early infant diagnosis of HIV in a rural district hospital in Zambézia, Mozambique. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2011) 2.39
Scale-up of HIV treatment through PEPFAR: a historic public health achievement. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2012) 1.78
The problem of late ART initiation in Sub-Saharan Africa: a transient aspect of scale-up or a long-term phenomenon? J Health Care Poor Underserved (2013) 1.75
Sociocultural and epidemiological aspects of HIV/AIDS in Mozambique. BMC Int Health Hum Rights (2010) 1.64
Transitioning HIV care and treatment programs in southern Africa to full local management. AIDS (2012) 1.47
Lessons learned while implementing an HIV/AIDS care and treatment program in rural Mozambique. Retrovirology (Auckl) (2010) 1.36
Enrolment and programmatic trends and predictors of antiretroviral therapy initiation from president's emergency plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)-supported public HIV care and treatment sites in rural Mozambique. Int J STD AIDS (2011) 1.30
Barriers to antiretroviral therapy adherence in rural Mozambique. BMC Public Health (2011) 1.28
Game changers: why did the scale-up of HIV treatment work despite weak health systems? J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2011) 1.28
Why did the scale-up of HIV treatment work? A case example from Malawi. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2011) 1.24
Routine data from prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) HIV testing not yet ready for HIV surveillance in Mozambique: a retrospective analysis of matched test results. BMC Infect Dis (2013) 1.23
The association among literacy, numeracy, HIV knowledge and health-seeking behavior: a population-based survey of women in rural Mozambique. PLoS One (2012) 1.13
Addressing poor retention of infants exposed to HIV: a quality improvement study in rural Mozambique. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2012) 1.11
HIV knowledge and health-seeking behavior in Zambézia Province, Mozambique. SAHARA J (2012) 1.04
Supporting the massive scale-up of antiretroviral therapy: the evolution of PEPFAR-supported treatment facilities in South Africa, 2005-2009. BMC Public Health (2012) 1.00
Implementing OpenMRS for patient monitoring in an HIV/AIDS care and treatment program in rural Mozambique. Stud Health Technol Inform (2010) 0.90
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among women in rural Mozambique: development and validation of the HIV knowledge 27 scale. PLoS One (2012) 0.86
Implementing operational research to scale-up access to antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection: lessons learned from the Cameroonian experience. Curr Opin HIV AIDS (2011) 0.84