Published in Mil Med on April 01, 1989
A multistate outbreak of Salmonella enterica Serotype Newport infection linked to mango consumption: impact of water-dip disinfestation technology. Clin Infect Dis (2003) 2.57
Human Xq24-Xq28: approaches to mapping with yeast artificial chromosomes. Am J Hum Genet (1990) 2.45
Anticholinergic effects of drugs commonly prescribed for the elderly: potential means for assessing risk of delirium. Am J Psychiatry (1992) 1.78
Separating individual skin conductance responses in a short interstimulus-interval paradigm. J Neurosci Methods (2005) 1.59
Neuroleptic augmentation with alprazolam: clinical effects and pharmacokinetic correlates. Am J Psychiatry (1989) 1.48
Association of anticholinergic activity of prescribed medications with postoperative delirium. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci (1993) 1.46
Contribution of long-bone radiographs to the management of congenital syphilis in the newborn infant. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (1998) 1.44
Mycobacterium bovis infection in a grey seal pup (Halichoerus grypus). Vet Rec (2013) 1.43
Lobster sniffing: antennule design and hydrodynamic filtering of information in an odor plume. Science (2001) 1.41
Conditioned learning in alcohol dependence: implications for cue exposure treatment. Br J Addict (1990) 1.41
Safety and immunogenicity of a recombinant outer surface protein A Lyme vaccine. JAMA (1994) 1.36
Nonsense suppression in Schizosaccharomyces pombe: the S. pombe Sup3-e tRNASerUGA gene is active in S. cerevisiae. Mol Gen Genet (1982) 1.34
Urea carboxylase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Evidence for a minimal two-step reaction sequence. J Biol Chem (1973) 1.33
Possible failure of NADP-glutamate dehydrogenase to participate directly in nitrogen repression of the allantoin degradative enzymes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (1975) 1.32
A multi-center phase I study of clofarabine, etoposide and cyclophosphamide in combination in pediatric patients with refractory or relapsed acute leukemia. Leukemia (2009) 1.31
Melphalan in multiple myeloma. Blood (1967) 1.25
An intrinsic neuromuscular basis for mitral valve motion in the dog. Circ Res (1967) 1.24
Community-onset methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in an urban HIV clinic. HIV Med (2006) 1.22
Urea transport-defective strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Bacteriol (1976) 1.18
Cholinergic innervation of the canine and human ventricular conducting system. Anatomic and electrophysiologic correlations. Circulation (1974) 1.18
User interface preferences in a point-of-care data system. Proc AMIA Symp (1998) 1.18
Safety and immunogenicity of NYVAC-JEV and ALVAC-JEV attenuated recombinant Japanese encephalitis virus--poxvirus vaccines in vaccinia-nonimmune and vaccinia-immune humans. Vaccine (2000) 1.15
Clinical improvement with fluoxetine therapy and noradrenergic function in patients with panic disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry (1997) 1.14
Structure as revealed by airway dissection. A comparison of mammalian lungs. Am Rev Respir Dis (1983) 1.13
Serotonergic modulation of dopamine measured with [11C]raclopride and PET in normal human subjects. Am J Psychiatry (1997) 1.13
Structural basis of cardiac valvar function. Arch Surg (1966) 1.09
Enhancement of peripheral alpha-receptor stimulation by blockade of "silent" beta receptors. Circ Res (1967) 1.09
Editorial: Hypertension control--the challenge of patient education. N Engl J Med (1973) 1.09
Heart Autotransplantation: Effect on Myocardial Catecholamine and Histamine. Science (1962) 1.08
Glutamate modulation of dopamine measured in vivo with positron emission tomography (PET) and 11C-raclopride in normal human subjects. Neuropsychopharmacology (1998) 1.03
Regulation of postocclusive hyperemia by endogenously synthesized prostaglandins in the dog heart. J Clin Invest (1975) 1.03
Basic amino acid inhibition of growth in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (1976) 1.03
Histopathologic and immunohistochemical features in human skin after exposure to nitrogen and sulfur mustard. Am J Dermatopathol (1998) 1.03
Histochemical and chemical studies of the localization of adrenergic and cholinergic nerves in normal and denervated cat hearts. Circ Res (1967) 1.03
Nicotine-induced changes in neurotransmitter levels in brain areas associated with cognitive function. Neurochem Res (2004) 1.03
Plasma clozapine levels and clinical response for treatment-refractory schizophrenic patients. Am J Psychiatry (1995) 1.01
Early pharmacokinetics and clinical effects of oral D-amphetamine in normal subjects. Biol Psychiatry (1987) 1.01
A waterborne outbreak of Salmonella Saintpaul. Commun Dis Intell (2000) 1.01
Pseudomonas aeruginosa outbreaks in the neonatal intensive care unit--a systematic review of risk factors and environmental sources. J Med Microbiol (2012) 1.00
Direct positive inotropic effect of acetylcholine on myocardium. Evidence for multiple cholinergic receptors in the heart. Circ Res (1966) 0.99
Differences in nicotine-induced dopamine release and nicotine pharmacokinetics between Lewis and Fischer 344 rats. Neurochem Res (2001) 0.99
Radiotherapy demand and activity in England 2006-2020. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) (2013) 0.98
Cardiovascular response after cardiac autotransplant in primate. Arch Surg (1965) 0.97
Cardiac norepinephrine stores and the contractile state of heart muscle. Circ Res (1966) 0.96
Scrotal elephantiasis associated with hidradenitis suppurativa. Plast Reconstr Surg (1996) 0.96
Family caregiving to elderly African Americans: caregiver types and structures. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci (1999) 0.95
Extrahepatic biliary atresia in a rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta). Hepatology (1983) 0.94
Enhanced serotonergic responsivity following electroconvulsive therapy in patients with major depression. Br J Psychiatry (1992) 0.93
Inotropic agents in hypoxic cat myocardium: depression and potentiation. Circ Res (1972) 0.93
Work capacity and efficiency of the autotransplanted heart. Surg Forum (1966) 0.92
Variability in PAH-DNA adduct measurements in peripheral mononuclear cells: implications for quantitative cancer risk assessment. Risk Anal (1997) 0.92
Beta-endorphin--induced changes in schizophrenic and depressed patients. Arch Gen Psychiatry (1977) 0.91
Potential economic benefits of lower-extremity amputation prevention strategies in diabetes. Diabetes Care (1998) 0.91
cis-Dominant mutations which dramatically enhance DUR1,2 gene expression without affecting its normal regulation. Mol Cell Biol (1984) 0.91
Effects of compound MJ-1988 on myocardial contractility, oxygen consumption, coronary blood flow and vascular resistance. Br J Pharmacol Chemother (1967) 0.91
Respiratory bronchiolitis following long-term ozone exposure in bonnet monkeys: a morphometric study. Exp Lung Res (1985) 0.91
A candidate reference method for uric acid in serum. I. Optimization and evaluation. Clin Chem (1982) 0.91
The implementation of intensity-modulated radiotherapy in the UK. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) (2010) 0.90
An examination of next-day hangover effects after a 100 mg/100 ml dose of alcohol in heavy social drinkers. Addiction (1998) 0.89
Supersensitivity of the chronically denervated feline heart. Am J Physiol (1968) 0.89
Imipramine in adolescent major depression: plasma level and clinical response. Acta Psychiatr Scand (1986) 0.89
The denervated heart. A model for studying autonomic control of the heart. N Engl J Med (1974) 0.88
Direct myocardial effects of angiotensin II. Am J Physiol (1971) 0.88
Infectious disease: no cause for complacency. J Infect Dis (1976) 0.88
Histofluorescent study of catecholamine-containing elements in cholinergic ganglia from the calf and dog lung. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med (1973) 0.87
Studies of the chronic inhalation of coal fly ash by rats. Ann Occup Hyg (1982) 0.87
Effect of postpartum rest period in dairy cattle on the occurrence of breeding abnormalities and on calving intervals. J Am Vet Med Assoc (1970) 0.86
Studies on digitalis. XIV. Influence of cardiac norepinephrine stores on the response of isolated heart muscle to digitalis. Circ Res (1966) 0.86
Pharmacology of the coronary circulation. Annu Rev Pharmacol (1972) 0.86
The molecular biology of the sperm surface. Post-testicular membrane remodelling. Adv Exp Med Biol (1997) 0.85
Haloperidol blood levels and clinical effects. Arch Gen Psychiatry (1992) 0.85
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated systemic vasculitis after immunisation with bacterial proteins. Clin Exp Rheumatol (2003) 0.84
Noradrenergic function in obsessive-compulsive disorder: behavioral and neuroendocrine responses to clonidine and comparison to healthy controls. Psychiatry Res (1991) 0.84
Ventricular cholinergic receptor systems: interaction with adrenergic systems. J Pharmacol Exp Ther (1969) 0.83
Changes in the manufacture of expanded microporous polytetrafluoroethylene: effects on patency and histological behavior when used to replace the superior vena cava. Ann Thorac Surg (1979) 0.83
Achieving consensus on current and future priorities for farmed fish welfare: a case study from the UK. Fish Physiol Biochem (2010) 0.83
Elastin turnover in murine lung after repeated ozone exposure. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol (1981) 0.83
Progress with Intensity-modulated radiotherapy implementation in the UK. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) (2012) 0.83
The innervation of the mammalian lung. 3. Regression of the intrinsic nerves and of their afferent receptors following thoracic sympathectomy, cervical vagotomy or thoracic stripping of the vagus. Arch Surg (1968) 0.83
Potential of influenza vaccine and amantadine to prevent influenza A illness in Canadian forces personnel 1980-1983. Mil Med (1986) 0.83
Histamine excess symptoms in basophilic chronic granulocytic leukemia. Arch Intern Med (1973) 0.83
Surgical sympathectomy and adrenergic function. Pharmacol Rev (1966) 0.83
Normal myocardial adenyl cyclase activity in hyperthyroid cats. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med (1969) 0.82
Lymphatics of the heart. Anatomic effects following interruption of the drainage of cardiac lymph. Arch Pathol (1966) 0.82
Cloning of a mu-class glutathione S-transferase gene and identification of the glucocorticoid regulatory domains in its 5' flanking sequence. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1992) 0.82
Blunted serotonin response to fenfluramine challenge in premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Am J Psychiatry (1997) 0.82
Predictors of response to clozapine. J Clin Psychiatry (1994) 0.81
Variations in radiotherapy delivery in England - evidence from the national radiotherapy dataset. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) (2013) 0.81
Subcellular distribution of norepinephrine in the normal and surgically denervated cat heart. Biochem Pharmacol (1966) 0.81
Myocardial oxygen consumption following chronic cardiac denervation. Am J Physiol (1970) 0.81
Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis: metastatic infection in a golden hamster. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg (1980) 0.80
Maintenance of neurotrophically regulated proteins in denervated skeletal and cardiac muscle. Exp Neurol (1971) 0.80
Implementation of intensity-modulated radiotherapy: lessons learned and implications for the future. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) (2012) 0.80
Tyramine conjugation deficit in migraine, tension-type headache, and depression. Biol Psychiatry (1995) 0.80
Brain morphology, dopamine, and eye-tracking abnormalities in first-episode schizophrenia. Prevalence and clinical correlates. Arch Gen Psychiatry (1993) 0.80
Effects of clozapine on plasma catecholamines and relation to treatment response in schizophrenia: a within-subject comparison with haloperidol. Neuropsychopharmacology (1997) 0.80
Cocaine blockade of the acetylcholine positive inotropic response in ventricular myocardium. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med (1970) 0.80
Electrical activity of the canine mitral valve in situ. Am J Physiol (1969) 0.80
Immuno-competent cells in the murine epididymis. Int J Androl (1989) 0.80
Identification of drug-related cognitive impairment in older individuals. Challenge studies with diphenhydramine. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry (1997) 0.79