Published in Med Educ on January 01, 2015
Mini-med school for Aboriginal youth: experiential science outreach to tackle systemic barriers. Med Educ Online (2015) 0.80
Training for impact: the socio-economic impact of a fit for purpose health workforce on communities. Hum Resour Health (2016) 0.78
Widening participation in medicine: moving beyond the numbers. Med Educ (2015) 0.77
Diversity in medical school admission: insights from personnel recruitment and selection. Med Educ (2015) 0.76
Impact of medical student origins on the likelihood of ultimately practicing in areas of low vs high socio-economic status. BMC Med Educ (2017) 0.75
Factors influencing medical students' motivation to practise in rural areas in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review. BMJ Open (2017) 0.75
Medical schools in sub-Saharan Africa. Lancet (2010) 8.85
Consensus statement on concussion in sport: the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2012. Br J Sports Med (2013) 6.69
Tackling NCDs: a different approach is needed. Lancet (2011) 3.54
Consensus statement on Concussion in Sport 3rd International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2008. Clin J Sport Med (2009) 3.45
YouTube as a platform for publishing clinical skills training videos. Acad Med (2013) 3.17
Left to their own devices: medical learners' use of mobile technologies. Med Teach (2013) 2.49
Consensus statement on concussion in sport: the 3rd International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2008. J Athl Train (2009) 2.22
eDrug: a dynamic interactive electronic drug formulary for medical students. Br J Clin Pharmacol (2006) 1.86
Tackling social inequalities in health. Between statistics and strategies. Eur J Gen Pract (2003) 1.81
QUALICOPC, a multi-country study evaluating quality, costs and equity in primary care. BMC Fam Pract (2011) 1.77
Medical students as human subjects in educational research. Med Educ Online (2013) 1.67
Summary and agreement statement of the 2nd International Conference on Concussion in Sport, Prague 2004. Clin J Sport Med (2005) 1.57
Teaching communication skills to medical students, a challenge in the curriculum? Patient Educ Couns (2005) 1.56
Analysis of radiology education in undergraduate medical doctors training in Europe. Eur J Radiol (2010) 1.53
Consensus statement on concussion in sport--the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2012. Clin J Sport Med (2013) 1.50
Evidence-based approach to revising the SCAT2: introducing the SCAT3. Br J Sports Med (2013) 1.49
Towards a typology of virtual patients. Med Teach (2009) 1.49
Putting Communities in the Driver's Seat: The Realities of Community-Engaged Medical Education. Acad Med (2015) 1.46
Measures of quality, costs and equity in primary health care instruments developed to analyse and compare primary care in 35 countries. Qual Prim Care (2013) 1.41
Thinking ahead--the rising tide of AIDS orphans. S Afr Med J (2005) 1.41
Hyperinsulinemia, impaired glucose tolerance, and diabetes mellitus in survivors of childhood cancer: prevalence and risk factors. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2006) 1.39
Consensus statement on concussion in sport: the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport, Zurich, November 2012. J Athl Train (2013) 1.36
Consensus statement on concussion in sport - the Third International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2008. Phys Sportsmed (2009) 1.30
Medical education in an electronic health record-mediated world. Med Teach (2013) 1.25
The social gradient in doctor-patient communication. Int J Equity Health (2012) 1.19
Prevalence and prognosis of coexistent asymptomatic intracranial stenosis. Stroke (2008) 1.14
e-Learning in medical education Guide 32 Part 2: Technology, management and design. Med Teach (2008) 1.10
Validity of self-reported utilization of physician services: a population study. Eur J Public Health (2013) 1.10
Measuring social accountability in health professional education: development and international pilot testing of an evaluation framework. Med Teach (2012) 1.10
Technology-enabled assessment of health professions education: consensus statement and recommendations from the Ottawa 2010 Conference. Med Teach (2011) 1.10
Implementation of a program for type 2 diabetes based on the Chronic Care Model in a hospital-centered health care system: "the Belgian experience". BMC Health Serv Res (2009) 1.09
Slipped capital femoral epiphyses after total body irradiation. Pediatr Blood Cancer (2014) 1.07
Minimal uptake of sterile drug preparation equipment in a predominantly cocaine injecting population: implications for HIV and hepatitis C prevention. Int J Drug Policy (2006) 1.01
Hyperemesis gravidarum and Helicobacter pylori infection: a systematic review. Obstet Gynecol (2007) 1.01
Consensus statement on Concussion in Sport - The 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2012. Phys Ther Sport (2013) 1.01
Transforming health professional education through social accountability: Canada's Northern Ontario School of Medicine. Med Teach (2013) 1.00
Consensus statement on concussion in sport - The 3rd international conference on concussion in sport held in Zurich, November 2008. PM R (2009) 1.00
Consensus statement on concussion in sport: the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2012. J Am Coll Surg (2013) 0.99
Access to sterile injecting equipment is more important than awareness of HCV status for injection risk behaviors among drug users. Subst Use Misuse (2009) 0.98
Integrated bio-behavioural HIV surveillance surveys among female sex workers in Sudan, 2011-2012. Sex Transm Infect (2013) 0.96
Factors confounding the assessment of reflection: a critical review. BMC Med Educ (2011) 0.95
Low perceived benefits and self-efficacy are associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection-related risk among injection drug users. Soc Sci Med (2007) 0.95
Improving adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Latin America: reflections from an International Congress. Reprod Health (2015) 0.94
Strengthening weak primary care systems: steps towards stronger primary care in selected Western and Eastern European countries. Health Policy (2013) 0.93
Research learning from the UK Quality and Outcomes Framework: a review of existing research. Qual Prim Care (2010) 0.92
Alcohol use and pregnancy consensus clinical guidelines. J Obstet Gynaecol Can (2010) 0.92
The views of key leaders in South Africa on implementation of family medicine: critical role in the district health system. BMC Fam Pract (2014) 0.91
Does reflection have an effect upon case-solving abilities of undergraduate medical students? BMC Med Educ (2012) 0.91
Using video-cases to assess student reflection: development and validation of an instrument. BMC Med Educ (2012) 0.90
The national portfolio of learning for postgraduate family medicine training in South Africa: experiences of registrars and supervisors in clinical practice. BMC Med Educ (2013) 0.90
Participant perception of an integrated program for substance abuse in pregnancy. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs (2010) 0.90
Understanding medication adherence among patients of Turkish descent with type 2 diabetes: a qualitative study. Ethn Health (2014) 0.90
HIV among out-of-school youth in Eastern and Southern Africa: a review. AIDS Care (2011) 0.89
Summary and agreement statement of the first international conference on concussion in sport, vienna 2001. Phys Sportsmed (2002) 0.89
Retrospective review of prenatal care and perinatal outcomes in a group of uninsured pregnant women. J Obstet Gynaecol Can (2011) 0.89
Determinants of early childhood caries in a group of inner-city children. Quintessence Int (2006) 0.88
Sharing innovation: the case for technology standards in health professions education. Med Teach (2008) 0.88
The equity dimension in evaluations of the quality and outcomes framework: a systematic review. BMC Health Serv Res (2011) 0.88
Integrated care for pregnant women on methadone maintenance treatment: Canadian primary care cohort study. Can Fam Physician (2013) 0.88
Development of a portfolio of learning for postgraduate family medicine training in South Africa: a Delphi study. BMC Fam Pract (2012) 0.86
An XML standard for virtual patients: exchanging case-based simulations in medical education. AMIA Annu Symp Proc (2007) 0.86
Effectiveness of the introduction of a Chronic Care Model-based program for type 2 diabetes in Belgium. BMC Health Serv Res (2010) 0.86
Concurrency and the limited effectiveness of behavioural interventions on sexual risk behaviour of youth in sub-Saharan Africa. AIDS (2010) 0.85
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and comorbidities through the eyes of the patient. Chron Respir Dis (2012) 0.84
Consensus statement on Concussion in Sport--the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2012. J Sci Med Sport (2013) 0.84
eViP: sharing virtual patients across Europe. AMIA Annu Symp Proc (2008) 0.83
Geriatric day hospital: opportunity or threat? A qualitative exploratory study of the referral behaviour of Belgian general practitioners. BMC Health Serv Res (2010) 0.83
How equal is the relationship between individual social capital and psychological distress? A gendered analysis using cross-sectional data from Ghent (Belgium). BMC Public Health (2014) 0.83
Sexual onset and contraceptive use among adolescents from poor neighbourhoods in Managua, Nicaragua. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care (2014) 0.83
Milestones on the social accountability journey: Family medicine practice locations of Northern Ontario School of Medicine graduates. Can Fam Physician (2016) 0.83
An interdisciplinary community diagnosis experience in an undergraduate medical curriculum: development at Ghent University. Acad Med (2008) 0.83
Engaging GPs in insulin therapy initiation: a qualitative study evaluating a support program in the Belgian context. BMC Fam Pract (2014) 0.83
Why do GPs hesitate to refer diabetes patients to a self-management education program: a qualitative study. BMC Fam Pract (2011) 0.82
Prevalence and evolution of intimate partner violence before and during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth (2014) 0.82
The training for health equity network evaluation framework: a pilot study at five health professional schools. Educ Health (Abingdon) (2014) 0.82
Brain functions after sports-related concussion: insights from event-related potentials and functional MRI. Phys Sportsmed (2010) 0.82
Twelve tips for designing and running longitudinal integrated clerkships. Med Teach (2013) 0.82
Unique health care utilization patterns in a homeless population in Ghent. BMC Health Serv Res (2010) 0.82
Sexual coercion among in-school adolescents in Rwanda: prevalence and correlates of victimization and normative acceptance. Afr J Reprod Health (2012) 0.81
A novel Medical Achievement Self-efficacy Scale (MASS): a valid and reliable tool. Med Teach (2013) 0.80
The national portfolio for postgraduate family medicine training in South Africa: a descriptive study of acceptability, educational impact, and usefulness for assessment. BMC Med Educ (2013) 0.80
Managing adverse birth outcomes: helping parents and families cope. Am Fam Physician (2012) 0.80
Language, culture and emotions: exploring ethnic minority patients' emotional expressions in primary healthcare consultations. Patient Educ Couns (2011) 0.79
METRO--the creation of a taxonomy for medical education. Health Info Libr J (2004) 0.79
HIV prevention through sport: the case of the Mathare Youth Sport Association in Kenya. AIDS Care (2010) 0.79
Exploring the consequences of combining medical students with and without a background in biomedical sciences. Med Educ (2014) 0.78
Managing the complexity of doing it all: an exploratory study on students' experiences when trained stepwise in conducting consultations. BMC Med Educ (2014) 0.78
The E-learning evolution-leveraging new technology approaches to advance healthcare education. Med Teach (2008) 0.78
Summary and agreement statement of the second international conference on concussion in sport, prague 2004. Phys Sportsmed (2005) 0.78
Impact of three alternative consultation training formats on self-efficacy and consultation skills of medical students. Med Teach (2012) 0.78
Undocumented pregnant women: what does the literature tell us? J Immigr Minor Health (2013) 0.78
Neighborhood differences in social capital in Ghent (Belgium): a multilevel approach. Int J Health Geogr (2013) 0.78
Indigenous perspectives on the desired attributes of medical graduates practising in remote communities: a Northwest Queensland pilot study. Aust J Rural Health (2013) 0.77
Conceptual and practical challenges in the assessment of physician competencies. Med Teach (2014) 0.77
Roundtable: revisiting innovative leaders in medical education. MEDICC Rev (2011) 0.77
Global health: networking innovative academic institutions. Infect Dis Clin North Am (2011) 0.77
A comparison of peripheral and centrally collected cyclosporine a blood levels in pediatric patients undergoing stem cell transplant. Oncol Nurs Forum (2005) 0.77