M C Mathieu

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Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Prognostic value of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes on residual disease after primary chemotherapy for triple-negative breast cancer: a retrospective multicenter study. Ann Oncol 2014 1.45
2 Structure and expression of c-erbB-2 and EGF receptor genes in inflammatory and non-inflammatory breast cancer: prognostic significance. Int J Cancer 1989 1.35
3 Agreement between chromogenic in situ hybridisation (CISH) and FISH in the determination of HER2 status in breast cancer. Br J Cancer 2003 1.17
4 Retained surgical sponge or gossypiboma of the breast. Eur J Radiol 2002 1.13
5 Breast elasticity: principles, technique, results: an update and overview of commercially available software. Eur J Radiol 2012 1.10
6 Main drug-metabolizing enzyme systems in human breast tumors and peritumoral tissues. Cancer Res 1993 0.99
7 c-erbB-2 (HER-2/neu) gene amplification is a better indicator of poor prognosis than protein over-expression in operable breast-cancer patients. Int J Cancer 2001 0.98
8 Loss of heterozygosity, allele silencing and decreased expression of p73 gene in breast cancers: prevalence of alterations in inflammatory breast cancers. Oncogene 2000 0.96
9 Array CGH and PIK3CA/AKT1 mutations to drive patients to specific targeted agents: a clinical experience in 108 patients with metastatic breast cancer. Eur J Cancer 2012 0.95
10 Primary proliferative T cell response to wild-type p53 protein in patients with breast cancer. Eur J Immunol 1995 0.95
11 c-myc, p53 and bcl-2, apoptosis-related genes in infiltrating breast carcinomas: evidence of a link between bcl-2 protein over-expression and a lower risk of metastasis and death in operable patients. Int J Cancer 1999 0.92
12 Prognostic significance of S-phase fraction in good-risk, node-negative breast cancer patients. J Clin Oncol 1992 0.92
13 [Recommendations for the immunohistochemical evaluation of hormone receptors on paraffin sections of breast cancer. Study Group on Hormone Receptors using Immunohistochemistry FNCLCC/AFAQAP. National Federation of Centres to Combat Cancer/French Association for Quality Assurance in Pathology]. Ann Pathol 1996 0.91
14 Efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy according to Prion protein expression in patients with estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer. Ann Oncol 2007 0.91
15 Modulation of ER phosphorylation on serine 118 by endocrine therapy: a new surrogate marker for efficacy. Ann Oncol 2008 0.87
16 p53 protein overexpression and chemosensitivity in breast cancer. Institut Gustave-Roussy Breast Cancer Group. Lancet 1995 0.85
17 Tubular adenoma of the breast with associated mucinous features: a cytological diagnostic trap. Cytopathology 2009 0.82
18 p53 mediated tumor cell response to chemotherapeutic DNA damage: a preliminary study in matched pairs of breast cancer biopsies. Hum Pathol 1995 0.82
19 Cranial fasciitis in an adult: CT and MR imaging findings. Eur Radiol 1999 0.79
20 Strategies for cancer gene therapy using adenoviral vectors. J Mol Med (Berl) 1996 0.79
21 [Prostatic carcinoma: immunoperoxidase study with antisera against prostatic acid phosphatase and the prostate-specific antigen]. Bull Cancer 1985 0.79
22 Visualization of the plasmin receptor on sections of human mammary carcinoma cells. Int J Cancer 1993 0.78
23 Intratumor treatment of C3H mouse mammary carcinoma with 5-fluorouracil adsorbed on activated charcoal particles. Anticancer Drugs 1992 0.78
24 Formulation of a charcoal suspension for intratumor injection. Part 1: Study of the nature, granulometry, and concentration. Pharm Res 1997 0.78
25 [HER2 gene amplification assay: is CISH an alternative to FISH?]. Ann Pathol 2003 0.77
26 [Anatomopathologic aspects of "borderline" breast lesions]. Pathol Biol (Paris) 1990 0.77
27 Challenging single- and multi-probesets gene expression signatures of pathological complete response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer: experience of the REMAGUS 02 phase II trial. Breast 2013 0.75
28 Formulation of a charcoal suspension for intratumoral injection. Study of galenical excipients. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 1999 0.75
29 [Treatment of malignant melanoma through 3 case reports]. Soins Chir 1985 0.75
30 [Immunohistologic marking of epithelial antigens in sarcomatoid carcinomas of the upper aerodigestive tracts]. Ann Pathol 1986 0.75
31 [Standardization of tests for the pathology of the breast]. Bull Cancer 1996 0.75
32 FNAC of a breast lesion after treatment for carcinoma. Cytopathology 2007 0.75
33 Immunohistochemistry in the diagnosis of difficult cases of prostatic cancer. Prog Clin Biol Res 1987 0.75
34 [Value of 2 monoclonal antibodies in the diagnosis of tumors of the uterine cervix]. Arch Anat Cytol Pathol 1986 0.75
35 [Sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer. Will this lead to the end of lymphadenectomy for small tumors without suspected axillary adenopathy?]. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2002 0.75
36 [Pathological anatomy of breast cancers]. Rev Prat 1998 0.75
37 [Anatomopathological problems of mastopathies at risk]. Arch Anat Cytol Pathol 1994 0.75
38 Breast radiological cases: training with BIRADS classification. Eur J Radiol 2005 0.75
39 [Fc receptors and immunomodulating effects of immunoglobulins. In vitro study]. Presse Med 1983 0.75
40 [Nipple areola complex conservation in immediate breast reconstruction: prospective study of 66 cases]. J Chir (Paris) 2008 0.75