Published in Eur J Clin Nutr on April 22, 2015
A cost constraint alone has adverse effects on food selection and nutrient density: an analysis of human diets by linear programming. J Nutr (2002) 2.65
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Diet optimization methods can help translate dietary guidelines into a cancer prevention food plan. J Nutr (2009) 1.38
Impact of a cost constraint on nutritionally adequate food choices for French women: an analysis by linear programming. J Nutr Educ Behav (2006) 1.36
Design of optimal food-based complementary feeding recommendations and identification of key "problem nutrients" using goal programming. J Nutr (2006) 1.13
Linear programming: a mathematical tool for analyzing and optimizing children's diets during the complementary feeding period. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr (2003) 1.11
The 2005 USDA Food Guide Pyramid is associated with more adequate nutrient intakes within energy constraints than the 1992 Pyramid. J Nutr (2006) 1.07
The use of fuzzy logic in nutrition. J Nutr (1996) 0.89
Linear and nonlinear programming to optimize the nutrient density of a population's diet: an example based on diets of preschool children in rural Malawi. Am J Clin Nutr (2002) 0.89
Fuzzy sets and fuzzy decision making in nutrition. Eur J Clin Nutr (1997) 0.84
How optimal are computer-calculated optimal diets? Eur J Clin Nutr (1999) 0.84
Development of the HELIUS food frequency questionnaires: ethnic-specific questionnaires to assess the diet of a multiethnic population in The Netherlands. Eur J Clin Nutr (2014) 0.85
Adherence to the Dutch dietary guidelines is inversely associated with 20-year mortality in a large prospective cohort study. Eur J Clin Nutr (2015) 0.80
Differences in dietary intake during chemotherapy in breast cancer patients compared to women without cancer. Support Care Cancer (2017) 0.75
Associations between company at dinner and daily diet quality in Dutch men and women from the NQplus study. Eur J Clin Nutr (2016) 0.75