Published in PLoS Med on July 21, 2015
Sharing Individual Participant Data (IPD) within the Context of the Trial Reporting System (TRS). PLoS Med (2016) 1.02
External validation of clinical prediction models using big datasets from e-health records or IPD meta-analysis: opportunities and challenges. BMJ (2016) 0.96
How individual participant data meta-analyses have influenced trial design, conduct, and analysis. J Clin Epidemiol (2015) 0.88
Chemotherapy vs supportive care alone for relapsed gastric, gastroesophageal junction, and oesophageal adenocarcinoma: a meta-analysis of patient-level data. Br J Cancer (2016) 0.80
Individual Participant Data (IPD) Meta-analyses of Diagnostic and Prognostic Modeling Studies: Guidance on Their Use. PLoS Med (2015) 0.79
Protocol for Combined Analysis of FOXFIRE, SIRFLOX, and FOXFIRE-Global Randomized Phase III Trials of Chemotherapy +/- Selective Internal Radiation Therapy as First-Line Treatment for Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. JMIR Res Protoc (2017) 0.77
Do self-management interventions in COPD patients work and which patients benefit most? An individual patient data meta-analysis. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis (2016) 0.77
Retrieval of Individual Participant Data for Exercise Meta-Analyses May Not Be Worth the Time and Effort. Biomed Res Int (2016) 0.75
Best practice for analysis of shared clinical trial data. BMC Med Res Methodol (2016) 0.75
Meta-analysis using individual participant data: one-stage and two-stage approaches, and why they may differ. Stat Med (2016) 0.75
Meta-analysis in clinical trials. Control Clin Trials (1986) 144.91
Statistical aspects of the analysis of data from retrospective studies of disease. J Natl Cancer Inst (1959) 94.48
The Cochrane Collaboration's tool for assessing risk of bias in randomised trials. BMJ (2011) 29.14
Tamoxifen for early breast cancer: an overview of the randomised trials. Early Breast Cancer Trialists' Collaborative Group. Lancet (1998) 22.64
Systematic reviews in health care: Assessing the quality of controlled clinical trials. BMJ (2001) 20.65
Beta blockade during and after myocardial infarction: an overview of the randomized trials. Prog Cardiovasc Dis (1985) 19.03
Recommendations for examining and interpreting funnel plot asymmetry in meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials. BMJ (2011) 6.80
Meta-analysis of the literature or of individual patient data: is there a difference? Lancet (1993) 6.16
Statistical considerations in the intent-to-treat principle. Control Clin Trials (2000) 5.77
The impact of outcome reporting bias in randomised controlled trials on a cohort of systematic reviews. BMJ (2010) 5.70
Meta-analysis of individual participant data: rationale, conduct, and reporting. BMJ (2010) 5.60
Practical methodology of meta-analyses (overviews) using updated individual patient data. Cochrane Working Group. Stat Med (1995) 5.48
Randomisation. BMJ (1991) 4.66
Adjuvant chemotherapy for localised resectable soft-tissue sarcoma of adults: meta-analysis of individual data. Sarcoma Meta-analysis Collaboration. Lancet (1997) 4.45
The Cochrane collaboration: preparing, maintaining, and disseminating systematic reviews of the effects of health care. Ann N Y Acad Sci (1993) 4.07
Investigating patient exclusion bias in meta-analysis. Int J Epidemiol (2004) 3.90
Reducing uncertainties about the effects of chemoradiotherapy for cervical cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data from 18 randomized trials. J Clin Oncol (2008) 3.45
The appropriateness of asymmetry tests for publication bias in meta-analyses: a large survey. CMAJ (2007) 3.40
Meta-analysis of individual patient data from randomized trials: a review of methods used in practice. Clin Trials (2005) 3.19
An international registry of systematic-review protocols. Lancet (2010) 3.12
To IPD or not to IPD? Advantages and disadvantages of systematic reviews using individual patient data. Eval Health Prof (2002) 3.11
The nuts and bolts of PROSPERO: an international prospective register of systematic reviews. Syst Rev (2012) 2.86
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses of individual participant data: the PRISMA-IPD Statement. JAMA (2015) 2.68
Sample size slippages in randomised trials: exclusions and the lost and wayward. Lancet (2002) 2.62
Individual patient- versus group-level data meta-regressions for the investigation of treatment effect modifiers: ecological bias rears its ugly head. Stat Med (2002) 2.49
Comparison of meta-analysis versus analysis of variance of individual patient data. Biometrics (1998) 2.11
Meta-analysis of continuous outcome data from individual patients. Stat Med (2001) 2.07
A multilevel model framework for meta-analysis of clinical trials with binary outcomes. Stat Med (2000) 2.06
A comparison of meta-analytic results using literature vs individual patient data. Paternal cell immunization for recurrent miscarriage. JAMA (1995) 2.02
Investigating heterogeneity in an individual patient data meta-analysis of time to event outcomes. Stat Med (2005) 1.86
Assessment of publication bias, selection bias, and unavailable data in meta-analyses using individual participant data: a database survey. BMJ (2012) 1.80
Chemotherapy in advanced ovarian cancer: an overview of randomised clinical trials. Advanced Ovarian Cancer Trialists Group. BMJ (1991) 1.78
Evidence synthesis combining individual patient data and aggregate data: a systematic review identified current practice and possible methods. J Clin Epidemiol (2007) 1.71
Meta-analysis of continuous outcomes combining individual patient data and aggregate data. Stat Med (2008) 1.65
Statistical analysis of individual participant data meta-analyses: a comparison of methods and recommendations for practice. PLoS One (2012) 1.50
Random effects meta-analysis of event outcome in the framework of the generalized linear mixed model with applications in sparse data. Stat Med (2010) 1.50
A critical review of methods for the assessment of patient-level interactions in individual participant data meta-analysis of randomized trials, and guidance for practitioners. J Clin Epidemiol (2011) 1.40
Published methodological quality of randomized controlled trials does not reflect the actual quality assessed in protocols. J Clin Epidemiol (2012) 1.32
On the equivalence of meta-analysis using literature and using individual patient data. Biometrics (1999) 1.24
Meta-analysis of ordinal outcomes using individual patient data. Stat Med (2001) 1.23
Confounding of subgroup analyses in randomized data. Arch Intern Med (2009) 1.19
Individual participant data meta-analysis of prognostic factor studies: state of the art? BMC Med Res Methodol (2012) 1.15
Early glycoprotein IIb-IIIa inhibitors in primary angioplasty (EGYPT) cooperation: an individual patient data meta-analysis. Heart (2008) 1.07
Meta-analysis of diagnostic test studies using individual patient data and aggregate data. Stat Med (2008) 1.07
A comparison of methods for fixed effects meta-analysis of individual patient data with time to event outcomes. Clin Trials (2007) 1.07
A framework for developing, implementing, and evaluating clinical prediction models in an individual participant data meta-analysis. Stat Med (2013) 1.05
High-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation in the first line treatment of aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2008) 1.01
Individual participant data meta-analyses should not ignore clustering. J Clin Epidemiol (2013) 1.00
Can trial quality be reliably assessed from published reports of cancer trials: evaluation of risk of bias assessments in systematic reviews. BMJ (2013) 0.98
Publication bias and meta-analyses: a practical example. Int J Technol Assess Health Care (2003) 0.97
Individual patient-versus literature-based meta-analysis of survival data: time to event and event rate at a particular time can make a difference, an example based on head and neck cancer. Control Clin Trials (2001) 0.96
Individual patient data meta-analysis of time-to-event outcomes: one-stage versus two-stage approaches for estimating the hazard ratio under a random effects model. Res Synth Methods (2011) 0.94
Multivariate meta-analysis using individual participant data. Res Synth Methods (2014) 0.94
Empirical comparison of subgroup effects in conventional and individual patient data meta-analyses. Int J Technol Assess Health Care (2008) 0.93
Comparison of one-step and two-step meta-analysis models using individual patient data. Biom J (2010) 0.92
An individual patient data meta-analysis of adjuvant therapy with uracil-tegafur (UFT) in patients with curatively resected rectal cancer. Br J Cancer (2007) 0.89
How individual participant data meta-analyses have influenced trial design, conduct, and analysis. J Clin Epidemiol (2015) 0.88
Uptake of systematic reviews and meta-analyses based on individual participant data in clinical practice guidelines: descriptive study. BMJ (2015) 0.85
Value of updating a systematic review in surgery using individual patient data. Br J Surg (2004) 0.79
Letter to the editor. Int J Cancer (2016) 1.04