Published in Soc Sci Med on October 22, 2015
Validity of a Job-Exposure Matrix for Psychosocial Job Stressors: Results from the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey. PLoS One (2016) 0.76
Work stress and cardiovascular disease: a life course perspective. J Occup Health (2016) 0.75
Work-family life courses and BMI trajectories in three British birth cohorts. Int J Obes (Lond) (2016) 0.75
A life course approach to chronic disease epidemiology: conceptual models, empirical challenges and interdisciplinary perspectives. Int J Epidemiol (2002) 15.31
The Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ): an instrument for internationally comparative assessments of psychosocial job characteristics. J Occup Health Psychol (1998) 11.87
Contribution of job control and other risk factors to social variations in coronary heart disease incidence. Lancet (1997) 10.44
Job strain as a risk factor for coronary heart disease: a collaborative meta-analysis of individual participant data. Lancet (2012) 9.43
Conservation of resources. A new attempt at conceptualizing stress. Am Psychol (1989) 7.64
Life course epidemiology. J Epidemiol Community Health (2003) 6.75
Low job control and risk of coronary heart disease in Whitehall II (prospective cohort) study. BMJ (1997) 6.13
Psychosocial work environment and mental health--a meta-analytic review. Scand J Work Environ Health (2006) 5.01
Consequences associated with work-to-family conflict: a review and agenda for future research. J Occup Health Psychol (2000) 4.61
Job strain and cardiovascular disease. Annu Rev Public Health (1994) 4.59
Long-term psychosocial work environment and cardiovascular mortality among Swedish men. Am J Public Health (1996) 3.24
Job strain, job demands, decision latitude, and risk of coronary heart disease within the Whitehall II study. J Epidemiol Community Health (2003) 2.65
Double burden or double blessing? Employment, motherhood and mortality in the Longitudinal Study of England and Wales. Soc Sci Med (1994) 2.33
Mortality after the death of a spouse: rates and causes of death in a large Finnish cohort. Am J Public Health (1996) 2.16
Work-family conflict and employee psychiatric disorders: the National Comorbidity Survey. J Appl Psychol (2000) 2.02
Links in the chain of adversity following job loss: how financial strain and loss of personal control lead to depression, impaired functioning, and poor health. J Occup Health Psychol (2002) 1.63
Is hypertension associated with job strain? A meta-analysis of observational studies. Occup Environ Med (2013) 1.60
Job stress and cardiovascular disease: a theoretic critical review. J Occup Health Psychol (1996) 1.56
The inverse hazard law: blood pressure, sexual harassment, racial discrimination, workplace abuse and occupational exposures in US low-income black, white and Latino workers. Soc Sci Med (2008) 1.54
Multiple roles and health among British and Finnish women: the influence of socioeconomic circumstances. Soc Sci Med (2002) 1.50
Managers' practices related to work-family balance predict employee cardiovascular risk and sleep duration in extended care settings. J Occup Health Psychol (2010) 1.45
Workplace conditions, socioeconomic status, and the risk of mortality and acute myocardial infarction: the Kuopio Ischemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study. Am J Public Health (1997) 1.45
Work organization, job insecurity, and occupational health disparities. Am J Ind Med (2012) 1.39
Women's employment, marriage, motherhood and mortality: a test of the multiple role and role accumulation hypotheses. Soc Sci Med (1995) 1.35
Incorporating home demands into models of job strain: findings from the work, family, and health network. J Occup Environ Med (2008) 1.20
Testing the Job Demand-Control-Support model with anxiety and depression as outcomes: the Hordaland Health Study. Occup Med (Lond) (2005) 1.19
Job control, personal characteristics, and heart disease. J Occup Health Psychol (1998) 1.17
Social roles and health trends of American women. Milbank Mem Fund Q Health Soc (1985) 1.09
Work-family conflicts and drinking behaviours among employed women and men. Drug Alcohol Depend (2005) 1.09
Mortality, severe morbidity and injury among long-term lone mothers in Sweden. Int J Epidemiol (2002) 1.07
Indicators of job strain at midlife and cognitive functioning in advanced old age. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci (2011) 1.06
The mental health effects of multiple work and family demands. A prospective study of psychiatric sickness absence in the French GAZEL study. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (2007) 0.99
Life course social roles and women's health in mid-life: causation or selection? J Epidemiol Community Health (2006) 0.95
Work and family demands: predictors of all-cause sickness absence in the GAZEL cohort. Eur J Public Health (2011) 0.94
Is the effect of work stress on cardiovascular mortality confounded by socioeconomic factors in the Valmet study? J Epidemiol Community Health (2004) 0.94
Use of life course work-family profiles to predict mortality risk among US women. Am J Public Health (2015) 0.89
Mothering alone: cross-national comparisons of later-life disability and health among women who were single mothers. J Epidemiol Community Health (2015) 0.80
The long-run effect of maternity leave benefits on mental health: evidence from European countries. Soc Sci Med (2015) 0.80