A Method to Estimate the Size and Characteristics of HIV-positive Populations Using an Individual-based Stochastic Simulation Model.

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Published in Epidemiology on March 01, 2016


Fumiyo Nakagawa1, Ard van Sighem, Rodolphe Thiebaut, Colette Smith, Oliver Ratmann, Valentina Cambiano, Jan Albert, Andrew Amato-Gauci, Daniela Bezemer, Colin Campbell, Daniel Commenges, Martin Donoghoe, Deborah Ford, Roger Kouyos, Rebecca Lodwick, Jens Lundgren, Nikos Pantazis, Anastasia Pharris, Chantal Quinten, Claire Thorne, Giota Touloumi, Valerie Delpech, Andrew Phillips, SSOPHIE project working group in EuroCoord

Author Affiliations

1: From the aResearch Department of Infection and Population Health, UCL, London, United Kingdom; bStichting HIV Monitoring, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; cINSERM, Centre INSERM U897, Bordeaux, France; dDepartment of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom; eDepartment of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden; fDepartment of Clinical Microbiology, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden; gEuropean Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Stockholm, Sweden; hCEEISCAT, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain; iWHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark; jInstitute of Clinical Trials and Methodology, UCL, London, United Kingdom; kDivision of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; lResearch Department of Primary Care and Population Health, UCL, London, United Kingdom; mCHIP @ Department of Infectious Diseases, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; nDepartment of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, University of Athens Medical School, Athens, Greece; oUCL Institute of Child Health, UCL, London, United Kingdom; and pPublic Health England, London, United Kingdom.

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