Published in Front Plant Sci on January 22, 2016
Overexpression of a New Osmotin-Like Protein Gene (SindOLP) Confers Tolerance against Biotic and Abiotic Stresses in Sesame. Front Plant Sci (2017) 0.75
Expression of cold and drought regulatory protein (CcCDR) of pigeonpea imparts enhanced tolerance to major abiotic stresses in transgenic rice plants. Planta (2017) 0.75
Reactive oxygen species and antioxidant machinery in abiotic stress tolerance in crop plants. Plant Physiol Biochem (2010) 8.70
Cell signaling during cold, drought, and salt stress. Plant Cell (2002) 6.67
bZIP transcription factors in Arabidopsis. Trends Plant Sci (2002) 5.69
The interaction of plant biotic and abiotic stresses: from genes to the field. J Exp Bot (2012) 3.51
Recent advances in engineering plant tolerance to abiotic stress: achievements and limitations. Curr Opin Biotechnol (2005) 3.32
The effect of drought and heat stress on reproductive processes in cereals. Plant Cell Environ (2007) 3.17
Priming in systemic plant immunity. Science (2009) 3.11
Functional analysis of a NAC-type transcription factor OsNAC6 involved in abiotic and biotic stress-responsive gene expression in rice. Plant J (2007) 2.79
Molecular mapping of rice chromosomes. Theor Appl Genet (1988) 2.33
The defensive role of nonspecific lipid-transfer proteins in plants. Trends Microbiol (1995) 1.34
OsSUV3 dual helicase functions in salinity stress tolerance by maintaining photosynthesis and antioxidant machinery in rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. IR64). Plant J (2013) 1.34
MYB96-mediated abscisic acid signals induce pathogen resistance response by promoting salicylic acid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. New Phytol (2010) 1.29
The eight-cysteine motif, a versatile structure in plant proteins. Plant Physiol Biochem (2004) 1.20
Arabidopsis enhanced drought tolerance1/HOMEODOMAIN GLABROUS11 confers drought tolerance in transgenic rice without yield penalty. Plant Physiol (2013) 1.15
Enhanced resistance to sheath blight by constitutive expression of infection-related rice chitinase in transgenic elite indica rice cultivars. Plant Sci (2001) 1.14
WRKY76 is a rice transcriptional repressor playing opposite roles in blast disease resistance and cold stress tolerance. J Exp Bot (2013) 1.14
A soybean gene encoding a proline-rich protein is regulated by salicylic acid, an endogenous circadian rhythm and by various stresses. Theor Appl Genet (2002) 1.09
Copper chaperone antioxidant protein1 is essential for copper homeostasis. Plant Physiol (2012) 1.09
OsLEA3-2, an abiotic stress induced gene of rice plays a key role in salt and drought tolerance. PLoS One (2012) 1.07
Molecular mechanisms regulating rapid stress signaling networks in Arabidopsis. J Integr Plant Biol (2010) 1.07
Expression of pigeonpea hybrid-proline-rich protein encoding gene (CcHyPRP) in yeast and Arabidopsis affords multiple abiotic stress tolerance. Plant Biotechnol J (2010) 1.06
Recent advances in dissecting stress-regulatory crosstalk in rice. Mol Plant (2013) 1.06
Lipid transfer protein 3 as a target of MYB96 mediates freezing and drought stress in Arabidopsis. J Exp Bot (2013) 1.05
Enhanced resistance to blast (Magnaporthe grisea) in transgenic Japonica rice by constitutive expression of rice chitinase. Theor Appl Genet (1999) 1.03
Plant bZIP transcription factors responsive to pathogens: a review. Int J Mol Sci (2013) 1.02
Overexpression of pigeonpea stress-induced cold and drought regulatory gene (CcCDR) confers drought, salt, and cold tolerance in Arabidopsis. J Exp Bot (2014) 1.01
The phytohormone crosstalk paradigm takes center stage in understanding how plants respond to abiotic stresses. Plant Cell Rep (2013) 1.00
Post-transcriptional regulation of a salt-inducible alfalfa gene encoding a putative chimeric proline-rich cell wall protein. Plant Mol Biol (1995) 0.99
Isolation and characterization of a pigeonpea cyclophilin (CcCYP) gene, and its over-expression in Arabidopsis confers multiple abiotic stress tolerance. Plant Cell Environ (2010) 0.96
Induction of pathogen resistance in barley by abiotic stress. Plant Biol (Stuttg) (2004) 0.96
A novel wheat bZIP transcription factor, TabZIP60, confers multiple abiotic stress tolerances in transgenic Arabidopsis. Physiol Plant (2014) 0.94
Rice WRKY13 regulates cross talk between abiotic and biotic stress signaling pathways by selective binding to different cis-elements. Plant Physiol (2013) 0.92
A common plant cell-wall protein HyPRP1 has dual roles as a positive regulator of cell death and a negative regulator of basal defense against pathogens. Plant J (2011) 0.89
Functional validation of a novel isoform of Na+/H+ antiporter from Pennisetum glaucum for enhancing salinity tolerance in rice. J Biosci (2007) 0.87
The rice OsDIL gene plays a role in drought tolerance at vegetative and reproductive stages. Plant Mol Biol (2013) 0.87
A TFIIIA-type zinc finger protein confers multiple abiotic stress tolerances in transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Mol Biol (2012) 0.86
Hybrid proline-rich proteins: novel players in plant cell elongation? Ann Bot (2011) 0.85
Transgenic indica rice resistant to sap-sucking insects. Plant Biotechnol J (2003) 0.85
The HyPRP gene EARLI1 has an auxiliary role for germinability and early seedling development under low temperature and salt stress conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta (2011) 0.85
The role of plant cell wall proteins in response to salt stress. ScientificWorldJournal (2014) 0.81
Genome-wide analysis of genes targeted by qLTG3-1 controlling low-temperature germinability in rice. Plant Mol Biol (2009) 0.81
Identification of the soybean HyPRP family and specific gene response to Asian soybean rust disease. Genet Mol Biol (2013) 0.78
RNAi-based functional elucidation of PtrPRP, a gene encoding a hybrid proline rich protein, in cold tolerance of Poncirus trifoliata. Front Plant Sci (2015) 0.76
Plant regeneration from indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) protoplasts. Planta (1989) 0.76