Multi-nucleate retinal pigment epithelium cells of the human macula exhibit a characteristic and highly specific distribution.

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Published in Vis Neurosci on January 01, 2016


Austin C Starnes1, Carrie Huisingh1, Gerald McGwin2, Kenneth R Sloan3, Zsolt Ablonczy4, R Theodore Smith5, Christine A Curcio1, Thomas Ach1

Author Affiliations

1: Department of Ophthalmology,University of Alabama at Birmingham,Birmingham,Alabama.
2: Department of Epidemiology,University of Alabama at Birmingham,Birmingham,Alabama.
3: Department of Computer and Information Sciences,University of Alabama at Birmingham,Birmingham,Alabama.
4: Department of Ophthalmology,Medical University of South Carolina,Charleston,South Carolina.
5: Department of Ophthalmology,New York University School of Medicine,New York,New York.

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