Published in Ann Bot on April 10, 2016
How plants cope with complete submergence. New Phytol (2006) 2.94
Interactions between plant hormones regulate submergence-induced shoot elongation in the flooding-tolerant dicot Rumex palustris. Ann Bot (2003) 1.95
Underwater photosynthesis in flooded terrestrial plants: a matter of leaf plasticity. Ann Bot (2005) 1.92
Submergence-induced morphological, anatomical, and biochemical responses in a terrestrial species affect gas diffusion resistance and photosynthetic performance. Plant Physiol (2005) 1.64
Sensing and signalling in response to oxygen deprivation in plants and other organisms. Ann Bot (2005) 1.48
Root responses to flooding. Curr Opin Plant Biol (2013) 1.32
Submergence-induced leaf acclimation in terrestrial species varying in flooding tolerance. New Phytol (2007) 1.28
Surviving floods: leaf gas films improve O₂ and CO₂ exchange, root aeration, and growth of completely submerged rice. Plant J (2009) 1.18
A perspective on underwater photosynthesis in submerged terrestrial wetland plants. AoB Plants (2011) 1.00
Photosynthesis in aquatic adventitious roots of the halophytic stem-succulent Tecticornia pergranulata (formerly Halosarcia pergranulata). Plant Cell Environ (2008) 0.92
Aquatic adventitious root development in partially and completely submerged wetland plants Cotula coronopifolia and Meionectes brownii. Ann Bot (2012) 0.90
Aquatic adventitious roots of the wetland plant Meionectes brownii can photosynthesize: implications for root function during flooding. New Phytol (2010) 0.89
The mechanism of improved aeration due to gas films on leaves of submerged rice. Plant Cell Environ (2014) 0.88
Separating the effects of partial submergence and soil oxygen demand on plant physiology. Ecology (2008) 0.83
Gas film retention and underwater photosynthesis during field submergence of four contrasting rice genotypes. J Exp Bot (2014) 0.82
Isolation of cDNA clones for genes up-regulated in drought-treated Alternanthera philoxeroides root. Mol Biol Rep (2007) 0.80