Published in Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci on August 03, 2016
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Social relationships and mortality risk: a meta-analytic review. PLoS Med (2010) 10.37
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Anticipation of monetary and social reward differently activates mesolimbic brain structures in men and women. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2009) 1.72
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How the brain predicts people's behavior in relation to rules and desires. Evidence of a medio-prefrontal dissociation. Cortex (2015) 0.79
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Abnormal Neural Activation to Faces in the Parents of Children with Autism. Cereb Cortex (2014) 0.78
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Neural responses to dynamic multimodal stimuli and pathology-specific impairments of social cognition in schizophrenia and depression. Br J Psychiatry (2015) 0.75