Published in Anesth Analg on October 01, 2016
Duration of red-cell storage and complications after cardiac surgery. N Engl J Med (2008) 10.04
A factorial trial of six interventions for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting. N Engl J Med (2004) 7.08
Aspirin in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery. N Engl J Med (2014) 6.10
Consensus guidelines for managing postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesth Analg (2003) 6.05
Relationship between intraoperative mean arterial pressure and clinical outcomes after noncardiac surgery: toward an empirical definition of hypotension. Anesthesiology (2013) 5.69
Can anesthetic technique for primary breast cancer surgery affect recurrence or metastasis? Anesthesiology (2006) 5.19
Supplemental perioperative oxygen and the risk of surgical wound infection: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA (2005) 4.99
Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia guidelines for the management of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesth Analg (2007) 4.95
Association between postoperative troponin levels and 30-day mortality among patients undergoing noncardiac surgery. JAMA (2012) 4.58
The safety of addition of nitrous oxide to general anaesthesia in at-risk patients having major non-cardiac surgery (ENIGMA-II): a randomised, single-blind trial. Lancet (2014) 3.70
Cardiac Complications in Patients Undergoing Major Noncardiac Surgery. N Engl J Med (2015) 3.31
The association between nitrous oxide and postoperative mortality and morbidity after noncardiac surgery. Anesth Analg (2012) 3.15
Effect of hydroxyethyl starch on postoperative kidney function in patients having noncardiac surgery. Anesthesiology (2014) 2.85
The effects of mild perioperative hypothermia on blood loss and transfusion requirement. Anesthesiology (2008) 2.81
Anesthetic technique for radical prostatectomy surgery affects cancer recurrence: a retrospective analysis. Anesthesiology (2008) 2.75
Association between epidural analgesia and cancer recurrence after colorectal cancer surgery. Anesthesiology (2010) 2.67
Comparison of three techniques for ultrasound-guided femoral nerve catheter insertion: a randomized, blinded trial. Anesthesiology (2014) 2.65
Consequences of succinylcholine administration to patients using statins. Anesthesiology (2011) 2.61
The intubating laryngeal mask airway facilitates tracheal intubation in the lateral position. Anesth Analg (2004) 2.58
Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction: pathophysiology and potential new therapies. Drugs (2003) 2.42
Anesthetic induction with etomidate, rather than propofol, is associated with increased 30-day mortality and cardiovascular morbidity after noncardiac surgery. Anesth Analg (2013) 2.41
Smoking and perioperative outcomes. Anesthesiology (2011) 2.38
Effects of local anesthetic concentration and dose on continuous interscalene nerve blocks: a dual-center, randomized, observer-masked, controlled study. Reg Anesth Pain Med (2009) 2.26
Remifentanil-induced postoperative hyperalgesia and its prevention with small-dose ketamine. Anesthesiology (2005) 2.25
Insufficiency in a new temporal-artery thermometer for adult and pediatric patients. Anesth Analg (2002) 2.23
Genetic variations associated with red hair color and fear of dental pain, anxiety regarding dental care and avoidance of dental care. J Am Dent Assoc (2009) 2.22
Effect of perioperative intravenous lidocaine administration on pain, opioid consumption, and quality of life after complex spine surgery. Anesthesiology (2013) 2.20
Feasibility of closed-loop titration of propofol and remifentanil guided by the spectral M-Entropy monitor. Anesthesiology (2012) 2.17
A Randomized Trial of a Supplemental Alarm for Critically Low Systolic Blood Pressure. Anesth Analg (2015) 2.17
Comparison of the Truview PCD™ and the GlideScope(®) video laryngoscopes with direct laryngoscopy in pediatric patients: a randomized trial. Can J Anaesth (2013) 2.15
Perioperative shivering: physiology and pharmacology. Anesthesiology (2002) 2.13
Early postoperative subcutaneous tissue oxygen predicts surgical site infection. Anesth Analg (2010) 2.11
The effect of perioperative intravenous lidocaine and ketamine on recovery after abdominal hysterectomy. Anesth Analg (2012) 2.09
Ambulatory continuous femoral nerve blocks decrease time to discharge readiness after tricompartment total knee arthroplasty: a randomized, triple-masked, placebo-controlled study. Anesthesiology (2008) 2.07
Comparative outcomes of cooled versus traditional radiofrequency ablation of the lateral branches for sacroiliac joint pain. Clin J Pain (2013) 2.07
Endotracheal tube cuff pressure in three hospitals, and the volume required to produce an appropriate cuff pressure. BMC Anesthesiol (2004) 2.07
Clonidine in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery. N Engl J Med (2014) 2.07
Comparison of the potency of different propofol formulations: a randomized, double-blind trial using closed-loop administration. Anesthesiology (2014) 2.06
The 2-year cost-effectiveness of 3 options to treat lumbar spinal stenosis patients. Pain Pract (2014) 2.03
Perioperative epidural analgesia for major abdominal surgery for cancer and recurrence-free survival: randomised trial. BMJ (2011) 1.98
Intubation with VivaSight or conventional left-sided double-lumen tubes: a randomized trial. Can J Anaesth (2015) 1.97
Incidence of intraoperative hypersensitivity reactions: a registry analysis: a registry analysis. Anesthesiology (2015) 1.96
Supplemental perioperative fluid administration increases tissue oxygen pressure. Surgery (2003) 1.93
Obesity decreases perioperative tissue oxygenation. Anesthesiology (2004) 1.85
Long-term consequences of anesthetic management. Anesthesiology (2009) 1.74
Closed-loop coadministration of propofol and remifentanil guided by bispectral index: a randomized multicenter study. Anesth Analg (2011) 1.74
Mild preseptic hypothermia is detrimental in rats. Crit Care Med (2004) 1.74
Impact of present-on-admission indicators on risk-adjusted hospital mortality measurement. Anesthesiology (2013) 1.73
Effects of dexmedetomidine and propofol on lower esophageal sphincter and gastroesophageal pressure gradient in healthy volunteers. Anesthesiology (2010) 1.67
Anesthetic technique and the cytokine and matrix metalloproteinase response to primary breast cancer surgery. Reg Anesth Pain Med (2010) 1.67
The effects of local anesthetic concentration and dose on continuous infraclavicular nerve blocks: a multicenter, randomized, observer-masked, controlled study. Anesth Analg (2009) 1.65
A randomized comparison between the Pentax AWS video laryngoscope and the Macintosh laryngoscope in morbidly obese patients. Anesth Analg (2011) 1.64
Operation timing and 30-day mortality after elective general surgery. Anesth Analg (2011) 1.63
Autonomic nervous system responses during sedative infusions of dexmedetomidine. Anesthesiology (2002) 1.62
A single preoperative dose of gabapentin (800 milligrams) does not augment postoperative analgesia in patients given interscalene brachial plexus blocks for arthroscopic shoulder surgery. Anesth Analg (2006) 1.61
Erythrocyte storage duration is not associated with increased mortality in noncardiac surgical patients: a retrospective analysis of 6,994 patients. Anesthesiology (2013) 1.61
Intraoperative core temperature patterns, transfusion requirement, and hospital duration in patients warmed with forced air. Anesthesiology (2015) 1.56
Supplemental intravenous crystalloid administration does not reduce the risk of surgical wound infection. Anesth Analg (2005) 1.55
Morbidity and mortality after massive transfusion in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery. Can J Anaesth (2013) 1.55
Statistical grand rounds: design and analysis of studies with binary- event composite endpoints: guidelines for anesthesia research. Anesth Analg (2011) 1.54
The timing of acupuncture stimulation does not influence anesthetic requirement. Anesth Analg (2005) 1.52
The influence of protocol pain and risk on patients' willingness to consent for clinical studies: a randomized trial. Anesth Analg (2003) 1.52
The association of serum vitamin D concentration with serious complications after noncardiac surgery. Anesth Analg (2014) 1.51
Predistention of the epidural space before catheter insertion reduces the incidence of intravascular epidural catheter insertion. Anesth Analg (2007) 1.50
Fructose administration increases intraoperative core temperature by augmenting both metabolic rate and the vasoconstriction threshold. Anesthesiology (2006) 1.50
Opioid-sparing effect of intravenous outpatient ketamine infusions appears short-lived in chronic-pain patients with high opioid requirements. Pain Physician (2010) 1.50
Intravenous lidocaine infusion facilitates acute rehabilitation after laparoscopic colectomy. Anesthesiology (2007) 1.50
Dosing of remifentanil to prevent movement during craniotomy in the absence of neuromuscular blockade. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol (2008) 1.47
Comparable graft and patient survival in lean and obese liver transplant recipients. Liver Transpl (2013) 1.47
Myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery: a large, international, prospective cohort study establishing diagnostic criteria, characteristics, predictors, and 30-day outcomes. Anesthesiology (2014) 1.47
The correlation between bispectral index and observational sedation scale in volunteers sedated with dexmedetomidine and propofol. Anesth Analg (2009) 1.47
Deleterious effects of mild hypothermia in septic rats are ameliorated by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. Anesthesiology (2003) 1.45
Fenoldopam and renal function after partial nephrectomy in a solitary kidney: a randomized, blinded trial. Urology (2013) 1.44
Performance comparisons in major uro-oncological surgeries between the USA and Japan. Int J Urol (2014) 1.44
Pre-existing do-not-resuscitate orders are not associated with increased postoperative morbidity at 30 days in surgical patients. Crit Care Med (2011) 1.44
Effects of a circulating-water garment and forced-air warming on body heat content and core temperature. Anesthesiology (2004) 1.44
Oxygen Reserve Index: A Novel Noninvasive Measure of Oxygen Reserve-A Pilot Study. Anesthesiology (2016) 1.44
Preoperative prolonged steroid use is not associated with intraoperative blood transfusion in noncardiac surgical patients. Anesthesiology (2010) 1.42
Lack of association between carotid artery stenosis and stroke or myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery in high-risk patients. Anesthesiology (2014) 1.42
Ambulatory continuous posterior lumbar plexus nerve blocks after hip arthroplasty: a dual-center, randomized, triple-masked, placebo-controlled trial. Anesthesiology (2008) 1.42
Intraoperative tight glucose control using hyperinsulinemic normoglycemia increases delirium after cardiac surgery. Anesthesiology (2015) 1.41
Nitrous Oxide and Serious Long-term Morbidity and Mortality in the Evaluation of Nitrous Oxide in the Gas Mixture for Anaesthesia (ENIGMA)-II Trial. Anesthesiology (2015) 1.41
Intraoperative transitions of anesthesia care and postoperative adverse outcomes. Anesthesiology (2014) 1.41
The effect of postoperative gastrointestinal complications in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. Ann Thorac Surg (2010) 1.41