Published in Curr Addict Rep on March 09, 2017
The Fifth Edition of the Addiction Severity Index. J Subst Abuse Treat (1992) 29.45
Substance abuse treatment entry, retention, and outcome in women: a review of the literature. Drug Alcohol Depend (2006) 5.64
A neurobiological basis for substance abuse comorbidity in schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry (2001) 2.58
Pregnancy and addiction. A comprehensive care model. J Subst Abuse Treat (1997) 1.99
From generic to gender-responsive treatment: changes in social policies, treatment services, and outcomes of women in substance abuse treatment. J Psychoactive Drugs (2008) 1.83
Women who abuse prescription opioids: findings from the Addiction Severity Index-Multimedia Version Connect prescription opioid database. Drug Alcohol Depend (2009) 1.63
Opioid abuse and dependence during pregnancy: temporal trends and obstetrical outcomes. Anesthesiology (2014) 1.50
Perinatal substance abuse intervention in obstetric clinics decreases adverse neonatal outcomes. J Perinatol (2003) 1.30
Mood disorders affect drug treatment success of drug-dependent pregnant women. J Subst Abuse Treat (2006) 1.22
Neurobiology of addiction: a neurocircuitry analysis. Lancet Psychiatry (2016) 0.99
Lessons learned from a randomized trial of fixed and escalating contingency management schedules in opioid-dependent pregnant women. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse (2012) 0.97
Co-occurring psychiatric symptoms are associated with increased psychological, social, and medical impairment in opioid dependent pregnant women. Am J Addict (2010) 0.95
Neonatal abstinence scores in opioid-exposed and nonexposed neonates: a blinded comparison. J Opioid Manag (2011) 0.94
The impact of mood disorders on the delivery and neonatal outcomes of methadone-maintained pregnant patients. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse (2009) 0.93
Suicidality, aggression, and other treatment considerations among pregnant, substance-dependent women with posttraumatic stress disorder. Compr Psychiatry (2009) 0.92
Long-term outcomes among drug-dependent mothers treated in women-only versus mixed-gender programs. J Subst Abuse Treat (2011) 0.92
Relationship between cigarette use and mood/anxiety disorders among pregnant methadone-maintained patients. Am J Addict (2009) 0.91
Clinical and psychosocial characteristics of substance-dependent pregnant women with and without PTSD. Addict Behav (2001) 0.90
Integrated care for pregnant women on methadone maintenance treatment: Canadian primary care cohort study. Can Fam Physician (2013) 0.88
Opioid Use Disorder in Pregnancy: Health Policy and Practice in the Midst of an Epidemic. Obstet Gynecol (2016) 0.88
Psychopathology influences treatment retention among drug-dependent women. J Subst Abuse Treat (2002) 0.86
Recent trends in treatment admissions for prescription opioid abuse during pregnancy. J Subst Abuse Treat (2014) 0.84
Buprenorphine compared with methadone to treat pregnant women with opioid use disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis of safety in the mother, fetus and child. Addiction (2016) 0.81
Maternal and neonatal outcomes following methadone substitution during pregnancy. Arch Gynecol Obstet (2012) 0.81
Neurobiology of opioid dependence in creating addiction vulnerability. F1000Res (2016) 0.80
Perinatal outcomes of Australian buprenorphine-exposed mothers and their newborn infants. J Paediatr Child Health (2013) 0.79
Management of maternal and neonatal substance abuse problems. NIDA Res Monogr (1988) 0.79
Psychosocial interventions for pregnant women in outpatient illicit drug treatment programs compared to other interventions. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2015) 0.78
Opioid dependence during pregnancy: relationships of anxiety and depression symptoms to treatment outcomes. Addiction (2012) 0.78
A qualitative study of treatment needs among pregnant and postpartum women with substance use and depression. Subst Use Misuse (2013) 0.78
Maternal bereavement in the perinatal substance abuser. J Subst Abuse Treat (1992) 0.77
Short-term outcomes of mothers and newborn infants with comorbid psychiatric disorders and drug dependency. Aust N Z J Psychiatry (2009) 0.77
A special type of 'hard-to-reach' patient: experiences of pregnant women on methadone. J Prim Health Care (2010) 0.77
Drugs and having babies: an exploration of how a specialist clinic meets the needs of chemically dependent pregnant women. Midwifery (2011) 0.77