Published in BMC Med on May 18, 2017
Projections of global mortality and burden of disease from 2002 to 2030. PLoS Med (2006) 49.95
Epidemiology of multimorbidity and implications for health care, research, and medical education: a cross-sectional study. Lancet (2012) 20.09
Accuracy of cancer death certificates and its effect on cancer mortality statistics. Am J Public Health (1981) 10.58
Patterns of functional decline at the end of life. JAMA (2003) 7.79
Prevalence of pain in patients with cancer: a systematic review of the past 40 years. Ann Oncol (2007) 6.35
Accuracy of death certificates for coding coronary heart disease as the cause of death. Ann Intern Med (1998) 5.63
Generalist plus specialist palliative care--creating a more sustainable model. N Engl J Med (2013) 4.27
A comparison of symptom prevalence in far advanced cancer, AIDS, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and renal disease. J Pain Symptom Manage (2006) 4.24
Medicare beneficiaries' costs of care in the last year of life. Health Aff (Millwood) (2001) 3.56
Designing health care for the most common chronic condition--multimorbidity. JAMA (2012) 3.55
An integrated palliative and respiratory care service for patients with advanced disease and refractory breathlessness: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet Respir Med (2014) 3.49
Needs assessment: from theory to practice. BMJ (1998) 2.40
Health care utilization in the years prior to death. Milbank Q (1987) 2.09
Systematic review of the problems and issues of accessing specialist palliative care by patients, carers and health and social care professionals. Palliat Med (2004) 2.01
Pain in elderly people with severe dementia: a systematic review of behavioural pain assessment tools. BMC Geriatr (2006) 1.92
Medical expenditures during the last year of life: findings from the 1992-1996 Medicare current beneficiary survey. Health Serv Res (2002) 1.72
Hospital admissions among people 65+ related to multimorbidity, municipal and outpatient care. Arch Gerontol Geriatr (2007) 1.62
How many people need palliative care? A study developing and comparing methods for population-based estimates. Palliat Med (2013) 1.60
The challenge of patients' unmet palliative care needs in the final stages of chronic illness. Palliat Med (2007) 1.54
The level of need for palliative care: a systematic review of the literature. Palliat Med (2000) 1.34
Assessing palliative care needs: views of patients, informal carers and healthcare professionals. J Adv Nurs (2007) 1.19
Identifying needs and improving palliative care of chronically ill patients: a community-oriented, population-based, public-health approach. Curr Opin Support Palliat Care (2012) 1.19
Is the risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia declining? Alzheimers Res Ther (2015) 1.14
Are there differences in the prevalence of palliative care-related problems in people living with advanced cancer and eight non-cancer conditions? A systematic review. J Pain Symptom Manage (2014) 1.14
A conceptual model of the role of complexity in the care of patients with multiple chronic conditions. Med Care (2014) 1.11
Extent of palliative care need in the acute hospital setting: a survey of two acute hospitals in the UK. Palliat Med (2012) 1.05
Prevalence and characteristics of patients with advanced chronic conditions in need of palliative care in the general population: a cross-sectional study. Palliat Med (2014) 1.03
Estimating the size of a potential palliative care population. Palliat Med (2005) 1.02
What tools are available to identify patients with palliative care needs in primary care: a systematic literature review and survey of European practice. BMJ Support Palliat Care (2013) 1.00
Much more medicine for the oldest old: trends in UK electronic clinical records. Age Ageing (2014) 0.98
Risk of developing multimorbidity across all ages in an historical cohort study: differences by sex and ethnicity. BMJ Open (2015) 0.95
Symptoms and quality of life in late stage Parkinson syndromes: a longitudinal community study of predictive factors. PLoS One (2012) 0.94
The need for palliative care in Ireland: a population-based estimate of palliative care using routine mortality data, inclusive of nonmalignant conditions. J Pain Symptom Manage (2014) 0.87
Pain and dementia: an overview of the literature. Int J Older People Nurs (2012) 0.86
Needs assessments in palliative care: an appraisal of definitions and approaches used. J Pain Symptom Manage (2007) 0.85
Palliative needs for heart failure or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Results of a multicenter observational registry. Int J Cardiol (2015) 0.82
Models of integration of oncology and palliative care. Ann Palliat Med (2015) 0.81
Nationwide individual record linkage study showed poor agreement of causes of death and hospital diagnoses at individual level but reasonable agreement at population level. J Clin Epidemiol (2013) 0.80
Can palliative care teams relieve some of the pressure on acute services? BMJ (2014) 0.79
Approaches to managing uncertainty in people with life-limiting conditions: role of communication and palliative care. Postgrad Med J (2016) 0.77
Advance care planning: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials conducted with older adults. Maturitas (2016) 0.77
Estimating the need for palliative care at the population level: A cross-national study in 12 countries. Palliat Med (2016) 0.77
Symptom trajectory and symptom burden in older people with multimorbidity, secondary outcome from the RCT AGe-FIT study. J Adv Nurs (2016) 0.77
Issues using linkage of hospital records and death certificate data to determine the size of a potential palliative care population. Palliat Med (2016) 0.76
Developing a model of short-term integrated palliative and supportive care for frail older people in community settings: perspectives of older people, carers and other key stakeholders. Age Ageing (2016) 0.76