Published in Acta Cardiol Sin on May 01, 2017
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Effects of intensive blood pressure lowering on cardiovascular and renal outcomes: updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet (2015) 4.65
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Clinical practice guidelines for the management of hypertension in the community a statement by the American Society of Hypertension and the International Society of Hypertension. J Hypertens (2014) 2.82
Evidence supporting a systolic blood pressure goal of less than 150 mm Hg in patients aged 60 years or older: the minority view. Ann Intern Med (2014) 2.81
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Observational modeling of strict vs conventional blood pressure control in patients with chronic kidney disease. JAMA Intern Med (2014) 2.02
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A call to action and a lifecourse strategy to address the global burden of raised blood pressure on current and future generations: the Lancet Commission on hypertension. Lancet (2016) 0.88
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Automated office blood pressure and 24-h ambulatory measurements are equally associated with left ventricular mass index. Am J Hypertens (2011) 0.86
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Efficacy and safety of routine blood pressure lowering in older patients with diabetes: results from the ADVANCE trial. J Hypertens (2010) 0.86
Outcomes of Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering in Older Hypertensive Patients. J Am Coll Cardiol (2017) 0.85
Continuation of the ESH-CHL-SHOT trial after publication of the SPRINT: rationale for further study on blood pressure targets of antihypertensive treatment after stroke. J Hypertens (2016) 0.83
Diastolic Blood Pressure, Subclinical Myocardial Damage, and Cardiac Events: Implications for Blood Pressure Control. J Am Coll Cardiol (2016) 0.80
Effects of intensive antihypertensive treatment on Chinese hypertensive patients older than 70 years. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) (2013) 0.79
Evaluation of an automated sphygmomanometer for use in the office setting. Blood Press Monit (2012) 0.76
Automated Office Blood Pressure-Incorporating SPRINT Into Clinical Practice. Am J Hypertens (2016) 0.76