Published in Am J Prev Med on January 01, 1988
Intuition and evidence--uneasy bedfellows? Br J Gen Pract (2002) 4.81
Does litigation influence medical practice? The influence of community radiologists' medical malpractice perceptions and experience on screening mammography. Radiology (2005) 1.87
Case-control study of 10 years of comprehensive diabetes care. West J Med (2000) 1.30
Diffusion of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendations into practice. J Gen Intern Med (1990) 1.04
Implementation of cancer prevention guidelines in clinical practice. J Gen Intern Med (1990) 0.99
Effects of traditional classroom and distance continuing education: a theory-driven evaluation of a vaccine-preventable diseases course. Am J Public Health (2000) 0.95
Understanding and changing human behaviour--antibiotic mainstreaming as an approach to facilitate modification of provider and consumer behaviour. Ups J Med Sci (2014) 0.92
Development and validation of the hyperlipidemia: attitudes and beliefs in treatment (HABIT) survey for physicians. J Gen Intern Med (2003) 0.91
Testing various methods of introducing health charts into medical records in family medicine units. CMAJ (1991) 0.91
Breast cancer knowledge assessment in female Chinese immigrants in New York. Cancer Nurs (2004) 0.90
A group randomised trial of two methods for disseminating a smoking cessation programme to public antenatal clinics: effects on patient outcomes. Tob Control (2006) 0.90
Diffusion of breast cancer risk assessment in primary care. J Am Board Fam Med (2009) 0.82
Barriers to prevention: physician perceptions of ideal versus actual practices in reducing cardiovascular risk. Can Fam Physician (1990) 0.82
Barriers to pediatric injury prevention counseling. Inj Prev (1999) 0.81
Improving treatment of depression in primary health care: a case study of obstacles to perform a clinical trial designed to implement practice guidelines. Prim Health Care Res Dev (2014) 0.77
Knowledge translation in health research: a novel approach to health sciences education. Med Educ Online (2009) 0.76
A qualitative study of dietary discussions as an emerging task for cancer clinicians. SAGE Open Med (2016) 0.75
Racial and ethnic differences in serum cotinine levels of cigarette smokers: Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1991. JAMA (1998) 6.73
Patterns of global tobacco use in young people and implications for future chronic disease burden in adults. Lancet (2006) 5.19
Surveillance for selected tobacco-use behaviors--United States, 1900-1994. MMWR CDC Surveill Summ (1994) 5.02
Tobacco use by youth: a surveillance report from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey project. Bull World Health Organ (2000) 4.65
The extent of cigarette brand and company switching: results from the Adult Use-of-Tobacco Survey. Am J Prev Med (1996) 2.96
Trends in cigarette smoking among US adolescents, 1974 through 1991. Am J Public Health (1995) 2.81
The physician's role in health promotion revisited--a survey of primary care practitioners. N Engl J Med (1996) 2.52
Trends in adult cigarette smoking in California compared with the rest of the United States, 1978-1994. Am J Public Health (2000) 2.49
The report of the Surgeon General: preventing tobacco use among young people. Am J Public Health (1994) 2.49
The relationship between cigarette smoking and education revisited: implications for categorizing persons' educational status. Am J Public Health (1996) 1.89
Impact of a restrictive work site smoking policy on smoking behavior, attitudes, and norms. J Occup Med (1990) 1.77
Uncovering the relation between betel quid chewing and cigarette smoking in Taiwan. Tob Control (2005) 1.70
Environmental tobacco smoke: health effects and policies to reduce exposure. Annu Rev Public Health (1997) 1.67
Achieving the implausible in the next decade's tobacco control objectives. Am J Public Health (2000) 1.40
Environmental and policy interventions to control tobacco use and prevent cardiovascular disease. Health Educ Q (1995) 1.30
Primary care of previously institutionalized retarded children. Pediatrics (1981) 1.19
State laws on tobacco control--United States, 1998. MMWR CDC Surveill Summ (1999) 1.17
Diffusion of an effective tobacco prevention program. Part II: Evaluation of the adoption phase. Health Educ Res (1995) 1.15
Poor health is associated with episodic heavy alcohol use: evidence from a National Survey. Public Health (2005) 1.13
The impact of the cigarette market opening in Taiwan. Tob Control (2005) 1.10
Outstanding clinical teachers: methods, characteristics and behaviors. Res Med Educ (1984) 1.09
Smoking policies among private employers and public agencies in Texas: a statewide analysis. J Natl Cancer Inst (1989) 1.05
The health benefits of smoking cessation for adult smokers and for pregnant women in Taiwan. Tob Control (2005) 1.04
Tobacco-use cessation in the '90s--not "adults only" anymore. Prev Med (1998) 1.02
The foster care system and health status of foster children. Pediatrics (1982) 0.99
Reducing the risk of cancer through worksite intervention. Occup Med (1990) 0.99
Educational attainment and racial differences in cigarette smoking. J Natl Cancer Inst (1995) 0.94
The peril of smokeless tobacco. Epidemiology (1996) 0.93
Factors associated with the use of child restraint devices. Health Educ Q (1984) 0.89
Paradoxical increase in cigarette smuggling after the market opening in Taiwan. Tob Control (2006) 0.89
The vital diversity of tobacco control research. Am J Public Health (1992) 0.88
How opening the cigarette market led to an increase in betel quid use in Taiwan. Public Health (2005) 0.87
The health of children. Health Serv Res (1998) 0.85
Use of health care services by children and diagnoses received during presumably stressful life transitions. Pediatrics (1986) 0.85
The application of health education principles to automobile child restraint programs. Health Educ Q (1983) 0.83
Socioeconomic status and preventive health-care use by children in Spain. Am J Prev Med (1996) 0.81
Regional fat localizations and racial/ethnic variations in odds of hypertension in at-risk American adults. J Hum Hypertens (2006) 0.79
Profiles of cigarette smoking among patients in a cancer center. J Cancer Educ (1988) 0.78
Determinants of fat and fiber consumption in American rural energy workers. Prev Med (1997) 0.78
Foster care. Pediatr Rev (1989) 0.77
Correspondence re: B. Wagner. "The 'cause of death' is dying." Editorial. Mod Pathol 6:237, 1993. Mod Pathol (1994) 0.75
Health care supervision of foster children. Child Welfare (1981) 0.75
The implementation of a restrictive worksite smoking policy in a large decentralized organization. Health Educ Q (1992) 0.75
Cancer prevention in workplace health promotion. AAOHN J (1988) 0.75
Cigarette smoking patterns of cancer patients. Prog Clin Biol Res (1990) 0.75
Dental health knowledge tests: their development, implementation and evaluation. J Sch Health (1978) 0.75
The implementation and applications of a cancer patient risk evaluation questionnaire. Prog Clin Biol Res (1989) 0.75
Prevention of "car sickness" in children. N Engl J Med (1979) 0.75
Teaching quality assurance at an HMO. J Med Educ (1980) 0.75
The Chesapeake Health Plan: an HMO model for foster children. Child Welfare (1984) 0.75
Establishing educational objectives for school based dental health education programs. J Prev Dent (1977) 0.75
More on diagnostic restraint. N Engl J Med (1984) 0.75
Nonphysician educators. J Med Educ (1977) 0.75
Misperceptions about missing children. Am J Dis Child (1988) 0.75
The role of cancer prevention in workplace health promotion. Health Values (1988) 0.75