Published in Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) on December 13, 1986
Staff awareness of cost of anaesthetic drugs, fluids, and disposables. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1988) 0.81
Costs can and must be a component of surgical audit. Ann R Coll Surg Engl (1992) 0.75
Cost-Conscious of Anesthesia Physicians: An awareness survey. Pak J Med Sci (2015) 0.75
Review of clinical budgeting and costing experiments. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1983) 2.00
The cost of anaesthetic drugs and equipment. Anaesthesia (1978) 1.50
Halothane and the liver: the problem revisited and made obsolete. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1986) 1.24
Urinary ascariasis in a man with hematuria. South Med J (2001) 1.92
Influenza alone and in sequence with pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae in the squirrel monkey. J Infect Dis (1975) 1.88
Neurological and physiological responses of the primate to anthrax toxin. J Infect Dis (1968) 1.88
A year's experience of functional budgeting in a clinical department. Anaesthesia (1981) 1.72
Electron microscopic study on the interaction between normal guinea pig peritoneal macrophages and Coxiella burnetii. Infect Immun (1976) 1.65
Small-particle aerosols of antiviral compounds in treatment of type A influenza pneumonia in mice. J Infect Dis (1976) 1.56
Therapeutic effects of ribavirin given by the intraperitoneal or aerosol route against influenza virus infections in mice. Antimicrob Agents Chemother (1976) 1.55
Clinical and clinicopathologic findings in tropical canine pancytopenia. J Am Vet Med Assoc (1970) 1.54
Role of the lymphatics in the pathogenesis of anthrax. J Infect Dis (1965) 1.52
Pathophysiology of anthrax. J Infect Dis (1966) 1.52
Value of field data for extrapolation in anthrax. Fed Proc (1967) 1.48
Tropical canine pancytopenia. J Am Vet Med Assoc (1970) 1.43
Treatment of respiratory Klebsiella pneumoniae infection in mice with aerosols of kanamycin. Antimicrob Agents Chemother (1975) 1.43
Cost of anaesthesia. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1982) 1.40
Interaction between Coxiella burnetii and guinea pig peritoneal macrophages. Infect Immun (1976) 1.40
Treatment of influenza infection of mice by using rimantadine hydrochlorides by the aerosol and intraperitoneal routes. Antimicrob Agents Chemother (1975) 1.34
Pathophysiological changes in the rat associated with anthrax toxin. J Infect Dis (1968) 1.30
Serological relation between Rift Valley fever virus and viruses of phlebotomus fever serogroup. Lancet (1980) 1.29
Human leucocyte antigens in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Gut (1972) 1.26
A precise method for replicating suspension cultures of mammalian cells. Appl Microbiol (1968) 1.23
Continuous aerosol therapy system using a modified Collison nebulizer. J Clin Microbiol (1977) 1.23
Lymphocyte reactivity in pregnancy. Br Med J (1972) 1.21
Immunoprophylaxis of experimental Mycoplasma pneumoniae disease: effect of aerosol particle size and site of deposition of M. pneumoniae on the pattern of respiratory infection, disease, and immunity in hamsters. Infect Immun (1977) 1.18
Fat of Coxiella burnetti in macrophages from immune guinea pigs. Infect Immun (1977) 1.16
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of antibodies to Rift Valley fever virus in ovine and bovine sera. Am J Vet Res (1987) 1.15
Abortion in vaccinated sheep and cattle after challenge with Rift Valley fever virus. Vet Rec (1981) 1.13
Immune response of steers, goats and sheep to inactivated Rift Valley Fever vaccine. Proc Annu Meet U S Anim Health Assoc (1979) 1.11
Pathology of canine ehrlichiosis (tropical canine pancytopenia). Am J Vet Res (1973) 1.08
In vivo growth and distribution of anthrax bacilli in resistant, susceptible, and immunized hosts. J Bacteriol (1967) 1.07
Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationships of morphine in neonates. Clin Pharmacol Ther (1992) 1.05
Involvement of small mammals in the transmission of scrub typhus in Malaysia: isolation and serological evidence. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg (1973) 1.05
Pathophysiological and biochemical changes in anthrax. Fed Proc (1967) 1.05
Response of influenza virus-infected mice to selected doses of ribavirin administered intraperitoneally or by aerosol. Antimicrob Agents Chemother (1977) 1.05
Attempts to infect and demonstrate transovarial transmission of R. tsutsugamushi in three species of Leptotrombidium mites. Ann N Y Acad Sci (1975) 1.05
Cytokine expression and synovial pathology in the initiation and spontaneous resolution phases of adjuvant arthritis: interleukin-17 expression is upregulated in early disease. Clin Exp Immunol (2001) 1.02
Immunoglobulin-bearing cells in lungs of mice infected with influenza virus. Infect Immun (1976) 1.00
Aerosol therapy of influenza infections of mice and primates with rimantadine, ribavirin, and related compounds. Ann N Y Acad Sci (1977) 1.00
Aerosol evaluations of the DeVilbiss No. 40 and Vaponefrin nebulizers. Appl Environ Microbiol (1976) 1.00
Neurological and physiological responses of the primate to anthrax infection. J Infect Dis (1968) 0.97
Prophylactic oral antibiotics for low-risk dog bite wounds. Pediatr Emerg Care (1992) 0.96
Filter paper collection of blood for use in a screening and diagnostic test for scrub typhus using the IFAT. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg (1972) 0.94
Hyperalgesia due to nerve damage: role of nerve growth factor. Pain (1999) 0.94
Effects of nitric oxide synthase inhibition on ciliary blood flow, aqueous production and intraocular pressure. Exp Eye Res (2001) 0.93
The effect of habitat on the prevalence of human scrub typhus in Malaysia. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg (1972) 0.90
Therapeutic effects of small-particle aerosols of ribavirin on parainfluenza (sendai) virus infections of mice. Antimicrob Agents Chemother (1976) 0.90
Immunological studies in acute myeloid leukaemia: PHA responsiveness and serum inhibitory factors. Br J Cancer (1973) 0.90
Ehrlichia canis--the causative agent of a haemorrhagic disease of dogs? Vet Rec (1969) 0.86
Evaluation of factors related to growth of Rift Valley fever virus in suspended cell cultures. Appl Microbiol (1969) 0.86
The use of acid alumina and sephadex LH-20 for the separation and characterization of ethanol-soluble peptides produced by Bacillus brevis. Biochem J (1972) 0.86
Development of hypergammaglobulinemia in tropical canine pancytopenia. Am J Vet Res (1971) 0.86
Effect of temperature and drug therapy on anthrax intoxication. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med (1967) 0.86
Mammals and scrub typhus ecology in peninsular Malaysia. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg (1975) 0.85
Rectal blowout by personal watercraft water jet: case report and review of literature. J Trauma (1999) 0.85
The in vivo effects of tumour necrosis factor blockade on the early cell mediated immune events and syndrome expression in rat adjuvant arthritis. Clin Exp Immunol (2002) 0.84
Gender differences in pain. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol (1999) 0.83
The site of anti-arthritic action of the kappa-opioid, U-50, 488H, in adjuvant arthritis: importance of local administration. Br J Pharmacol (1996) 0.83
Inhibitory mechanisms for cross-bridge cycling: the nitric oxide-cGMP signal transduction pathway in smooth muscle relaxation. Acta Physiol Scand (1998) 0.83
Hyperalgesia due to nerve injury: role of prostaglandins. Neuroscience (1999) 0.83
Involvement of substance P in the anti-inflammatory effects of the peripherally selective kappa-opioid asimadoline and the NK1 antagonist GR205171. Eur J Neurosci (1999) 0.83
EMS response at a hazardous material incident: some basic guidelines. J Emerg Med (1989) 0.82
Inferior glenohumeral dislocation (luxatio erecta humeri). J Am Osteopath Assoc (1996) 0.82
Persistence of Diplococcus pneumoniae after influenza virus infection in Macaca mulatta. Infect Immun (1974) 0.82
Aerosol vaccination of mice with a live, temperature- sensitive recombinant influenza virus. Infect Immun (1976) 0.82
Pain due to nerve damage: are inflammatory mediators involved? Inflamm Res (1995) 0.82
Using an interactive video disk in breast cancer patient support. Nurs Times (1999) 0.82
Properties of an unfractionated tyrocidine synthesizing system from Bacillus brevis ATCC 10068. Microbios (1974) 0.82
Hospital staphylococci in three London teaching hospitals. Lancet (1972) 0.82
Myosin isoforms and functional diversity in vertebrate smooth muscle. Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol (1997) 0.81
Distribution of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi in organs of Leptotrombidium (Leptotrombidium) fletcheri (Prostigmata: Trombiculidae). J Med Entomol (1975) 0.80
The silvered leaf-monkey of Malaysia, Presbytis cristatus: disease model for human scrub typhus. J Infect Dis (1973) 0.80
Confocal fluorescence microscopy with the tandem scanning light microscope. J Cell Sci (1989) 0.80
Self-administered intraurethral chlorpromazine: an unusual cause of priapism. Am J Emerg Med (1991) 0.79
Effect of the peripherally selective kappa-opioid agonist, asimadoline, on adjuvant arthritis. Br J Pharmacol (1998) 0.79
Temperature response in animals infected with Bacillus anthracis. J Bacteriol (1967) 0.79
Effects of a PEGylated soluble TNF receptor type 1 (PEG sTNF-RI) on cytokine expression in adjuvant arthritis. Scand J Rheumatol (2002) 0.79
Zinc alleviates thermal hyperalgesia due to partial nerve injury. Neuroreport (1999) 0.78
The clinical aspects of Rift Valley Fever virus in household pets. I. Susceptibility of the dog. J Infect Dis (1970) 0.78
Antibiotic treatment of anthrax infection in mice. J Bacteriol (1967) 0.78
Inactivation of African swine fever virus in tissues by gamma radiation. Am J Vet Res (1982) 0.78
The clinical aspects of Rift Valley Fever virus in household pets. II. Susceptibility of the cat. J Infect Dis (1970) 0.77
Anthrax toxin: primary site of action. J Infect Dis (1968) 0.77
Dose-response curves for four neuromuscular blockers using continuous i.v. infusion. Br J Anaesth (1981) 0.77
Altered d-tubocurarine disposition during cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. Clin Pharmacol Ther (1984) 0.77
Pharmacokinetic studies of 5-fluorouracil and 5'-deoxy-5-fluorouridine in rats. J Pharmacol Exp Ther (1983) 0.77
The kappa-opioid agonist, asimadoline, alters cytokine gene expression in adjuvant arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford) (2001) 0.76
Interacting factors that influence long-term storage of live Pasteurella tularensis vaccine and Rift Valley fever virus. Appl Microbiol (1969) 0.76
The importance of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenal axis to the anti-inflammatory actions of the kappa-opioid agonist PNU-50,488H in rats with adjuvant arthritis. J Pharmacol Exp Ther (2000) 0.75
Glutaraldehyde inactivation of exotic animal viruses in swine heart tissue. Appl Environ Microbiol (1979) 0.75
Response to surgical stress following thoracic epidural anesthesia. Anesthesiology (1993) 0.75
Alcuronium kinetics in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. Br J Clin Pharmacol (1983) 0.75
A unique defense mechanism against anthrax demonstrated in dwarf swine. J Bacteriol (1967) 0.75
Evaluation of methods for reestablishment of L-cell suspension cultures directly from liquid nitrogen stored stocks. Appl Microbiol (1970) 0.75
Zinc alleviates thermal hyperalgesia due to partial nerve injury. Neuroreport (1999) 0.75
A tyrocidine-synthesizing cell-free extract from Bacillus brevis A.T.C.C. 10068. Biochem J (1969) 0.75
Experimental pain techniques. Br J Clin Pharmacol (1996) 0.75
Pediatric emergency care: an annotated bibliography of the recent literature. Am J Emerg Med (1991) 0.75
Pyrethrin poisoning from commercial-strength flea and tick spray. Am J Emerg Med (1988) 0.75
The reversal of midazolam sedation with the benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil (Anexate). N Z Med J (1988) 0.75
Statistics as a tool in practice management. J Dent Pract Adm (1991) 0.75
Pediatric emergency care: an annotated bibliography of the recent literature. Am J Emerg Med (1991) 0.75