Published in Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord on January 01, 1987
Review: cerebral microvascular pathology in ageing and neurodegeneration. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol (2011) 1.91
Clinical diagnosis of Binswanger's disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1990) 1.63
Pathological alterations of the cerebral microvasculature in Alzheimer's disease and related dementing disorders. Acta Neuropathol (1994) 1.26
Altered angioarchitecture in selected areas of brains with Alzheimer's disease. Acta Neuropathol (1990) 1.06
Immunodetection of the amyloid P component in Alzheimer's disease. Acta Neuropathol (1989) 1.06
The dopamine β-hydroxylase -1021C/T polymorphism is associated with the risk of Alzheimer's disease in the Epistasis Project. BMC Med Genet (2010) 0.88
The decline and resurgence of vascular dementia. CMAJ (1990) 0.82
Recent advances in the understanding of dementia. Postgrad Med J (1988) 0.75
Magnetic Resonance Q Mapping Reveals a Decrease in Microvessel Density in the arcAβ Mouse Model of Cerebral Amyloidosis. Front Aging Neurosci (2016) 0.75
Mary S. Easton Center of Alzheimer's Disease Research at UCLA: advancing the therapeutic imperative. J Alzheimers Dis (2010) 0.75
The neuropathology of AIDS. UCLA experience and review. Am J Pathol (1986) 2.08
Progressive dendritic changes in aging human cortex. Exp Neurol (1975) 1.73
Dendritic sprouting in Alzheimer's presenile dementia. Exp Neurol (1978) 1.26
Cytomegalovirus in the nervous system of patients with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Brain (1989) 1.24
Progressive dendritic changes in the aging human limbic system. Exp Neurol (1976) 1.21
Amnesia with hippocampal lesions after cardiopulmonary arrest. Neurology (1984) 1.17
Spinal intramedullary glioblastoma with intracranial seeding. Report of a case. Arch Neurol (1978) 1.15
Degeneration of the human Betz cell due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Exp Neurol (1979) 1.14
Dementia with Lewy bodies: reliability and validity of clinical and pathologic criteria. Neurology (1996) 1.13
The aging human Betz cell. Exp Neurol (1977) 1.07
Hippocampal pyramidal cell loss in human status epilepticus. Epilepsia (1992) 1.06
Microvasculature in brain biopsy specimens from patients with Alzheimer's disease: an immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study. Ultrastruct Pathol (1994) 1.02
Successful treatment of acute fascioliasis with bithionol. Hepatology (1991) 1.01
Multiple radiation-induced intracranial lesions after treatment for pituitary adenoma. Case report. J Neurosurg (1998) 1.00
Changes in procalcitonin and interleukin 6 levels among treated African patients with different clinical forms of malaria. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg (1997) 1.00
The fine structure of blood vessels in chromophobe adenoma. Acta Neuropathol (1972) 0.97
Neuroimaging in temporal lobe epilepsy: test sensitivity and relationships to pathology and postoperative outcome. Epilepsia (1992) 0.94
Progression of clinical deterioration and pathological changes in patients with Alzheimer disease evaluated at biopsy and autopsy. Arch Neurol (1999) 0.91
Genetic locus heterogeneity in Lafora's progressive myoclonus epilepsy. Ann Neurol (1999) 0.90
Primary position upbeat nystagmus. A clinicopathologic study. Neurology (1977) 0.90
Lymphomatoid granulomatosis and malignant lymphoma of the central nervous system in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Hum Pathol (1989) 0.89
Elevated antifilarial IgG4 antibody levels in microfilaremic and microfilaridermic Gabonese adults and children. Am J Trop Med Hyg (1993) 0.88
[Results of a systematic search for Plasmodium in internal medicine in Gabon]. Bull Soc Pathol Exot (1991) 0.88
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in AIDS: a clinicopathologic study and review of the literature. J Neurol (1993) 0.88
Central nervous system amyloid presenting as a mass lesion. Report of two cases. J Neurosurg (1982) 0.87
White piedra and Trichosporon species in equatorial Africa. I. History and clinical aspects: an analysis of 449 superficial inguinal specimens. Mycoses (1995) 0.86
Subdural neomembranes and sudden infant death syndrome. J Forensic Sci (1998) 0.85
Alzheimer's disease as a capillary dementia. Ann Med (1989) 0.84
Dendritic organization of the anterior speech area. Exp Neurol (1985) 0.84
[Aspects of malaria in the hospitalized child in Gabon]. Med Trop (Mars) (1997) 0.84
[Chromoblastomycosis in Gabon. Study of 64 cases]. Sante (1995) 0.83
White piedra and Trichosporon species in equatorial Africa. II. Clinical and mycological associations: an analysis of 449 superficial inguinal specimens. Mycoses (1995) 0.83
Immunocytologic localization of herpes simplex type 1 viral antigens in herpetic retinitis and encephalitis in an adult. Ophthalmology (1985) 0.83
Rebound phenomenon complicating cerebral dehydration with glycerol. Case report. J Neurosurg (1975) 0.81
The role of DNA-protein salt bridges in molecular recognition: a model study. Biopolymers (1999) 0.81
Fine structure of human pituitary adenoma. Arch Pathol (1973) 0.80
Clinical value and limitations of 99m Tc brain scan: an autopsy correlation. J Nucl Med (1972) 0.80
Short- and long-term action of multiple doses of ivermectin on loiasis microfilaremia. Am J Trop Med Hyg (1998) 0.80
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Evaluation of Onchocerca volvulus-specific IgG4 subclass serology as an index of onchocerciasis transmission potential of three Gabonese villages. Clin Exp Immunol (1994) 0.80
A quantitative study of dendrite complexity in selected areas of the human cerebral cortex. Brain Cogn (1990) 0.79
Collateral circulation in the posterior fossa via leptomeningeal anastomoses. Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med (1965) 0.79
AIDS presenting as progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy with clinical response to zidovudine. Acta Neurol Scand (1994) 0.79
Atypical dementia syndrome in an elderly man. J Am Geriatr Soc (1987) 0.78
Intracerebroventricular bethanechol for Alzheimer's disease. Variable dose-related responses. Arch Neurol (1990) 0.77
Light microscopic changes in Plasmodium falciparum from Gabonese children treated with artemether. Am J Trop Med Hyg (1997) 0.77
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Phycomycosis (mucormycosis) of the orbital apex and cavernous sinus. Bull Los Angeles Neurol Soc (1966) 0.77
On the possible relationship of cortical microvascular pathology to blood brain barrier changes in Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging (1988) 0.77
[First clinical and serological description of leptospirosis in Gabon]. Bull Soc Pathol Exot (1994) 0.76
[Lipid profile during specific malaria therapy in Gabonese children]. Sante (1995) 0.76
[Effect of testosterone or progesterone implants on the intensity of experimental infestation with Schistosoma mansoni in the female golden hamster]. C R Seances Soc Biol Fil (1979) 0.76
[Cryopreservation of isolates of Toxoplasma gondii in cell culture]. Parasite (1996) 0.75
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Prognosis of pituitary adenomas with arteriographic abnormal vascularization. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1971) 0.75
White piedra and Trichosporon species in equatorial Africa. III. Identification of Trichosporon species by slide agglutination test. Mycoses (1995) 0.75
[Anti-nuclear factor and anti-toxoplasma antibodies detected using the Toxo-M Abbott kit]. Pathol Biol (Paris) (1990) 0.75
[Prevalence of Schistosoma intercalatum intestinal bilharziasis in children hospitalized the urban area of Gabon]. Arch Pediatr (1995) 0.75
Electroencephalogram and sodium pertechnetate Tc 99m brain scan. Arch Intern Med (1974) 0.75
An unusual radiographical-brain scan dissociation pattern with reticulum cell sarcoma (microglioma) of the brain. Bull Los Angeles Neurol Soc (1974) 0.75
[Serological study of toxoplasmosis and echinococcosis in cattle breeders and abattoir personnel in Benin]. Med Trop (Mars) (1987) 0.75
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy and the "slow viruses". Bull Los Angeles Neurol Soc (1968) 0.75
[A parasitologic survey conducted in Touraine (France) in a group of South East Asia refugees (author's transl)]. Med Trop (Mars) (1980) 0.75
Dendritic changes in the aging human rhinencephalon. Trans Am Neurol Assoc (1976) 0.75
Ventriculovenous shunt in treatment of obstructive hydrocephalus due to coccidioidomycotic meningitis. Neurology (1966) 0.75
[Malaria, pregnancy and prophylaxis]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris) (1989) 0.75
[A new molecule in antiparasitic therapy: alpha-difluoromethylornithine]. Pathol Biol (Paris) (1987) 0.75
[Treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria attacks in children with artemether in Gabon]. Sante (1995) 0.75
A dendritic-vascular relationship in the substantia nigra. Exp Neurol (1980) 0.75
[The influence of synthetic estrogens on experimental Schistosoma mansoni parasitosis in hamster: studies of the effects of anti-estrogens (tamoxifen and clomifen) (author's transl)]. J Pharm Belg (1981) 0.75
[Drugs for pneumocystosis]. Therapie (1988) 0.75
[Eyelid ptosis revealing a cerebral schistosomiasis]. Rev Med Interne (2005) 0.75
[Use of fluoromebenzadole in the treatment of opisthorchiasis]. Nouv Presse Med (1980) 0.75
[Influence of synthetic estrogens on experimental Schistosoma mansoni parasitosis in hamsters: cis and trans clomiphene isomers]. C R Seances Soc Biol Fil (1981) 0.75
[Bilharziasis caused by Schistosoma mekongi along the Mekong and its affluents Mun and Tonle Sap. Apropos of 2 cases observed at the University Hospital Center of Tours]. Bull Soc Pathol Exot Filiales (1986) 0.75
[Autochtone malaria]. Nouv Presse Med (1979) 0.75
[Toxoplasmosis with hepatic involvement in an immunocompetent adult: treatment with spiramycin]. Gastroenterol Clin Biol (2000) 0.75
[Irregular anti-P1 allo-antibodies and sinensis clonorchiasis]. Rev Fr Transfus Immunohematol (1981) 0.75
[Transfusional malaria. Another case (author's transl)]. Sem Hop (1980) 0.75
[Variation of cholostase enzymes (5'-nucleotidase and alkaline phosphatase) during a specific treatment for malaria in the Gabonese child]. Bull Soc Pathol Exot (1995) 0.75
Wernicke-like syndrome with chronic meningitis. A clinical neuropathological study of a patient with cysticercosis. Bull Los Angeles Neurol Soc (1966) 0.75
Neuropathologic complications of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Prog AIDS Pathol (1989) 0.75
[Spontaneously resolving meningeal cysticercosis reveals chronic lymphocytic meningitis]. Presse Med (1989) 0.75
Do raphe nuclei of the reticular formation have a neurosecretory or vascular sensor function? Exp Neurol (1975) 0.75
[Effect of the administration of estrogen-antiestrogen combinations on the experimental infection of the hamster with Schistosoma mansoni]. C R Seances Soc Biol Fil (1982) 0.75
[About eosinophilic infiltration in cellular tissue (author's transl)]. Sem Hop (1981) 0.75
[Influence of estradiol on the capacity to produce antibodies during experimental amebiasis of the female golden hamster]. C R Seances Soc Biol Fil (1976) 0.75
[Experimental Schistosoma mansoni parasitosis in golden hamsters. Effects on the intensity of parasitism, and on the rate of antibodies' circulation, after administration of estrogen, testosterone, or progesterone (author's transl)]. Ann Parasitol Hum Comp (1981) 0.75