Published in J Steroid Biochem on August 01, 1986
Crystal structure of human sex hormone-binding globulin: steroid transport by a laminin G-like domain. EMBO J (2000) 1.12
Complete enzymatic deglycosylation of native sex steroid-binding protein (SBP or SHBG) of human and rabbit plasma: effect on the steroid-binding activity. Protein Sci (1992) 0.80
Direct evidence for the localization of the steroid-binding site of the plasma sex steroid-binding protein (SBP or SHBG) at the interface between the subunits. Protein Sci (1996) 0.78
Arginine-140 and isoleucine-141 determine the 17beta-estradiol-binding specificity of the sex-steroid-binding protein (SBP, or SHBG) of human plasma. Protein Sci (2001) 0.75
Crystal structure of rhodopsin: A G protein-coupled receptor. Science (2000) 28.60
Methaemoglobinaemia due to Sulphanilamide Therapy. Can Med Assoc J (1937) 6.65
Quantitative DNase footprint titration: a method for studying protein-DNA interactions. Methods Enzymol (1986) 3.36
Homology of amino acid sequences of rat liver cathepsins B and H with that of papain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1983) 2.60
Characterization of proteins by sedimentation equilibrium in the analytical ultracentrifuge. Methods Enzymol (1973) 2.49
The phylogeny of trypsin-related serine proteases and their zymogens. New methods for the investigation of distant evolutionary relationships. J Mol Biol (1975) 2.47
"Footprint" titrations yield valid thermodynamic isotherms. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1986) 2.35
Probing structure and dynamics of DNA with 2-aminopurine: effects of local environment on fluorescence. Biochemistry (2001) 2.18
Characterization of a class of cationic proteins that specifically interact with intermediate filaments. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1981) 2.15
The translational friction coefficient of proteins. Methods Enzymol (1979) 2.05
Three-dimensional structure of a transglutaminase: human blood coagulation factor XIII. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1994) 1.78
The molecular basis of self-association of antibodies to IgG (rheumatoid factors) in rheumatoid arthritis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1974) 1.76
Energetics of cooperative protein-DNA interactions: comparison between quantitative deoxyribonuclease footprint titration and filter binding. Biochemistry (1986) 1.69
The isolation nd characterization of bovine factor VIII (antihemophilic factor). J Biol Chem (1972) 1.66
Molecular composition and sedimentation characteristics of soluble antigen-antibody complexes. Biochemistry (1972) 1.64
The 2.3 angstrom X-ray structure of nitrite reductase from Achromobacter cycloclastes. Science (1991) 1.62
Crystal structure of a 30 kDa C-terminal fragment from the gamma chain of human fibrinogen. Structure (1997) 1.60
Domain structure in high molecular weight high mobility group nonhistone chromatin proteins. Nature (1982) 1.54
The hyperviscosity syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis due to intermediate complexes formed by self-association of IgG-rheumatoid factors. Arthritis Rheum (1975) 1.54
Time-resolved fluorescence of the two tryptophans in horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase. Biochemistry (1981) 1.48
Prevention of occupational disease: problems of data collection for adequate surveillance. CMAJ (1992) 1.47
"Homology" in proteins and nucleic acids: a terminology muddle and a way out of it. Cell (1987) 1.42
A therapeutic trial of the use of penicillin V or erythromycin with or without rifampin in the treatment of psoriasis. J Am Acad Dermatol (1992) 1.38
Transglutaminase factor XIII uses proteinase-like catalytic triad to crosslink macromolecules. Protein Sci (1994) 1.30
The molecular weight of lysine-rich histone. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (1965) 1.30
Familial cold urticaria. Clin Exp Dermatol (1993) 1.29
Proteinase inhibitors I and II from leaves of wounded tomato plants: purification and properties. Arch Biochem Biophys (1982) 1.28
Characterization of human, bovine, and horse antithrombin III. Biochemistry (1976) 1.28
Conformation and dynamics of abasic sites in DNA investigated by time-resolved fluorescence of 2-aminopurine. Biochemistry (2001) 1.23
Crystal structure of rhodopsin: a template for cone visual pigments and other G protein-coupled receptors. Biochim Biophys Acta (2002) 1.23
Ultracentrifuge studies with Rayleigh interference optics. II. Low-speed sedimentation equilibrium of homogeneous systems. Biochemistry (1968) 1.22
The amino acid sequence of the sex steroid-binding protein of rabbit serum. J Biol Chem (1989) 1.22
Tissue factor and its extracellular soluble domain: the relationship between intermolecular association with factor VIIa and enzymatic activity of the complex. Biochemistry (1992) 1.20
A reinvestigation of the molecular weight of glycogen phosphorylase. Biochemistry (1967) 1.20
The molecular basis of self-association of IgG-Rheumatoid factors. J Immunol (1975) 1.19
The core domain of the tissue transglutaminase Gh hydrolyzes GTP and ATP. Biochemistry (1997) 1.18
IgG rheumatoid factors and staphylococcal protein A bind to a common molecular site on IgG. J Exp Med (1985) 1.18
Multiple granulation tissue lesions occurring in isotretinoin treatment of acne vulgaris--successful response to topical corticosteroid therapy. J Am Acad Dermatol (1985) 1.17
A retrospective study of dermatophyte infection in Newfoundland for the period 1962-1968. Can Med Assoc J (1971) 1.16
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Identification of a variant form of the human estrogen receptor with an amino acid replacement. Nucleic Acids Res (1989) 1.16
Antiphospholipid antibodies accelerate plasma coagulation by inhibiting annexin-V binding to phospholipids: a "lupus procoagulant" phenomenon. Blood (1998) 1.15
Studies on the antigenic determinants in the self-association of IgG rheumatoid factor. J Exp Med (1981) 1.12
Amino acid sequence of the sex steroid binding protein of human blood plasma. Biochemistry (1986) 1.11
Spectral enhancement of proteins: biological incorporation and fluorescence characterization of 5-hydroxytryptophan in bacteriophage lambda cI repressor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1992) 1.11
Identification of the calcium binding site and a novel ytterbium site in blood coagulation factor XIII by x-ray crystallography. J Biol Chem (1999) 1.10
Time-resolved fluorescence and 1H NMR studies of tyrosine and tyrosine analogues: correlation of NMR-determined rotamer populations and fluorescence kinetics. Biochemistry (1986) 1.08
Transglutaminase 1 mutations in autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis: private and recurrent mutations in an isolated population. Am J Hum Genet (1997) 1.07
Crystal structure of glycosomal glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Leishmania mexicana: implications for structure-based drug design and a new position for the inorganic phosphate binding site. Biochemistry (1995) 1.06
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The evolutionary origin of proinsulin. Amino acid sequence homology with the trypsin-related serine proteases detected and evaluated by new statistical methods. J Mol Biol (1976) 1.05
Intermediate complexes formed by self-association of IgG-rheumatoid factors. Ann N Y Acad Sci (1975) 1.05
Estimation of primary sequence homology from amino acid composition of evolutionary related proteins. J Theor Biol (1973) 1.05
The molecular characteristics of yeast aldolase. Biochemistry (1969) 1.04
The primary self-assembly reaction of bacteriophage lambda cI repressor dimers is to octamer. Biochemistry (1993) 1.04
Self-associating IgG rheumatoid factors in MRL/l autoimmune mice. Arthritis Rheum (1984) 1.04
Time-resolved fluorescence and anisotropy decay of the tryptophan in adrenocorticotropin-(1-24). Biochemistry (1981) 1.02
Use of an oriented transmembrane protein to probe the assembly of a supported phospholipid bilayer. Biophys J (1994) 1.02
Properties of an interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein from bovine retina. J Biol Chem (1985) 1.01
Rapid detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in ground beef using a fiber-optic biosensor. J Food Prot (1999) 1.00
5-hydroxytryptophan as a new intrinsic probe for investigating protein-DNA interactions by analytical ultracentrifugation. Study of the effect of DNA on self-assembly of the bacteriophage lambda cI repressor. Biochemistry (1993) 0.99
Human factor VIIa and its complex with soluble tissue factor: evaluation of asymmetry and conformational dynamics by ultracentrifugation and fluorescence anisotropy decay methods. Biochemistry (1993) 0.98
Activation of gene expression by a ligand-induced conformational change of a protein-DNA complex. J Biol Chem (1998) 0.97
Thermographic assessment of craniomandibular disorders: diagnostic interpretation versus temperature measurement analysis. J Orofac Pain (1994) 0.96
Dynamics and structures of DNA: long-range effects of a 16 base-pair (CG)8 sequence on secondary structure. Biopolymers (1993) 0.96
Ketoconazole for treatment of disseminated coccidioidomycosis. Ann Intern Med (1982) 0.96
Characterization of a phosphorylated form of the intermediate filament-aggregating protein filaggrin. Biochemistry (1982) 0.96
Expression, purification, and characterization of human factor XIII in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochemistry (1990) 0.95
Protein crystallography and infectious diseases. Protein Sci (1994) 0.95
Methotrexate hepatotoxicity in psoriatics: report of 104 patients from Nova Scotia, with analysis of risks from obesity, diabetes and alcohol consumption during long term follow-up. Can J Gastroenterol (1996) 0.95
Steric requirements at position B12 for high biological activity in insulin. Biochemistry (1993) 0.94
Determination of the tryptophan:tyrosine ratio in proteins. Anal Biochem (1993) 0.92
Structural determinants of the bifunctional corn Hageman factor inhibitor: x-ray crystal structure at 1.95 A resolution. Biochemistry (1998) 0.92
Linkage between operator binding and dimer to octamer self-assembly of bacteriophage lambda cI repressor. Biochemistry (1997) 0.91
Dynamics of biomolecules: assignment of local motions by fluorescence anisotropy decay. Biophys J (1998) 0.91
Isolation and characterization of the alkylated histidine from TLCK inhibited trypsin. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (1965) 0.90
Multiple activation loop conformations and their regulatory properties in the insulin receptor's kinase domain. J Biol Chem (2001) 0.90
Hybrid formation of carboxypeptidase A and fraction II of procarboxypeptidase A. Biochemistry (1970) 0.90
Thermodynamics of concanavalin A dimer-tetramer self-association: sedimentation equilibrium studies. Biochemistry (1981) 0.90
Crystal structure of rhodopsin: a G-protein-coupled receptor. Chembiochem (2002) 0.90
Structural evidence that the activation peptide is not released upon thrombin cleavage of factor XIII. Thromb Res (1995) 0.90
A reexamination of the reaction between colchicine and tubulin. Ann N Y Acad Sci (1975) 0.90
Biologic and physical properties of succinylated and glycosylated Acinetobacter glutaminase-asparaginase. J Biol Chem (1975) 0.90
Time-resolved fluorescence and 1H NMR studies of tyrosyl residues in oxytocin and small peptides: correlation of NMR-determined conformations of tyrosyl residues and fluorescence decay kinetics. Biochemistry (1986) 0.89
Dynamic aspects of insulin action: synchronization of oscillatory glycolysis in isolated perifused rat fat cells by insulin and hydrogen peroxide. Biochemistry (1983) 0.89
Four novel mutations in deficiency of coagulation factor XIII: consequences to expression and structure of the A-subunit. Blood (1996) 0.89
Fc intermediate (Fci), a papain-generated fragment of human IgG, intermediate in charge, molecular weight and cleavage between the Fc and Fc' fragments of IgG. Mol Immunol (1985) 0.89
Influence of substrates on the dissociation of rabbit muscle D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Biochemistry (1969) 0.88
Cutis verticis gyrata as a marker of internal malignancy. Arch Dermatol (1989) 0.88
DNase I footprint analysis of protein-DNA binding. Curr Protoc Mol Biol (2001) 0.88
Multiple specific CytR binding sites at the Escherichia coli deoP2 promoter mediate both cooperative and competitive interactions between CytR and cAMP receptor protein. J Biol Chem (1996) 0.88
Familial X-linked ichthyosis, steroid sulfatase deficiency, mental retardation, and nullisomy for Xp223-pter. Arch Dermatol (1985) 0.87
Current status of the chemical structure of bovine pancreatic carboxypeptidase A. Brookhaven Symp Biol (1968) 0.86
Allosteric mechanism of induction of CytR-regulated gene expression. Cytr repressor-cytidine interaction. J Biol Chem (1997) 0.86