Published in Br J Psychiatry on September 01, 1986
Nocturnal faecal soiling and anal masturbation. Arch Dis Child (1990) 0.75
Focal dysplasia of the cerebral cortex in epilepsy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1971) 3.38
Persistent disability associated with ankle sprains: a prospective examination of an athletic population. Foot Ankle Int (1998) 2.84
CUT1, an Arabidopsis gene required for cuticular wax biosynthesis and pollen fertility, encodes a very-long-chain fatty acid condensing enzyme. Plant Cell (1999) 2.75
Surgical treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy due to mesial temporal sclerosis. Etiology and significance. Arch Neurol (1968) 2.59
The effect of age at smoking initiation on lung cancer risk. Epidemiology (1993) 2.59
Precurrent self-prompting operants in children: "Remembering". J Exp Anal Behav (1981) 2.34
Seed-specific over-expression of an Arabidopsis cDNA encoding a diacylglycerol acyltransferase enhances seed oil content and seed weight. Plant Physiol (2001) 2.31
The Arabidopsis thaliana TAG1 mutant has a mutation in a diacylglycerol acyltransferase gene. Plant J (1999) 2.30
Alteration of seed fatty acid composition by an ethyl methanesulfonate-induced mutation in Arabidopsis thaliana affecting diacylglycerol acyltransferase activity. Plant Physiol (1995) 2.19
The components of sickness: diseases, illnesses, and predicaments. Lancet (1979) 1.72
Comparison of the Single Assessment Numeric Evaluation method and two shoulder rating scales. Outcomes measures after shoulder surgery. Am J Sports Med (1999) 1.71
Central and peripheral thermal control of effectors in homeothermic temperature regulation. Physiol Rev (1986) 1.71
Modification of seed oil content and acyl composition in the brassicaceae by expression of a yeast sn-2 acyltransferase gene. Plant Cell (1997) 1.66
Asymptomatic high-grade internal carotid artery stenosis: is stratification according to risk factors or duplex spectral analysis possible? J Vasc Surg (1989) 1.61
The risk of preterm birth across generations. Obstet Gynecol (1997) 1.60
Factors influencing the occurrence of schizophrenia-like psychosis in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Psychol Med (1975) 1.58
Duplex ultrasound measurement of postprandial intestinal blood flow: effect of meal composition. Gastroenterology (1988) 1.57
Mental state and temporal lobe epilepsy. A correlative account of 100 patients treated surgically. Epilepsia (1972) 1.56
Acid phosphatases. Mol Pathol (2002) 1.55
Epilepsy and the sinister side of schizophrenia. Dev Med Child Neurol (1977) 1.54
Aspects of seizure disorders. II. On prejudice. Dev Med Child Neurol (1973) 1.51
Clinical, socio-economic, and psychological changes after temporal lobectomy for epilepsy. Br J Psychiatry (1968) 1.51
Childhood seizures: a 25-year follow up. Social and medical prognosis. Lancet (1976) 1.42
Criteria for the accreditation of noninvasive vascular laboratories. Can J Surg (1994) 1.40
Driving after temporal lobectomy for epilepsy. Br Med J (1967) 1.39
Prevention of vascular injuries in revision total hip replacement. Can J Surg (1992) 1.38
Arterial complications and total knee arthroplasty. J Am Acad Orthop Surg (2001) 1.38
Surface modification of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) nanospheres by biodegradable poly(lactide)-poly(ethylene glycol) copolymers. Pharm Res (1994) 1.37
Biological mechanisms influencing the outcome of seizures in response to fever. Epilepsia (1971) 1.33
The plastidic phosphoglucomutase from Arabidopsis. A reversible enzyme reaction with an important role in metabolic control. Plant Physiol (2000) 1.31
Prospective evaluation of arthroscopic stabilization of acute, initial anterior shoulder dislocations in young athletes. Two- to five-year follow-up. Am J Sports Med (2001) 1.30
Effects of intraarticular IL1-Ra for acute anterior cruciate ligament knee injury: a randomized controlled pilot trial (NCT00332254). Osteoarthritis Cartilage (2012) 1.30
Predictors of death in nonruptured and ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms. J Vasc Surg (1996) 1.23
The effects of femoral graft placement on in vivo knee kinematics after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. J Biomech (2011) 1.17
Differential rates of cerebral maturation between sexes and between hemispheres. Evidence from epilepsy. Lancet (1969) 1.13
Facial thermal input to the trigeminal spinal nucleus of rabbits and rats. J Comp Neurol (1979) 1.05
Hysteria, play-acting and courage. Br J Psychiatry (1986) 1.04
Hysteria. Arch Dis Child (1985) 1.04
The role of arteriography in assessing vascular injuries associated with dislocations of the knee. J Trauma (1993) 1.03
An analysis of a thermal afferent pathway in the rat. J Physiol (1982) 1.03
The action of the oxytocic hormone of the pituitary gland on urine secretion. J Physiol (1942) 1.01
Braced for impact: reducing military paratroopers' ankle sprains using outside-the-boot braces. J Trauma (1998) 0.99
Primary intimal sarcoma of the pulmonary trunk simulating pulmonary embolism. Am Heart J (1993) 0.97
Aggression and epilepsy. J Psychosom Res (1969) 0.97
Comparison of the single assessment numeric evaluation method and the Lysholm score. Clin Orthop Relat Res (2000) 0.96
Production of fatty acid components of meadowfoam oil in somatic soybean embryos. Plant Physiol (2000) 0.96
The sick child's predicament. Aust N Z J Psychiatry (1985) 0.96
Complication of suprapubic bladder aspiration. Arch Dis Child (1975) 0.96
The study of storage lipid biosynthesis using microspore-derived cultures of oil seed rape. Prog Lipid Res (2000) 0.95
Sudden death and epilepsy. Lancet (1990) 0.95
Arthroscopic treatment of soft-tissue impingement of the ankle in athletes. Arthroscopy (1997) 0.95
Staff development of tutor skills for problem-based learning. Med Educ (1996) 0.93
The effects of nucleus raphe magnus lesions on an ascending thermal pathway in the rat. J Physiol (1982) 0.92
Ontogenesis of chronic epileptic psychoses: a reanalysis. Psychol Med (1971) 0.92
Assessment of patient waiting times for vascular surgery. Can J Surg (2000) 0.92
Epilepsy and folate deficiency. Br Med J (1969) 0.91
A prospective study of modified Ottawa ankle rules in a military population. Interobserver agreement between physical therapists and orthopaedic surgeons. Am J Sports Med (2001) 0.91
Papillary urothelial hyperplasia is a clonal precursor to papillary transitional cell bladder cancer. Int J Cancer (2000) 0.90
Effects of postmortem freezing on tensile failure properties of rabbit extensor digitorum longus muscle tendon complex. J Orthop Res (1996) 0.90
The metabolism and elimination of cimetidine, a histamine H2-receptor antagonist, in the rat, dog, and man. Drug Metab Dispos (1978) 0.89
Nocardia asteroides sepsis of the knee. Clin Orthop Relat Res (1985) 0.89
Sexual behavior and temporal lobe epilepsy. Arch Neurol (1969) 0.89
The use of behavior therapy and physical therapy to promote independent ambulation in a preschooler with mental retardation and cerebral palsy. Res Dev Disabil (1989) 0.89
Effects of antisense repression of an Arabidopsis thaliana pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase cDNA on plant development. Plant Mol Biol (1999) 0.89
Single versus two-incision arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Arthroscopy (1996) 0.88
Recurrent shoulder instability after open reconstruction in athletes involved in collision and contact sports. Am J Sports Med (2001) 0.88
Temporal lobe epilepsy: origin and significance of simple and complex auras. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1987) 0.88
Progress in abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery: four decades of experience at a teaching center. Cardiovasc Surg (1997) 0.88
Overflow movements and behavior problems: scoring and using a modification of Fogs' test. Dev Med Child Neurol (1984) 0.86
Prevention in epileptic disorders. Lancet (1971) 0.86
Interscalene anesthesia for shoulder arthroscopy in a community-sized military hospital. Arthroscopy (1996) 0.86
The use of fluorescent tracers in the peripheral sensory nervous system. J Neurosci Methods (1983) 0.85
Evaluation of the operating room as a surgical teaching venue. Can J Surg (1992) 0.85
Propranolol absorption in different regions of the rat gastrointestinal tract in situ: implications for sustained release formulations. J Pharm Pharmacol (1980) 0.85
Selective shunting with EEG monitoring is safer than routine shunting for carotid endarterectomy. Cardiovasc Surg (1997) 0.85
Somato-visceral convergence in cat dorsal root ganglion neurones demonstrated by double-labelling with fluorescent tracers. Brain Res (1984) 0.85
Respiratory immunity stimulated by intestinal immunization with purified nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae antigens. J Infect Dis (1992) 0.85
Child psychiatric/paediatric liaison: discussion paper. J R Soc Med (1986) 0.85
Arthroscopic bioabsorbable tack stabilization of initial anterior shoulder dislocations: a preliminary report. Arthroscopy (1995) 0.85
End range eccentric antagonist/concentric agonist strength ratios: a new perspective in shoulder strength assessment. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther (1997) 0.85
Psychological disturbance and its associations in the children of the Gujarati community. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (1991) 0.84
Secondary carcinoma from the cervix involving the large bowel. Br J Surg (1969) 0.84
Cloning of a cDNA encoding the 21.2 kDa oleosin isoform from Arabidopsis thaliana and a study of its expression in a mutant defective in diacylglycerol acyltransferase activity. Plant Mol Biol (1996) 0.83
The effects of a valgus collapse knee position on in vivo ACL elongation. Ann Biomed Eng (2012) 0.83
Interrelationships between muscle fibre type, substrate oxidation and body fat. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord (1999) 0.83
Primary anterior dislocation of the shoulder in young patients. A ten-year prospective study. J Bone Joint Surg Am (1998) 0.83
Composition of milk from Ailuropoda melanoleuca, the giant panda. Vet Rec (1984) 0.83
Parachuting injuries: a medical analysis of an airborne operation. Mil Med (1996) 0.82
One hundred years of epilepsy surgery: Sir Victor Horsley's contribution. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1986) 0.82
New measures of outcome needed for the surgical treatment of epilepsy. Epilepsia (1997) 0.82
Surgical treatment of severe autistic regression in childhood epilepsy. Pediatr Neurol (1997) 0.82
Arthroscopic stabilization of acute initial anterior shoulder dislocation: the West Point experience. J South Orthop Assoc (1996) 0.81
Steric stabilization of microspheres with grafted polyethylene oxide reduces phagocytosis by rat Kupffer cells in vitro. Biomaterials (1991) 0.81
Tracing of sensory neurones and spinal motoneurones of the pigeon by injection of fluorescent dyes into peripheral nerves. Cell Tissue Res (1983) 0.81
Double fluorescence labelling supports electrophysiological evidence for dichotomizing peripheral sensory nerve fibres in rats. Neurosci Lett (1982) 0.80
Hysteria. Pretending to be sick and its consequences. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2002) 0.80
Callosal section for epilepsy and the avoidance of doing everything possible. Dev Med Child Neurol (1990) 0.80
Distribution of sensory neurons of the pudendal nerve in the dorsal root ganglia and their projection to the spinal cord. Horseradish-peroxidase studies in the rat. Cell Tissue Res (1982) 0.80
Interacting RNA species identified by combinatorial selection. Bioorg Med Chem (1997) 0.80
Vascular trauma associated with fractures and dislocations. Semin Vasc Surg (1998) 0.79