I de Zoysa

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Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 The magnitude of the global problem of diarrhoeal disease: a ten-year update. Bull World Health Organ 1992 5.03
2 Interventions for the control of diarrhoeal diseases among young children: rotavirus and cholera immunization. Bull World Health Organ 1985 3.59
3 Issues in the design and interpretation of studies to evaluate the impact of community-based interventions. Trop Med Int Health 1997 2.11
4 Syndromic management of vaginal discharge among women in a reproductive health clinic in India. Sex Transm Infect 2000 1.92
5 Perceptions of childhood diarrhoea and its treatment in rural Zimbabwe. Soc Sci Med 1984 1.18
6 Interventions for the control of diarrhoeal diseases among young children: chemoprophylaxis. Bull World Health Organ 1985 1.03
7 Indigenous plant remedies in Zimbabwe. J Ethnopharmacol 1986 0.83
8 Microbicide research and "the investigator's dilemma". Am J Public Health 2000 0.80
9 Breastfeeding in HIV-1-positive mothers. Lancet 2001 0.75
10 Preparation of sugar-salt solutions. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1984 0.75