Published in Clin Gastroenterol on July 01, 1985
Diagnostic systems as an aid to clinical decision making. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1987) 1.35
Prevalence and risk factors for abdominal bloating and visible distention: a population-based study. Gut (2008) 1.09
Prevalence of dyspepsia: the epidemiology of overlapping symptoms. Postgrad Med J (1994) 0.93
Bloating and functional gastro-intestinal disorders: where are we and where are we going? World J Gastroenterol (2014) 0.80
A comparison of symptoms between non-ulcer dyspepsia patients positive and negative for Helicobacter pylori. Ulster Med J (1991) 0.75
Ethical considerations concerning computers in medicine in the 1980s. J Med Ethics (1987) 0.75
Prognosis in nontraumatic coma. Ann Intern Med (1981) 4.89
Anaesthetic practice and pregnancy. Controlled survey of women anaesthetists in the United Kingdom. Lancet (1972) 3.24
A prospective study of nontraumatic coma: methods and results in 310 patients. Ann Neurol (1977) 2.45
Anesthetic practice and pregnancy. Controlled survey of male anaesthetists in the United Kingdom. Lancet (1975) 2.37
How accurate are SMR1 (Scottish Morbidity Record 1) data? Health Bull (Edinb) (1992) 1.91
Hypercalcemia and increased parathyroid-hormone activity in a primary hepatoma. Studies before and after hepatic transplantation. N Engl J Med (1970) 1.83
Liver transplantation in man. II. A report of two orthotopic liver transplants in adult recipients. Br Med J (1968) 1.68
The vegetative state and its prognosis following nontraumatic coma. Ann N Y Acad Sci (1978) 1.65
Use of sequential Bayesian model in diagnosis of jaundice by computer. Br Med J (1973) 1.56
Controlled trial of amantadine hydrochloride in Parkinson's disease. Lancet (1970) 1.48
A database on dyspepsia. Gut (1994) 1.41
Occupational hazards for operating room-based physicians. Analysis of data from the United States and the United Kingdom. JAMA (1977) 1.38
Issues in the cross-national assessment of health technology. Int J Technol Assess Health Care (1992) 1.36
Amantadine dosage in treatment of Parkinson's disease. Lancet (1970) 1.30
Computer interrogation of patients. Br Med J (1976) 1.25
Treatment of Parkinson's disease with amantadine and levodopa. A one-year study. Lancet (1971) 1.06
Evaluation of a Bayesian model in the diagnosis of jaundice. Gut (1970) 1.04
Combined treatment of parkinsonism with L-dopa and amantadine. Lancet (1970) 1.00
Observer variation in assessment of liver biopsies including analysis by kappa statistics. Gastroenterology (1980) 0.97
Taking a calculated risk: predictive scoring systems in dyspepsia. Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl (1987) 0.95
"Ulcer--like dyspepsia". Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl (1982) 0.95
Upper gastrointestinal mucosal abnormalities and blood loss complicating low-dose aspirin and antithrombotic therapy. Aliment Pharmacol Ther (2006) 0.94
Use of computer-assisted model in diagnosis of drug hypersensitivity jaundice. Br Med J (1973) 0.90
Upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage associated with low-dose aspirin and anti-thrombotic drugs - a 6-year analysis and comparison with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Aliment Pharmacol Ther (2005) 0.89
Clinical and electroencephalographic assessment of diazepam in liver disease. Br Med J (1971) 0.89
Clinician versus computer in the choice of 11 differential diagnoses of jaundice based on formalised data. Methods Inf Med (1974) 0.87
Use of computer program for diagnosing jaundice in district hospitals and specialized liver unit. Br Med J (1975) 0.86
Interrelation of responses during progressive exercise in trained and untrained subjects. Q J Exp Physiol Cogn Med Sci (1969) 0.85
Transferability of a computer system for medical history taking and decision support in dyspepsia. A comparison of indicants for peptic ulcer disease. Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl (1987) 0.85
Peripheral neuropathy in chronic liver disease: clinical, electrodiagnostic, and nerve biopsy findings. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1972) 0.85
L-dopa and amantadine hydrochloride in extra-pyramidal disorders. Postgrad Med J (1971) 0.85
Clinical outcome in upper gastrointestinal bleeding complicating low-dose aspirin and antithrombotic drugs. Aliment Pharmacol Ther (2006) 0.84
Inter-observer variation of symptoms and signs in jaundice. Liver (1981) 0.84
Prestomal ileitis: clinical and pathological findings in five cases. Q J Med (1970) 0.83
Observer variability in assessing the clinical features of subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Neurosurg (1983) 0.83
Non-invasive techniques in the diagnosis of jaundice--ultrasound and computer. Gut (1979) 0.82
Observer variability in grading patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Neurosurg (1982) 0.82
Pitfalls in the diagnosis of jaundice due to carcinoma of the pancreas or biliary tree. Br Med J (1973) 0.81
Clinical decision making (2). Diagnostic and prognostic inference. Health Bull (Edinb) (1977) 0.80
Comparative trial of Nutrizym in chronic pancreatic insufficiency. Br Med J (1970) 0.79
Health problems of anaesthetists and their families. Br Med J (1979) 0.79
Recovery from nontraumatic coma. Trans Am Neurol Assoc (1978) 0.79
L-dopa and amantadine hydrochloride in Parkinson's disease. Int Z Klin Pharmakol Ther Toxikol (1971) 0.79
Applying decision theory to medical decision-making--concept of regret and error of diagnosis. Methods Inf Med (1982) 0.79
Studies of morbidity in anaesthetists with special reference to obstetric history. Proc R Soc Med (1974) 0.78
Is there a health hazard in anaesthetic practice? Br J Anaesth (1978) 0.78
Prophylaxis against non-steroidal induced upper gastrointestinal side effects. Ann Rheum Dis (1992) 0.75
Computer aided diagnosis of jaundice. A comparison of two data bases. Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl (1987) 0.75
A comparison of symptoms between non-ulcer dyspepsia patients positive and negative for Helicobacter pylori. Ulster Med J (1991) 0.75
Hearing in rheumatoid arthritis: results of audiometry in 76 patients. Ann Rheum Dis (1971) 0.75
A controlled trial of a protein-free liver extract in the treatment of chronic liver disease. Gut (1969) 0.75
Anaesthetic contamination. Br Med J (1973) 0.75
The role of nurses in management with the National Health Service in Scotland. J Nurs Manag (1996) 0.75
Assessment of the consequences of subarachnoid haemorrhage. Acta Neurochir (Wien) (1982) 0.75
The diagnosis of jaundice by the computation of probabilities. J R Coll Physicians Lond (1975) 0.75
[Comparative double blind experience of a polyenzymatic preparation in chronic pancreatic insufficiency (author's transl)]. Acta Gastroenterol Belg (1973) 0.75