Published in Behav Brain Res on February 01, 1986
Hippocampal damage and exploratory preferences in rats: memory for objects, places, and contexts. Learn Mem (2002) 3.71
Binge drinking in young adults: Data, definitions, and determinants. Psychol Bull (2009) 2.78
Estrogens and progestins enhance spatial learning of intact and ovariectomized rats in the object placement task. Neurobiol Learn Mem (2007) 1.63
Lesions of the rat perirhinal cortex spare the acquisition of a complex configural visual discrimination yet impair object recognition. Behav Neurosci (2010) 1.12
Impaired learning and motor behavior in heterozygous Pafah1b1 (Lis1) mutant mice. Learn Mem (1999) 1.11
An epigenetic hypothesis of aging-related cognitive dysfunction. Front Aging Neurosci (2010) 1.11
Neural correlates of the episodic encoding of pictures and words. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1998) 1.07
Progression of multiple behavioral deficits with various ages of onset in a murine model of Hurler syndrome. Brain Res (2007) 1.05
The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor modulator GLYX-13 enhances learning and memory, in young adult and learning impaired aging rats. Neurobiol Aging (2009) 1.05
Evidence concerning how neurons of the perirhinal cortex may effect familiarity discrimination. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2002) 1.02
Spontaneous object recognition and its relevance to schizophrenia: a review of findings from pharmacological, genetic, lesion and developmental rodent models. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2011) 0.99
The impact of flavonoids on spatial memory in rodents: from behaviour to underlying hippocampal mechanisms. Genes Nutr (2009) 0.99
A novel neurotrophic drug for cognitive enhancement and Alzheimer's disease. PLoS One (2011) 0.98
Memory in aged mice is rescued by enhanced expression of the GluN2B subunit of the NMDA receptor. Behav Brain Res (2012) 0.98
An animal model of recognition memory and medial temporal lobe amnesia: history and current issues. Neuropsychologia (2010) 0.97
A single early-life seizure impairs short-term memory but does not alter spatial learning, recognition memory, or anxiety. Epilepsy Behav (2008) 0.93
The glycine transporter 1 inhibitor SSR504734 enhances working memory performance in a continuous delayed alternation task in C57BL/6 mice. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2008) 0.93
Anti-dementia drugs and hippocampal-dependent memory in rodents. Behav Pharmacol (2007) 0.93
Long-range neural synchrony in behavior. Annu Rev Neurosci (2015) 0.89
Chronic pravastatin but not atorvastatin treatment impairs cognitive function in two rodent models of learning and memory. PLoS One (2013) 0.89
Perirhinal cortex is necessary for acquiring, but not for retrieving object-place paired association. Learn Mem (2010) 0.88
Evidence that the rat hippocampus has contrasting roles in object recognition memory and object recency memory. Behav Neurosci (2012) 0.87
Stem cell transplantation for enhancement of learning and memory in adult neurocognitive disorders. Aging Dis (2010) 0.85
Advances in the behavioural testing and network imaging of rodent recognition memory. Behav Brain Res (2014) 0.84
The anterior thalamus is critical for overcoming interference in a context-dependent odor discrimination task. Behav Neurosci (2012) 0.83
Why do lesions in the rodent anterior thalamic nuclei cause such severe spatial deficits? Neurosci Biobehav Rev (2014) 0.83
Association rules for rat spatial learning: the importance of the hippocampus for binding item identity with item location. Hippocampus (2013) 0.83
Memory deficits associated with sublethal cyanide poisoning relative to cyanate toxicity in rodents. Metab Brain Dis (2013) 0.82
Associative properties of the perirhinal network. Cereb Cortex (2011) 0.82
Cognitive impairments accompanying rodent mild traumatic brain injury involve p53-dependent neuronal cell death and are ameliorated by the tetrahydrobenzothiazole PFT-α. PLoS One (2013) 0.82
The neural basis of nonvisual object recognition memory in the rat. Behav Neurosci (2012) 0.81
The impact of fornix lesions in rats on spatial learning tasks sensitive to anterior thalamic and hippocampal damage. Behav Brain Res (2014) 0.80
A Prefrontal-Hippocampal Comparator for Goal-Directed Behavior: The Intentional Self and Episodic Memory. Front Behav Neurosci (2015) 0.80
The mammillary bodies and memory: more than a hippocampal relay. Prog Brain Res (2015) 0.80
The head direction cell system and behavior: The effects of lesions to the lateral mammillary bodies on spatial memory in a novel landmark task and in the water maze. Behav Neurosci (2015) 0.78
The neural representation of 3-dimensional objects in rodent memory circuits. Behav Brain Res (2014) 0.78
Glucose deficit triggers tau pathology and synaptic dysfunction in a tauopathy mouse model. Transl Psychiatry (2017) 0.78
Superior working memory and behavioural habituation but diminished psychomotor coordination in mice lacking the ecto-5'-nucleotidase (CD73) gene. Purinergic Signal (2012) 0.77
Effects of drugs of abuse on hippocampal plasticity and hippocampus-dependent learning and memory: contributions to development and maintenance of addiction. Learn Mem (2016) 0.77
Nicotinic modulation of hippocampal cell signaling and associated effects on learning and memory. Physiol Behav (2015) 0.77
Cognitive Impairments Induced by Concussive Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Mouse Are Ameliorated by Treatment with Phenserine via Multiple Non-Cholinergic and Cholinergic Mechanisms. PLoS One (2016) 0.77
Mechanisms of memory storage in a model perirhinal network. Brain Struct Funct (2016) 0.76
Spontaneous object recognition: a promising approach to the comparative study of memory. Front Behav Neurosci (2015) 0.76
What does spatial alternation tell us about retrosplenial cortex function? Front Behav Neurosci (2015) 0.76
Neonatal Perirhinal Lesions in Rhesus Macaques Alter Performance on Working Memory Tasks with High Proactive Interference. Front Syst Neurosci (2016) 0.76
Soyasaponin I improved neuroprotection and regeneration in memory deficient model rats. PLoS One (2013) 0.75
Sleep Enhances Recognition Memory for Conspecifics as Bound into Spatial Context. Front Behav Neurosci (2017) 0.75
Heteromeric channels formed by TRPC1, TRPC4 and TRPC5 define hippocampal synaptic transmission and working memory. EMBO J (2017) 0.75
Place navigation impaired in rats with hippocampal lesions. Nature (1982) 15.79
Recognition memory: what are the roles of the perirhinal cortex and hippocampus? Nat Rev Neurosci (2001) 7.25
Dissociating pain from its anticipation in the human brain. Science (1999) 4.36
Exacerbation of pain by anxiety is associated with activity in a hippocampal network. J Neurosci (2001) 2.68
Extending the spontaneous preference test of recognition: evidence of object-location and object-context recognition. Behav Brain Res (1999) 2.41
Spontaneous object recognition and object location memory in rats: the effects of lesions in the cingulate cortices, the medial prefrontal cortex, the cingulum bundle and the fornix. Exp Brain Res (1997) 2.34
Different contributions of the hippocampus and perirhinal cortex to recognition memory. J Neurosci (1999) 2.06
Cortical and subcortical afferents to the amygdala of the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta). Brain Res (1980) 2.00
Neurotoxic lesions of the perirhinal cortex do not mimic the behavioural effects of fornix transection in the rat. Behav Brain Res (1996) 1.82
Impaired auditory recognition of fear and anger following bilateral amygdala lesions. Nature (1997) 1.73
Double dissociation of function within the hippocampus: a comparison of dorsal, ventral, and complete hippocampal cytotoxic lesions. Behav Neurosci (1999) 1.71
Learning about pain: the neural substrate of the prediction error for aversive events. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2000) 1.66
Face processing impairments after amygdalotomy. Brain (1995) 1.63
The effects of neurotoxic lesions of the perirhinal cortex combined to fornix transection on object recognition memory in the rat. Behav Brain Res (1997) 1.58
Allocentric spatial learning by hippocampectomised rats: a further test of the "spatial mapping" and "working memory" theories of hippocampal function. Q J Exp Psychol B (1986) 1.53
A comparison of 129S2/SvHsd and C57BL/6JOlaHsd mice on a test battery assessing sensorimotor, affective and cognitive behaviours: implications for the study of genetically modified mice. Behav Brain Res (2001) 1.51
Dissociating context and space within the hippocampus: effects of complete, dorsal, and ventral excitotoxic hippocampal lesions on conditioned freezing and spatial learning. Behav Neurosci (1999) 1.49
Distinct patterns of behavioural impairments resulting from fornix transection or neurotoxic lesions of the perirhinal and postrhinal cortices in the rat. Behav Brain Res (2000) 1.49
Early behavioural changes in scrapie-affected mice and the influence of dapsone. Eur J Neurosci (2001) 1.47
A comparison of egocentric and allocentric spatial memory in a patient with selective hippocampal damage. Neuropsychologia (2000) 1.41
An experimental test of the role of postsynaptic calcium levels in determining synaptic strength using perirhinal cortex of rat. J Physiol (2001) 1.40
Fos imaging reveals differential patterns of hippocampal and parahippocampal subfield activation in rats in response to different spatial memory tests. J Neurosci (2000) 1.39
Syndrome produced by lesions of the amygdala in monkeys (Macaca mulatta). J Comp Physiol Psychol (1981) 1.36
Functionally dissociating aspects of event memory: the effects of combined perirhinal and postrhinal cortex lesions on object and place memory in the rat. J Neurosci (1999) 1.36
Neuronal signalling of information important to visual recognition memory in rat rhinal and neighbouring cortices. Eur J Neurosci (1995) 1.35
Medial septal area lesions disrupt theta rhythm and cholinergic staining in medial entorhinal cortex and produce impaired radial arm maze behavior in rats. J Neurosci (1982) 1.32
The effects of selective lesions within the anterior thalamic nuclei on spatial memory in the rat. Behav Brain Res (1996) 1.29
A new form of long-term depression in the perirhinal cortex. Nat Neurosci (2000) 1.27
Magnitude of the object recognition deficit associated with perirhinal cortex damage in rats: Effects of varying the lesion extent and the duration of the sample period. Behav Neurosci (2009) 1.25
Memory impairments following restricted medial thalamic lesions in monkeys. Exp Brain Res (1983) 1.25
Recognition memory in rats--II. Neuroanatomical substrates. Prog Neurobiol (1998) 1.24
Novel spatial arrangements of familiar visual stimuli promote activity in the rat hippocampal formation but not the parahippocampal cortices: a c-fos expression study. Neuroscience (2004) 1.24
Effects of the novelty or familiarity of visual stimuli on the expression of the immediate early gene c-fos in rat brain. Neuroscience (1995) 1.23
Handedness in 'fast ball' sports: do left-handers have an innate advantage? Br J Psychol (1989) 1.21
The conjoint importance of the hippocampus and anterior thalamic nuclei for allocentric spatial learning: evidence from a disconnection study in the rat. J Neurosci (2001) 1.21
A comparison of the effects of anterior thalamic, mamillary body and fornix lesions on reinforced spatial alternation. Behav Brain Res (1995) 1.17
Fornix lesions can facilitate acquisition of the transverse patterning task: a challenge for "configural" theories of hippocampal function. J Neurosci (1998) 1.15
Distinct subdivisions of the cingulum bundle revealed by diffusion MRI fibre tracking: implications for neuropsychological investigations. Neuropsychologia (2012) 1.12
Differential deficits in the Morris water maze following cytotoxic lesions of the anterior thalamus and fornix transection. Behav Brain Res (1999) 1.08
The origin, course, and termination of the hippocampothalamic projections in the macaque. J Comp Neurol (1986) 1.08
Burrowing into prion disease. Neuroreport (2001) 1.07
The effects of fornix and medial prefrontal lesions on delayed non-matching-to-sample by rats. Behav Brain Res (1993) 1.07
Projections of the amygdala to the thalamus in the cynomolgus monkey. J Comp Neurol (1984) 1.06
Neurotoxic lesions of the dorsomedial thalamus impair the acquisition but not the performance of delayed matching to place by rats: a deficit in shifting response rules. J Neurosci (1998) 1.06
The effects of hippocampal system lesions on a novel temporal discrimination task for rats. Behav Brain Res (2007) 1.05
Spontaneous recognition of object configurations in rats: effects of fornix lesions. Exp Brain Res (1994) 1.05
Fos expression in the rostral thalamic nuclei and associated cortical regions in response to different spatial memory tests. Neuroscience (2000) 1.04
Benzodiazepine impairment of perirhinal cortical plasticity and recognition memory. Eur J Neurosci (2004) 1.02
A computer controlled analysis of freezing behaviour. J Neurosci Methods (1998) 1.02
The role of the hippocampus in mnemonic integration and retrieval: complementary evidence from lesion and inactivation studies. Eur J Neurosci (2009) 1.01
Septo-hippocampal connections and the hippocampal theta rhythm. Exp Brain Res (1979) 1.01
The septo-hippocampal system and cognitive mapping. Behav Brain Res (1982) 1.00
Disconnecting hippocampal projections to the anterior thalamus produces deficits on tests of spatial memory in rats. Eur J Neurosci (2000) 1.00
A description of intra-amygdaloid connections in old world monkeys. Exp Brain Res (1985) 0.99
Differential activation of the rat hippocampus and perirhinal cortex by novel visual stimuli and a novel environment. Neurosci Lett (1997) 0.99
The functional anatomy of visual-tactile integration in man: a study using positron emission tomography. Neuropsychologia (2000) 0.98
Visual recognition impairment following medial thalamic lesions in monkeys. Neuropsychologia (1983) 0.98
Mapping visual recognition memory through expression of the immediate early gene c-fos. Neuroreport (1996) 0.97
A description of the amygdalo-hippocampal interconnections in the macaque monkey. Exp Brain Res (1986) 0.97
Voltammetrically monitored brain ascorbate as an index of excitatory amino acid release in the unrestrained rat. Neurosci Lett (1984) 0.97
The role of the entorhinal cortex in two forms of spatial learning and memory. Exp Brain Res (2001) 0.97
Loss of the thalamic nuclei for "head direction" impairs performance on spatial memory tasks in rats. Behav Neurosci (2001) 0.96
Fos imaging reveals differential neuronal activation of areas of rat temporal cortex by novel and familiar sounds. Eur J Neurosci (2001) 0.96
Recognition memory in rats--I. Concepts and classification. Prog Neurobiol (1998) 0.95
Stereotaxic surgery under X-ray guidance in the rhesus monkey, with special reference to the amygdala. Exp Brain Res (1981) 0.95
Effects of amygdaloid and amygdaloid-hippocampal lesions on object recognition and spatial working memory in rats. Behav Neurosci (1989) 0.95
Using fos imaging in the rat to reveal the anatomical extent of the disruptive effects of fornix lesions. J Neurosci (2000) 0.94
The competitive NMDA antagonist AP5, but not the non-competitive antagonist MK801, induces a delay-related impairment in spatial working memory in rats. Exp Brain Res (1991) 0.94
Differential involvement of the shell and core subterritories of the nucleus accumbens in latent inhibition and amphetamine-induced activity. Behav Brain Res (1996) 0.92
Cannabis use correlates with schizotypy in healthy people. Addiction (1996) 0.92
What pharmacological interventions indicate concerning the role of the perirhinal cortex in recognition memory. Neuropsychologia (2012) 0.91
The role of mesolimbic dopaminergic and retrohippocampal afferents to the nucleus accumbens in latent inhibition: implications for schizophrenia. Behav Brain Res (1995) 0.91
Medial dorsal thalamic lesions and working memory in the rat. Behav Neural Biol (1991) 0.91
Differential effects of amygdaloid lesions on conditioned taste aversion learning by rats. Physiol Behav (1981) 0.90
The effects of delaying reward on choice preference in rats with hippocampal or selective septal lesions. Behav Brain Res (1985) 0.90
Perirhinal cortex and place-object conditional learning in the rat. Behav Neurosci (2001) 0.90
The effects of NMDA-induced retrohippocampal lesions on performance of four spatial memory tasks known to be sensitive to hippocampal damage in the rat. Eur J Neurosci (1999) 0.90
Cytotoxic lesions of the hippocampus increase social investigation but do not impair social-recognition memory. Exp Brain Res (2001) 0.90
The performance of amnesic subjects on tests of delayed matching-to-sample and delayed matching-to-position. Neuropsychologia (1995) 0.89
Intact negative patterning in rats with fornix or combined perirhinal and postrhinal cortex lesions. Exp Brain Res (2000) 0.89
Removal of the hippocampus and transection of the fornix produce comparable deficits on delayed non-matching to position by rats. Behav Brain Res (1992) 0.89
Mapping immediate-early gene activity in the rat after place learning in a water-maze: the importance of matched control conditions. Eur J Neurosci (2008) 0.88
The hippocampus, objects, and their contexts. Behav Neurosci (1997) 0.88
The effects of hippocampal formation ablation or fimbria-fornix section on performance of a nonspatial radial arm maze task by rats. J Neurosci (1994) 0.88
Effects of scopolamine and physostigmine on recognition memory in monkeys with ibotenic-acid lesions of the nucleus basalis of Meynert. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (1987) 0.88
Assessing the magnitude of the allocentric spatial deficit associated with complete loss of the anterior thalamic nuclei in rats. Behav Brain Res (1997) 0.87
Hippocampal inputs mediate theta-related plasticity in anterior thalamus. Neuroscience (2011) 0.86
An examination of the spatial working memory deficit following neurotoxic medial dorsal thalamic lesions in rats. Behav Brain Res (1998) 0.86
Anterior thalamic nuclei lesions in rats disrupt markers of neural plasticity in distal limbic brain regions. Neuroscience (2012) 0.86
Transient impairment of recognition memory following ibotenic-acid lesions of the basal forebrain in macaques. Exp Brain Res (1991) 0.86
Comparing the effects of selective cingulate cortex lesions and cingulum bundle lesions on water maze performance by rats. Eur J Neurosci (1998) 0.86
Post-surgical interval and lesion location within the limbic thalamus determine extent of retrosplenial cortex immediate-early gene hypoactivity. Neuroscience (2009) 0.86
The effects of hippocampectomy on performance by rats of a running recognition task using long lists of non-spatial items. Behav Brain Res (1993) 0.86
Rats' processing of visual scenes: effects of lesions to fornix, anterior thalamus, mamillary nuclei or the retrohippocampal region. Behav Brain Res (2001) 0.86
How rats perform spatial working memory tasks: limitations in the use of egocentric and idiothetic working memory. Q J Exp Psychol (Hove) (2006) 0.86
Retinal transplant-mediated learning in a conditioned suppression task in rats. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1989) 0.85
Fornix-fimbria section and working memory deficits in rats: stimulus complexity and stimulus size. Behav Neurosci (1995) 0.85
Evidence for the involvement of the mammillary bodies and cingulum bundle in allocentric spatial processing by rats. Eur J Neurosci (1997) 0.85