S K Ainsworth

Author PubWeight™ 31.49‹?›

Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 An ultrastructural staining method for enhancing the size and electron opacity of ferritin in thin sections. J Histochem Cytochem 1972 2.12
2 The structural basis of glomerular filtration. Adv Nephrol Necker Hosp 1972 1.44
3 Stages in phage R17 infection. V. Phage eclipse and the role of F pili. Virology 1971 1.17
4 Diabetic glomerulonephropathy: histopathologic, immunofluorescent, and ultrastructural studies of 16 cases. Hum Pathol 1982 0.99
5 A comparison of three anti-double stranded DNA antibody assays on sera from SLE and other diseases. Diagn Immunol 1986 0.98
6 Histamine release from platelets for assay of byssinogenic substances in cotton mill dust and related materials. Br J Ind Med 1979 0.97
7 Chemotaxins in cotton mill dust: possible etiologic agent(s) in byssinosis. Am Rev Respir Dis 1981 0.95
8 Alkaline bismuth reagent for high resolution ultrastructural demonstration of periodate-reactive sites. J Histochem Cytochem 1972 0.93
9 Nailfold biopsy in scleroderma and related disorders. Correlation of histologic, capillaroscopic, and clinical data. Arthritis Rheum 1984 0.92
10 In vitro alternative and classical activation of complement by extracts of cotton mill dust: a possible mechanism in the pathogenesis of byssinosis. Environ Res 1983 0.91
11 Autoantibodies in healthy subjects of different age groups. Mech Ageing Dev 1979 0.88
12 Bioassays of smooth muscle contracting agents in cotton mill dust and bract extracts: arachidonic acid metabolites as possible mediators of the acute byssinotic reaction. Environ Res 1983 0.87
13 Complement-independent nephrotoxic serum nephritis in Munich Wistar rats. Immunologic and ultrastructural studies. Lab Invest 1983 0.86
14 Pulmonary function analysis in the rabbit following bronchochallenge to causative agents and mediators of the acute byssinotic response. Environ Health Perspect 1986 0.86
15 Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease with liver and pancreatic involvement in early childhood. Am J Kidney Dis 1989 0.84
16 A simplified procedure for the assay of leukocyte chemotaxis. J Reticuloendothel Soc 1980 0.83
17 Byssinosis: Release of prostaglandins, thromboxane, and 5-hydroxytryptamine in bronchopulmonary lavage fluid after inhalation of cotton dust extracts. Am J Pathol 1985 0.83
18 Immune complexes and antinuclear, antinucleolar, and anticentromere antibodies in scleroderma. J Am Acad Dermatol 1984 0.82
19 Membranous glomerulonephritis in a child asymptomatic for hepatitis B virus. Concomitant seropositivity for HBsAG and anti-HBs. Am J Clin Pathol 1981 0.82
20 Ultrastructural assessment by colloidal iron of the distribution and localization of anionic sites in human glomerulonephritides. Am J Pathol 1981 0.81
21 Epidermal nuclear immunofluorescence: serological correlations supporting an in vivo reaction. Br J Dermatol 1985 0.80
22 Association between fluorescent antinuclear antibodies, capillary patterns, and clinical features in scleroderma spectrum disorders. Am J Med 1984 0.80
23 Procainamide-induced systemic lupus erythematosus. Renal involvement with deposition of immune complexes. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1976 0.80
24 Studies on the pathogenesis of acute inflammation. IX. The influence of hyperosomolality secondary to hyperglycemia upon the acute inflammatory response induced by thermal injury to ear chambers of rabbits. J Clin Invest 1970 0.80
25 Gm allotypes in blacks with systemic lupus erythematosus. Hum Immunol 1983 0.80
26 Etiopathogenic mechanisms of bronchoconstriction in byssinois--a review. Am Rev Respir Dis 1986 0.79
27 Anticentromere antibody and immunoglobulin allotypes in scleroderma. Arch Dermatol 1985 0.79
28 Gold nephropathy. Ultrastructural, fluorescent, and energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis study. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1981 0.79
29 Byssinosis: thromboxane release from human platelets by cotton dust and bract extracts. Arch Environ Health 1985 0.78
30 Cell-mediated immunity in vitro in atopic dermatitis. Arch Dermatol 1979 0.78
31 Glomerular anionic site distribution in nonproteinuric rats. A computer-assisted morphometric analysis. Am J Pathol 1985 0.77
32 A rapid ultrastructural embedding procedure for renal biopsy tissue. Kidney Int 1982 0.77
33 Byssinosis: In vitro release of prostaglandin and thromboxane from lung tissue and polymorphonuclear leukocytes induced by cotton dust and bract extracts. Environ Res 1985 0.76
34 Immunoglobulin E in psoriasis evaluated by paper radioimmunosorbent and paper enzyme-immunosorbent tests. Acta Derm Venereol 1985 0.76
35 In vitro response of bovine thoracic duct lymphocyte to phytohaemagglutinin following adult thymectomy. Clin Exp Immunol 1976 0.76
36 Lack of effect of azathioprine on phytohemagglutinin-induced lymphocyte transformation and established delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity. Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol 1976 0.75
37 Fibronectin distribution in nailfold biopsies of scleroderma (systemic sclerosis) patients. Acta Derm Venereol 1985 0.75
38 A technique for the isolation of single glomeruli for immunohistochemistry. J Histochem Cytochem 1978 0.75
39 Serum histamine levels following administration of ultrastructural tracers in three strains of rats. Agents Actions 1978 0.75
40 Brief note. Induction of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in sheep with purified bovine basic protein and adjuvant. Pathology 1979 0.75
41 An ultrastructural method for the use of polyvinylpyrrolidone and dextrans as electron opaque tracers. J Histochem Cytochem 1977 0.75
42 Direct and indirect immunofluorescent findings in dermatomyositis. J Cutan Pathol 1985 0.75
43 A case of "common variable immunodeficiency" with reduced C2 activity and multiple associations. Clin Immunol Immunopathol 1980 0.75
44 Treatment of acute serum sickness by plasma ultrafiltration. Am J Med Sci 1987 0.75
45 A comparative study of glucose oxidase versus FITC-labeled antibody techniques for the detection of antinuclear antibodies. Diagn Immunol 1984 0.75
46 Byssinosis: serum immunoglobulin and complement concentrations in cotton mill workers. Arch Environ Health 1986 0.75
47 Effects of hypertonic solutions infused intravenously in rabbits. I. Metabolic acidosis and lactic acidemia. J Lab Clin Med 1971 0.75
48 Validation of the PEG-IgG screening test for soluble immune complexes by longitudinal studies in experimental acute serum sickness. J Clin Lab Immunol 1985 0.75
49 Immunofluorescence in skin specimens from three different biopsy sites in patients with scleroderma. Clin Exp Rheumatol 1985 0.75