Z H Khan

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Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Dispersion studies of Culex pipiens fatigans tagged with 32P in the Kemmendine area of Rangoon, Burma. Bull World Health Organ 1967 2.31
2 The duration of egg, larval and pupal stages of Culex pipiens fatigans in Rangoon, Burma. Bull World Health Organ 1967 1.24
3 Positive geotaxis in gravid Culex pipiens fatigans. Bull World Health Organ 1966 1.07
4 Propofol-alfentanil vs propofol-remifentanil for posterior spinal fusion including wake-up test. Br J Anaesth 2006 0.94
5 Relationship between caries status, colony forming units (cfu) of Streptococcus mutans and Snyder caries activity test. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent 1998 0.89
6 Exodus from a breeding place and the time of emergence from the pupa of Culex pipiens fatigans. Bull World Health Organ 1967 0.87
7 Tracheostomy tube cuff herniation: a cause of airway obstruction in home care patients with long-term tracheostomy. Anaesth Intensive Care 2014 0.86
8 Complication of catheter knotting after right cephalic vein cannulation. Anesth Analg 1996 0.85
9 Prevalence of dental caries in nursery school children of Akola city. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent 1998 0.80
10 The rabies problem in Pakistan. Trop Doct 1976 0.80
11 The effects of prostaglandin E1 on interleukin-6, pulmonary function and postoperative recovery in oesophagectomised patients. Anaesth Intensive Care 2009 0.79
12 Poor tolerability of thalidomide in end-stage oesophageal cancer. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl) 2011 0.78
13 Vein bypass grafts and basofrontal mass lesions. J Neurosurg 1991 0.75
14 Outdoor resting of Culex pipiens fatigans in Rangoon, Burma. Bull World Health Organ 1967 0.75
15 Observations on the flight activities of Culex pipiens fatigans in Rangoon, Burma. Bull World Health Organ 1967 0.75
16 Unexplained bradycardia during craniotomy closure: the role of intracranial hypotension. Anesth Analg 1994 0.75
17 Time of arrival of gravid Culex pipiens fatigans at an oviposition site, the oviposition cycle and the relationship between time of feeding and time of oviposition. Bull World Health Organ 1967 0.75
18 Population dynamics, distribution, and species diversity of fruit flies on cucurbits in Kashmir Valley, India. J Insect Sci 2013 0.75
19 Toxoiding of snake venom and evaluation of immunogenicity of the toxoids. J Pak Med Assoc 1980 0.75
20 Evaluation of acute kidney rejection in 230 renal transplant recipients. Transplant Proc 1998 0.75
21 Hypertension in pregnancy. Can close surveillance curtail perinatal mortality? Int J Gynaecol Obstet 1996 0.75
22 Post-operative sputum retention treated by minitracheostomy--a ward procedure? Br J Clin Pract 1990 0.75
23 Fractionation of Russell's Viper venom by chromatography on CM-cellulose with special reference to biological activities. Jpn J Med Sci Biol 1973 0.75
24 Chemical characteristics of aerosols and trace gas distribution over North and Central India. Environ Monit Assess 2011 0.75
25 Electronic spectra of 1-methyl and 2-methyl phenanthrenes and their radical cations. Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc 2000 0.75
26 Evaluation of surgical technique complications and their impact on the outcome in 230 kidney recipients. Transplant Proc 1998 0.75
27 Fractionation of cobra venom by chromatography on CM-cellulose with special reference to biological activities. Jpn J Med Sci Biol 1974 0.75
28 Electronic absorption spectra of benzoquinone and its hydroxy substituents and effect of solvents on their spectra. Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc 2000 0.75
29 Distal Common Bile Duct Tuberculosis with Obstructive Jaundice: A Case Report. Mymensingh Med J 2017 0.75
30 Separated but oceans apart and fathoms deep: the conjoined twins' legacy. Singapore Med J 2005 0.75
31 Examples of the use of simple age-grading in the assessment of Culex pipiens fatigans populations. Bull World Health Organ 1967 0.75
32 Cane-sugar feeding in Culex pipiens fatigans. Bull World Health Organ 1967 0.75
33 Preparation of toxoids from the venoms of Pakistan species of snakes. (Naja naja, Vipera russellii and Echis carinatus). Jpn J Med Sci Biol 1977 0.75
34 Chromatographic fractionation of Echis carinatus venom with special reference to biological activities. Jpn J Med Sci Biol 1974 0.75