Published in Arch Orthop Unfallchir on January 01, 1974
Results of alloarthroplasty of the hip joint. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg (1980) 0.85
Functional results of hip arthroplasty with acrylic prosthesis. J Bone Joint Surg Am (1954) 8.12
The long-term results of low-friction arthroplasty of the hip performed as a primary intervention. J Bone Joint Surg Br (1972) 5.18
Complete replacement arthroplasty of the hip by the ring prosthesis. J Bone Joint Surg Br (1968) 1.90
[Complications of total hip prosthesis]. Arch Orthop Unfallchir (1969) 1.90
A review of 650 hip arthroplasty operations. J Bone Joint Surg Br (1954) 1.75
[The implantation of total hip prostheses under difficult local conditions]. Arch Orthop Unfallchir (1972) 1.47
[Results of total hip replacement (control of the 1962--1968 operated cases)]. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb (1972) 1.41
[Follow-up studies of total hip replacement]. Arch Orthop Unfallchir (1972) 1.28
A further review of the results of operations on the hip joint. J Bone Joint Surg Br (1960) 1.16
Coherent oscillations: a mechanism of feature linking in the visual cortex? Multiple electrode and correlation analyses in the cat. Biol Cybern (1988) 5.75
Negative selection of patients for dialysis and transplantation in the United Kingdom. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1984) 3.21
Langerhans cell as primary target and vehicle for transmission of HIV. Lancet (1987) 2.40
Lichen sclerosus and atopy in boys: coincidence or correlation? Br J Dermatol (2013) 2.06
Cloning and characterization of a second AP-2 transcription factor: AP-2 beta. Development (1995) 1.95
Spontaneous and induced chromosomal instability in Werner syndrome. Hum Genet (1988) 1.80
Nonlinear analysis of heart rate and respiratory dynamics. IEEE Eng Med Biol Mag (1997) 1.75
The transgluteal approach to the hip joint. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg (1979) 1.68
Echinacea for preventing and treating the common cold. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2006) 1.65
Cerebral vasospasm following temporal lobe epilepsy surgery. Neurology (2012) 1.62
Magnification factor and receptive field size in foveal striate cortex of the monkey. Exp Brain Res (1981) 1.58
An alternatively spliced mRNA from the AP-2 gene encodes a negative regulator of transcriptional activation by AP-2. Mol Cell Biol (1993) 1.58
Amylopectin aggregation as a function of starch phosphate content studied by size exclusion chromatography and on-line refractive index and light scattering. Int J Biol Macromol (2001) 1.56
Efficacy and safety of methotrexate in recalcitrant cutaneous lupus erythematosus: results of a retrospective study in 43 patients. Br J Dermatol (2005) 1.54
Safety of rush insect venom immunotherapy. The results of a retrospective study in 178 patients. Allergy (2003) 1.44
Mono- and binuclear Zn2+-beta-lactamase. Role of the conserved cysteine in the catalytic mechanism. J Biol Chem (1999) 1.41
Fast oscillations display sharper orientation tuning than slower components of the same recordings in striate cortex of the awake monkey. Eur J Neurosci (2000) 1.41
The value of renal scintigraphy during controlled diuresis in children with hydronephrosis. Eur J Nucl Med (1999) 1.40
Mechanical lithotripsy of bile duct stones in 209 patients--effect of technical advances. Endoscopy (1988) 1.39
EBRA: a method to measure migration of acetabular components. J Biomech (1995) 1.36
Further phenols and polyacetylenes from the rhizomes of Atractylodes lancea and their anti-inflammatory activity. Planta Med (2001) 1.35
Scoliosis correction by Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation. The effect of derotation and three dimensional correction. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) (1992) 1.34
The prediction of failure of the stem in THR by measurement of early migration using EBRA-FCA. Einzel-Bild-Roentgen-Analyse-femoral component analysis. J Bone Joint Surg Br (1999) 1.33
5-Lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase-1 inhibitory active compounds from Atractylodes lancea. J Nat Prod (1998) 1.32
Adaptive AR modeling of nonstationary time series by means of Kalman filtering. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng (1998) 1.30
Evidence for anti-inflammatory activities of oral synthetic retinoids: experimental findings and clinical experience. Br J Dermatol (1983) 1.24
Outcome measures for district and regional health care planners. Community Med (1984) 1.23
Metal ion binding and coordination geometry for wild type and mutants of metallo-beta -lactamase from Bacillus cereus 569/H/9 (BcII): a combined thermodynamic, kinetic, and spectroscopic approach. J Biol Chem (2001) 1.21
Liver enzyme elevations in patients treated with traditional Chinese medicine. JAMA (1999) 1.21
Transcriptional regulation of the AP-2alpha promoter by BTEB-1 and AP-2rep, a novel wt-1/egr-related zinc finger repressor. Mol Cell Biol (1999) 1.21
The aggregation behavior of zinc-free insulin studied by small-angle neutron scattering. Eur Biophys J (1994) 1.17
Stimulus-specific fast oscillations at zero phase between visual areas V1 and V2 of awake monkey. Neuroreport (1994) 1.15
Unemployment and mortality: a small area analysis. J Epidemiol Community Health (1987) 1.15
Early migration predicts late aseptic failure of hip sockets. J Bone Joint Surg Br (1996) 1.15
Axial rotation measurement of scoliotic vertebrae by means of computed tomography scans. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) (1996) 1.15
The application of somatosensory-evoked potentials in orthopedic spine surgery. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg (1984) 1.12
Effects of administration of a single dose of a humanized monoclonal antibody to CD11a on the immunobiology and clinical activity of psoriasis. J Am Acad Dermatol (2000) 1.11
Inhibition of endotoxin-induced cytokine release and neutrophil activation in humans by use of recombinant bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein. J Infect Dis (1995) 1.10
Efficacy of a standardized echinacea preparation (Echinilin) for the treatment of the common cold: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Clin Pharm Ther (2004) 1.09
Phytochemical composition and in vitro pharmacological activity of two rose hip (Rosa canina L.) preparations. Phytomedicine (2008) 1.07
[Osteochondrosis dissecans of the hip joint and its etiology]. Arch Orthop Unfallchir (1968) 1.06
Conformational characterization of oligomeric intermediates and aggregates in beta-lactoglobulin heat aggregation. Protein Sci (2001) 1.06
An attempt to detect glaucomatous damage to the inner retina with the multifocal ERG. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (2000) 1.05
Electron microprobe analysis of intracellular elements in the rat kidney. Kidney Int (1980) 1.04
Assembling the Fungal Tree of Life: constructing the structural and biochemical database. Mycologia (2007) 1.03
High frequency (60-90 Hz) oscillations in primary visual cortex of awake monkey. Neuroreport (1993) 1.02
The use of propane/isopentane mixtures for rapid freezing of biological specimens. J Microsc (1981) 1.01
The treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis with a new anti-CD11a monoclonal antibody. J Am Acad Dermatol (2001) 1.01
[The results of Chiari's medial displacement osteotomy]. Arch Orthop Unfallchir (1975) 1.01
Two new prenylated 3-benzoxepin derivatives as cyclooxygenase inhibitors from Perilla frutescens var. acuta. J Nat Prod (2000) 1.00
Mono- and binuclear Zn-beta-lactamase from Bacteroides fragilis: catalytic and structural roles of the zinc ions. FEBS Lett (1998) 1.00
Biochemical characterization of recombinant fusions of lipopolysaccharide binding protein and bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein. Implications in biological activity. J Biol Chem (1997) 0.99
Inhibitory effects of Angelica pubescens f. biserrata on 5-lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase. Planta Med (1998) 0.98
Management of cutaneous lupus erythematosus with low-dose methotrexate: indication for modulation of inflammatory mechanisms. Rheumatol Int (1998) 0.98
Comparison between single-screw and triangulated, double-screw fixation in anterior spine surgery. A biomechanical test. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) (1996) 0.96
First magnetoencephalographic recordings of the brain activity of a human fetus. Br J Obstet Gynaecol (1985) 0.96
Bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of Echinacea purpurea preparations and their interaction with the immune system. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther (2006) 0.95
Constituents of Chinese Piper species and their inhibitory activity on prostaglandin and leukotriene biosynthesis in vitro. J Ethnopharmacol (2001) 0.95
Simultaneous measurement of local cortical blood flow and tissue oxygen saturation by Near infra-red Laser Doppler flowmetry and remission spectroscopy in the pig brain. Acta Neurochir Suppl (2002) 0.94
Sodium thiosulphate as a promising therapeutic option to treat calciphylaxis. Dermatology (2006) 0.94
Laser lithotripsy of difficult bile duct stones by means of a rhodamine-6G laser and an integrated automatic stone-tissue detection system. Gastrointest Endosc (1994) 0.94
Prostaglandin-H-synthase (PGHS)-1 and -2 microtiter assays for the testing of herbal drugs and in vitro inhibition of PGHS-isoenzyms by polyunsaturated fatty acids from Platycodi radix. Phytomedicine (2005) 0.93
The structure of chromatin reconstituted with phosphorylated H1. Circular dichroism and thermal denaturation studies. J Biol Chem (1984) 0.93
In vitro inhibition of cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase by alkamides from Echinacea and Achillea species. Planta Med (1994) 0.92
[Surgical management of scoliosis]. Aktuelle Probl Chir Orthop (1979) 0.92
Immunomodulation with echinacea - a systematic review of controlled clinical trials. Phytomedicine (1994) 0.92
The mapping of visual space onto foveal striate cortex in the macaque monkey. J Neurosci (1985) 0.92
DSC studies of freezing in terrestrial enchytraeids (Annelida: oligochaeta). Cryo Letters (2002) 0.92
Taxonomic studies on the genus Cystofilobasidium: description of Cystofilobasidium ferigula sp. nov. and clarification of the status of Cystofilobasidium lari-marini. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol (2001) 0.91
5-Lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase inhibitory active constituents from Qianghuo (Notopterygium incisum). Planta Med (1997) 0.91
The effect of cholesterol in small amounts on lipid-bilayer softness in the region of the main phase transition. Eur Biophys J (1997) 0.91
Observations on unaided smoking cessation after deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens. Eur Addict Res (2009) 0.91
The distribution of normal brain water content in Wistar rats and its increase due to ischemia. Brain Res (1997) 0.91
Pulsatile secretion of parathyroid hormone in normal young subjects: assessment by deconvolution analysis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (1993) 0.91
Dynamics of mononuclear cadmium beta-lactamase revealed by the combination of NMR and PAC spectroscopy. J Am Chem Soc (2001) 0.90
Neuroendocrine secretory protein 55 (NESP55): alternative splicing onto transcripts of the GNAS gene and posttranslational processing of a maternally expressed protein. Neuroendocrinology (2000) 0.89
Validation of the multiple colored microsphere technique for regional blood flow measurements in newborn piglets. Basic Res Cardiol (1997) 0.89
Modulation of mu opioid receptor desensitization in peripheral sensory neurons by phosphoinositide 3-kinase gamma. Neuroscience (2010) 0.89
A proprietary extract from the echinacea plant (Echinacea purpurea) enhances systemic immune response during a common cold. Phytother Res (2005) 0.89
[Fetal magnetoencephalography I: 1st prenatal registration of auditory evoked neuromagnetic fields]. EEG EMG Z Elektroenzephalogr Elektromyogr Verwandte Geb (1984) 0.89
Mechanism of action of methotrexate: experimental evidence that methotrexate blocks the binding of interleukin 1 beta to the interleukin 1 receptor on target cells. Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem (1993) 0.88
Petasites hybridus extracts in vitro inhibit COX-2 and PGE2 release by direct interaction with the enzyme and by preventing p42/44 MAP kinase activation in rat primary microglial cells. Planta Med (2005) 0.88
[Innominate osteotomy (Chiari) for the treatment of coxa magna--preliminary results of 17 patients (author's transl)]. Arch Orthop Unfallchir (1977) 0.88
Genetic and biochemical characterization of an enantioselective amidase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain d3. Microbiology (2001) 0.87
Stimulus-dependent modulations of correlated high-frequency oscillations in cat visual cortex. Cereb Cortex (1997) 0.87
Growth optimization of Pediococcus damnosus NCFB 1832 and the influence of pH and nutrients on the production of pediocin PD-1. J Appl Microbiol (2001) 0.87
Motilin effects on gastrointestinal motility and lower esophageal sphincter (LES) pressure in dogs. Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl (1976) 0.87
The renin-angiotensin system in the fetal lamb. Pediatr Res (1974) 0.87
Contact sensitization in chronic venous insufficiency: modern wound dressings. Contact Dermatitis (1998) 0.87
Cd-substituted horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase: catalytic site metal coordination geometry and protein conformation. Biochemistry (1995) 0.87
Trimethylmethoxyphenyl-retinoic acid (Ro 10-1670) inhibits mitogen-induced DNA-synthesis in peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro. Br J Dermatol (1981) 0.86
Milia en plaque arising in discoid lupus erythematosus. Br J Dermatol (1997) 0.86
Evaluation of mammary blood flow measurements in lactating goats using the ultrasound Doppler principle. Comp Biochem Physiol A Comp Physiol (1989) 0.86
[Contribution on osteochondrosis dissecans patellae]. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb (1967) 0.86
[Focal boring as treatment of osteochondrosis dissecans]. Bruns Beitr Klin Chir (1967) 0.86
Performance of iterative image reconstruction in CT of the paranasal sinuses: a phantom study. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol (2012) 0.86
Coupling of cerebral blood flow and oxygen metabolism in infant pigs during selective brain hypothermia. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2000) 0.86
Results of the Müller acetabular reinforcement ring in revision arthroplasty. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg (1997) 0.86
Transport of alkamides from Echinacea species through Caco-2 monolayers. Planta Med (2002) 0.85
The protein conformation of Cd-substituted horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase and its metal-site coordination geometry in binary and ternary inhibitor complexes. Eur J Biochem (1996) 0.85