Published in Arch Dis Child on February 01, 1972
Response to ACTH in the newborn. Arch Dis Child (1986) 1.29
Endocrine function, morbidity, and mortality after surgery for craniopharyngioma. Arch Dis Child (1982) 1.04
Septo-optic dysplasia. Br Med J (1972) 1.00
Pseudohypoaldosteronism. Arch Dis Child (1980) 1.00
Salt-losing syndrome in 2 infants with defective 18-dehydrogenation in aldosterone biosynthesis. Arch Dis Child (1977) 0.81
Clinical presentation, growth, and pubertal development in Addison's disease. Arch Dis Child (1985) 0.77
Plasma corticotrophin levels in addison-schilder's disease. Br Med J (1975) 0.77
Serum cortisol concentrations in children with chronic renal insufficiency. Arch Dis Child (1975) 0.75
Metabolic studies and autonomic function in children with partial lipodystrophy. Arch Dis Child (1974) 0.75
Some studies of the protein-binding of steroids and their application to the routine micro and ultramicro measurement of various steroids in body fluids by competitive protein-binding radioassay. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (1967) 7.21
Tests of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function in man. Q J Med (1969) 2.41
Adrenal function in children. Arch Dis Child (1963) 2.20
Adrenal function tested with tetracosactrin depot. Lancet (1971) 1.62
Criteria for distinguishing normal from subnormal adrenocortical function using the Synacthen test. Postgrad Med J (1969) 1.35
Cortisol is secreted episodically by normal man. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (1970) 1.32
Plasma corticosteroids determined by use of corticosteroid-binding globulin and dextran-coated charcoal. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (1966) 1.30
Adrenocortical atrophy and diffuse cerebral sclerosis. Arch Dis Child (1971) 1.29
Plasma cortisol response to synacthen (beta-1-24 Ciba) at different times of the day in patients with rheumatic diseases. Ann Rheum Dis (1967) 1.23
Measurement of plasma cortisol in children and adults: a comparison of the double isotope derivative assay, competitive protein-binding analysis and the modified competitive protein-binding analysis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (1970) 0.89
Plasma cortisol levels in the neonatal period. Arch Dis Child (1970) 0.87
The plasma 11-hydroxycorticosteroids responseto insulin-induced hypoglycaemia in children and adolescents. Acta Endocrinol (Copenh) (1969) 0.84
Assessment of a protein-binding method for cortisol determination. Anal Biochem (1968) 0.83
Pitfalls of functional tests for the establishment of the etiology of Cushing's syndrome in childhood and adolescence. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (1970) 0.82
[Test of adrenal cortex stimulation with beta-1-24 corticotropin (CIBA 30,920-BA) in children]. Arch Fr Pediatr (1967) 0.81
Cortisol production rates in children. Clin Sci (1968) 0.81
The Synacthen test of adrenal cortical function in children. Clin Pediatr (Phila) (1968) 0.80
Blood-lead levels, behaviour, and intelligence. A population study. Lancet (1974) 2.75
Population screening for congenital hypothyroidism. Br Med J (1980) 2.71
Importance of disaccharide intolerance in the treatment of coeliac disease. Lancet (1966) 2.10
A simple oral test of growth-hormone secretion in children. Lancet (1968) 2.07
Transplacental transfer of influenza virus. JAMA (1971) 1.95
Liver transplantation in 100 children: Cambridge and King's College Hospital series. BMJ (1992) 1.90
Varicella-Zoster infection in patients with cancer. Ann Intern Med (1972) 1.73
Growth, development, and reassessment of hypothyroid infants diagnosed by screening. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1982) 1.70
Mineral and trace-metal balances in children receiving normal and synthetic diets. Q J Med (1974) 1.65
Association study of transforming growth factor alpha (TGF alpha) TaqI polymorphism and oral clefts: indication of gene-environment interaction in a population-based sample of infants with birth defects. Am J Epidemiol (1995) 1.62
Radioiodine treatment of Graves' disease in young people. Horm Res (1998) 1.48
Liver ischemia for hepatic resection: where is the limit? Surgery (1992) 1.48
Effects of norepinephrine on the distribution of intestinal blood flow and tissue adenosine triphosphate content in endotoxic shock. Crit Care Med (2000) 1.47
Malignant hyperphenylalaninaemia--current status (June 1977). J Inherit Metab Dis (1978) 1.45
Leigh's subacute necrotizing encephalopathy: clinical and biochemical study, with special reference to therapy with lipoate. Arch Dis Child (1967) 1.43
New variant of phenylketonuria with progressive neurological illness unresponsive to phenylalanine restriction. Lancet (1975) 1.42
Histidinaemia. Study of relation between clinical and biological findings in 7 subjects. Arch Dis Child (1972) 1.41
Diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia by measurement of plasma 17-hydroxyprogesterone. Arch Dis Child (1972) 1.40
Screening for congenital hypothyroidism: the first decade. Arch Dis Child (1985) 1.40
Biochemical and EEG studies in phenylketonuric children during phenylalanine tolerance testc. Arch Dis Child (1966) 1.38
Identifying HIV-2-seropositive individuals by reevaluating HIV-1 indeterminate sera. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (1992) 1.37
Hormonal changes in thalassaemia major. Arch Dis Child (1976) 1.36
Community-acquired pneumonia: impact of immune status. Am J Respir Crit Care Med (1995) 1.29
Lead in human blood and in the environment near a battery factory. Br J Prev Soc Med (1977) 1.28
An outbreak of influenza A in a nursing home. Am J Public Health (1986) 1.28
Intrathecal delivery of CNTF using encapsulated genetically modified xenogeneic cells in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. Nat Med (1996) 1.27
Effects of prolonged positive-pressure ventilation in infancy. Lancet (1969) 1.24
Circadian variation in plasma 17-hydroxyprogesterone in patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Arch Dis Child (1972) 1.23
Chest reconstruction in thoracic dystrophy. Arch Dis Child (1971) 1.22
Zinc and copper concentrations in leucocytes and erythrocytes in healthy adults and the effect of oral contraceptives. J Clin Pathol (1983) 1.21
Effect of smoking, alcohol, and other factors on the selenium status of a healthy population. J Epidemiol Community Health (1983) 1.21
Effect of somatostatin infusion on intermediary metabolism and entero-insular hormone release in infants with hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia. Acta Paediatr Scand (1981) 1.20
Propionic acidemia in patients with ketotic hyperglycinemia. J Pediatr (1971) 1.20
Use of biochemical profile in children's hospital: results of two controlled trials. Br Med J (1975) 1.20
The relationship between blood lead, blood pressure, stroke, and heart attacks in middle-aged British men. Environ Health Perspect (1988) 1.19
Sexual maturation in juvenile hypothyroidism. Mayo Clin Proc (1973) 1.18
A common and recurrent 13-bp deletion in the autoimmune regulator gene in British kindreds with autoimmune polyendocrinopathy type 1. Am J Hum Genet (1998) 1.18
Neurological and adrenal dysfunction in the adrenal insufficiency/alacrima/achalasia (3A) syndrome. Arch Dis Child (1993) 1.17
Thoracic dystrophy. Arch Dis Child (1969) 1.16
Selenium and vitamin E in relation to risk factors for coronary heart disease. J Clin Pathol (1984) 1.15
Use of an amino acid mixture in treatment of phenylketonuria. Arch Dis Child (1970) 1.15
Epidemiologic investigation of hand, foot, and mouth disease. Infection caused by coxsackievirus A 16 in Baltimore, June through September 1968. Am J Dis Child (1970) 1.14
HCG stimulation test in children with abnormal sexual development. Arch Dis Child (1976) 1.14
Asymptomatic females: detection of antibody activity to gonococcal pili antigen by radioimmunoassay. J Clin Microbiol (1977) 1.14
Reconstruction of the External Ear. Ann Surg (1948) 1.13
Concentration of trace metals in the blood of children. Br J Prev Soc Med (1973) 1.11
Q fever studies in Maryland. Public Health Rep (1965) 1.10
Lead in mentally retarded children. J Ment Defic Res (1968) 1.09
Limits on neutrino emission from gamma-ray bursts with the 40 string IceCube detector. Phys Rev Lett (2011) 1.08
Diagnostic and prognostic value of short-term metabolic response to human growth hormone in short stature. Arch Dis Child (1971) 1.06
Studies on the specificity of the radioimmunoassay of luteinising hormone. Acta Endocrinol (Copenh) (1970) 1.04
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia and other conditions associated with a raised urinary steroid 11-oxygenation index. J Endocrinol (1971) 1.03
Letter: A variant of phenylketonuria. Lancet (1975) 1.03
Evaluation of mumps vaccine given after exposure to mumps, with special reference to the exposed adult. Pediatrics (1966) 1.02
Insulin resistance, skin changes, and virilization: a recessively inherited syndrome possibly due to pineal gland dysfunction. Diabetologia (1974) 1.01
Restoration of cognitive and motor functions by ciliary neurotrophic factor in a primate model of Huntington's disease. Hum Gene Ther (2000) 1.01
Vulvovaginitis in the premenarcheal child. J Pediatr (1969) 1.01
Measurement of serum parathyroid hormone, with particular reference to some infants with hypocalcaemia. Arch Dis Child (1973) 1.01
Comparison of serum growth hormone levels after Bovril and insulin stimulation. Arch Dis Child (1970) 1.00
Programming and running radioimmunoassay in the h-TSH screening procedure using dried blood spots and the NE1600 gamma counter on line to the HP9815S calculator. Ann Clin Biochem (1980) 0.99
Some findings arising out of a survey of mentally retarded children. II. Physical growth and development. Dev Med Child Neurol (1969) 0.98
Biotin-responsive propionicacidaemia. Lancet (1970) 0.98
Plasma androgens after a single oral dose of testosterone undecanoate. Arch Dis Child (1980) 0.95
Differential diagnosis of children with short stature not associated with metabolic, chromosomal, or gross nervous system defects. Arch Dis Child (1967) 0.94
Evaluation of a new mineral and trace metal supplement for use with synthetic diets. Arch Dis Child (1977) 0.94
Severe microcephaly with normal intellectual development: the Nijmegen breakage syndrome. Arch Dis Child (1995) 0.94
Nitrogen balance studies in apparently healthy elderly people and those who are housebound. Br J Nutr (1987) 0.93
Changing incidence of neonatal hypermethioninaemia: implications for the detection of homocystinuria. Arch Dis Child (1979) 0.93
Liver transplantation in patients with situs inversus. Br J Surg (1995) 0.93
Medulloblastoma in childhood: long-term results of treatment. Cancer (1981) 0.93
Gene therapy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) using a polymer encapsulated xenogenic cell line engineered to secrete hCNTF. Hum Gene Ther (1996) 0.93
Liver transplantation for hepatic cirrhosis in cystic fibrosis. Arch Dis Child (1994) 0.92
Familial haemophagocytic reticulosis. Arch Dis Child (1968) 0.92
Hyperphenylalaninaemia of various types among three-quarters of a million neonates tested in a screening programme. Arch Dis Child (1981) 0.92
Central nervous system delivery of recombinant ciliary neurotrophic factor by polymer encapsulated differentiated C2C12 myoblasts. Hum Gene Ther (1996) 0.92
Bloodspot 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone radioimmunoassay for diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia and home monitoring of corticosteroid replacement therapy. Lancet (1984) 0.90
Haematological and biochemical parameters in an industrial workforce. Ann Clin Biochem (1983) 0.90
Persistent inhibition of FLIP(L) expression by lentiviral small hairpin RNA delivery restores death-receptor-induced apoptosis in neuroblastoma cells. Apoptosis (2006) 0.90
Diagnosis and management of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Proc R Soc Med (1970) 0.89
United Kingdom multicentre clinical trial of somatrem. Arch Dis Child (1987) 0.89
A study of the classification of male hypogonadism with observations on the control of 17-oxosteroid precursors from the testes and adrenals. J Endocrinol (1966) 0.89
Mineralocorticoid activity of carbenoxolone: contrasting effects of carbenoxolone and liquorice on 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity in man. Clin Sci (Lond) (1990) 0.89
Vitamin D from skin: contribution to vitamin D status compared with oral vitamin D in normal and anticonvulsant-treated subjects. Clin Sci (Lond) (1982) 0.89
Selenium deficiency and possible increased risk of carcinoma in adults with cystic fibrosis. Lancet (1985) 0.89
Immunoisolated xenogenic chromaffin cell therapy for chronic pain. Initial clinical experience. Anesthesiology (1996) 0.89
The steric requirements for the metabolism of sterols by Tetrahymena pyriformis. J Biol Chem (1978) 0.88
An appraisal of the analytical significance of tooth-lead measurements as possible indices of environmental exposure of children to lead. Ann Clin Biochem (1982) 0.88
Blood cadmium concentrations in the general population of British middle-aged men. Hum Toxicol (1988) 0.88
Assessment of zinc and copper status of healthy elderly people using metabolic balance studies and measurement of leucocyte concentrations. Am J Clin Nutr (1984) 0.88
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: renin and steroid values during treatment. Eur J Pediatr (1977) 0.87
Cerebral malformation associated with metabolic disorder. A report of 2 cases. Acta Neuropathol (1976) 0.86
Aseptic meningitis epidemic involving ECHO 4 and Coxsackie B5 viruses. Public Health Rep (1970) 0.86
Viral and toxoplasma gondii infections in children after liver transplantation. J Clin Pathol (1990) 0.86
Kawasaki disease presenting as orbital cellulitis. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus (2000) 0.86
Steric effects at C-20 and C-24 on the metabolism of sterols by Tetrahymena pyriformis. J Lipid Res (1981) 0.85
Growth of long-term survivors of liver transplantation. Arch Dis Child (1999) 0.85
Output of luteinizing hormone in the urine of normal children and those with advanced sexual development. Arch Dis Child (1970) 0.85