Published in Am J Dis Child on August 01, 1972
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis: prevalence, pathogenesis, and natural history. Clin Orthop Relat Res (2012) 1.02
The delay in diagnosis of slipped capital femoral epiphysis: a review of 102 patients. HSS J (2005) 0.98
The epidemiology and demographics of slipped capital femoral epiphysis. ISRN Orthop (2011) 0.91
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-gamma Promotes Adipogenic Changes in Growth Plate Chondrocytes In Vitro. PPAR Res (2006) 0.82
Association between body mass index-for-age and slipped capital femoral epiphysis: the long-term risk for subsequent slip in patients followed until physeal closure. J Child Orthop (2016) 0.78
Radiographic evaluation in epiphysiolysis: possible predictors of bilaterality? Acta Ortop Bras (2012) 0.77
Impact of obesity in the diagnosis of SCFE and knee problems in obese children. Pediatr Radiol (2009) 0.77
Leg length discrepancy in patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis. Acta Orthop (2013) 0.75
Physical activity to prevent obesity in young children: dietary and behavioural modifications in managing childhood obesity. BMJ (2006) 0.75
Prevalence of obesity among children of military dependents at two major medical centers. Am J Public Health (1992) 0.75
Does obesity affect fracture healing in children? Clin Orthop Relat Res (2013) 0.75
The elusive slipped capital femoral epiphysis. J Athl Train (1995) 0.75
The measurement of social class in epidemiology. Epidemiol Rev (1988) 11.87
Epidemiology of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures. Epidemiol Rev (1985) 7.40
Number of pregnancies and the subsequent risk of cardiovascular disease. N Engl J Med (1993) 4.30
A review of the epidemiology of human breast cancer. Epidemiol Rev (1979) 4.04
Relation of demographic and lifestyle factors to symptoms in a multi-racial/ethnic population of women 40-55 years of age. Am J Epidemiol (2000) 3.51
Epidemiology of musculoskeletal impairments and associated disability. Am J Public Health (1984) 3.43
Risk factors for falls as a cause of hip fracture in women. The Northeast Hip Fracture Study Group. N Engl J Med (1991) 3.39
Estimates of the prevalence of selected arthritic and musculoskeletal diseases in the United States. J Rheumatol (1989) 2.67
Epidemiology and impact of low-back pain. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) (1980) 2.58
Multivariate analysis for matched case-control studies. Am J Epidemiol (1978) 2.40
Methodologic issues in the study of frequent and recurrent health problems. Falls in the elderly. Ann Epidemiol (1990) 2.32
Incidence of hip fractures in the elderly: a cross-national analysis. Osteoporos Int (1991) 2.20
Use of race and ethnicity in epidemiologic research: concepts, methodological issues, and suggestions for research. Epidemiol Rev (2000) 2.03
New Haven survey of joint diseases. The prediction of serum uric acid in a general population. J Chronic Dis (1969) 1.92
An epidemiologic study of epithelial carcinoma of the ovary. Am J Epidemiol (1981) 1.80
Risk factors for hip fracture. N Engl J Med (1987) 1.72
New Haven survey of joint diseases. XVI. Impairment, disability, and arthritis. Br J Prev Soc Med (1973) 1.71
New Haven survey of joint diseases. XII. Distribution and symptoms of osteoarthrosis in the hands with reference to handedness. Ann Rheum Dis (1970) 1.70
Falls in older Mexican-American women. J Am Geriatr Soc (1999) 1.66
An epidemiologic study of hip fracture in postmenopausal women. Am J Epidemiol (1982) 1.60
Acute prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc. An epidemiologic study with special reference to driving automobiles and cigarette smoking. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) (1984) 1.56
Evaluation of random digit dialing as a method of control selection in case-control studies. Am J Epidemiol (1992) 1.52
A case-control study of cancer of the endometrium. Am J Epidemiol (1982) 1.50
The annual Pap test: a dubious policy success. Milbank Mem Fund Q Health Soc (1978) 1.49
Physical activity and the risk of spontaneous preterm delivery. J Reprod Med (1983) 1.46
New Haven survey of joint diseases. XVII. Relationship between some systemic characteristics and osteoarthrosis in a general population. Ann Rheum Dis (1975) 1.43
Maternal smoking and congenital malformations: an epidemiological study. J Epidemiol Community Health (1978) 1.42
Exogenous calciferol (vitamin D) and vitamin D endocrine status among elderly nursing home residents in the New York City area. J Am Geriatr Soc (1993) 1.42
Home hazards and falls in the elderly: the role of health and functional status. Am J Public Health (1995) 1.41
An epidemiological study of acute herniated lumbar intervertebral discs. Rheumatol Rehabil (1975) 1.39
An epidemiological study of the relationship between occupations and acute herniated lumbar intervertebral discs. Int J Epidemiol (1975) 1.39
International variation in the incidence of hip fractures: cross-national project on osteoporosis for the World Health Organization Program for Research on Aging. Osteoporos Int (1999) 1.39
A single etiological hypothesis for breast cancer? J Chronic Dis (1967) 1.38
The impact of musculoskeletal disorders on the population of the United States. J Bone Joint Surg Am (1979) 1.29
Burden of cerebrovascular disease in the Oxford area in 1963 and 1964. Br Med J (1970) 1.27
Familial aggregation of Paget's disease of bone. J Bone Miner Res (1991) 1.26
Effects of ring substituents and linker chains on the bifunctional intercalation of diacridines into deoxyribonucleic acid. Biochemistry (1980) 1.26
An epidemiologic study of lifting and twisting on the job and risk for acute prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc. J Orthop Res (1984) 1.24
The epidemiology of Charles-Edward Amory Winslow. Am J Epidemiol (1970) 1.23
Differences in breast cancer risk factors according to the estrogen receptor level of the tumor. J Natl Cancer Inst (1983) 1.23
Medications and multiple falls in elderly people: the St Louis OASIS study. Age Ageing (1991) 1.22
New Haven survey of joint diseases. XI. Observer variability in the assessment of x-rays for osteoarthrosis of the hands. Am J Epidemiol (1970) 1.22
Dependence of serum-uric-acid on haemoglobin and other factors in the general population. Lancet (1966) 1.19
Oral contraceptives and breast disease. An epidemiological study. Am J Epidemiol (1978) 1.18
New Haven survey of joint diseases. The interrelationships between morning stiffness, nocturnal pain and swelling of the joints. J Chronic Dis (1969) 1.18
A study of the validity of the diagnosis of stroke in mortality data. II. Comparison by computer of autopsy and clinical records with death certificates. Am J Epidemiol (1969) 1.18
Characteristics of falls and risk of hip fracture in elderly men. Osteoporos Int (1998) 1.18
Study of trainer/trainee workload with special reference to the care of the elderly. J R Coll Gen Pract (1985) 1.17
Myocardial infarction in car assembly workers. Br J Ind Med (1976) 1.15
Recreational physical activity and breast cancer risk among women under age 45 years. Am J Epidemiol (1998) 1.13
Risk factors for hip fracture in black women. The Northeast Hip Fracture Study Group. N Engl J Med (1994) 1.13
An epidemiologic study of sports and weight lifting as possible risk factors for herniated lumbar and cervical discs. The Northeast Collaborative Group on Low Back Pain. Am J Sports Med (1994) 1.13
Anterior approach to hip arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res (1980) 1.13
An epidemiological study of acute prolapsed cervical intervertebral disc. J Bone Joint Surg Am (1984) 1.10
New Haven survey of joint disease. Photographs and other variables in screening for arthritis of the hands. Am J Epidemiol (1969) 1.09
Regional differences in known risk factors and the higher incidence of breast cancer in San Francisco. J Natl Cancer Inst (1997) 1.08
Community medicine: discipline or topic? Profession or endeavour? Community Med (1980) 1.08
Three regius professors, sanitary science, and state medicine: the birth of an academic discipline. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1987) 1.07
What is the need for health care? Can Med Assoc J (1978) 1.07
Mortality from cerebrovascular disease in the United States. Public Health Monogr (1966) 1.06
Familial predisposition for herniation of a lumbar disc in patients who are less than twenty-one years old. J Bone Joint Surg Am (1991) 1.06
Benefits and risks of menopausal estrogen and/or progestin hormone use. Prev Med (1988) 1.06
Exogenous estrogens and other factors in the epidemiology of breast cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst (1981) 1.06
New Haven survey of joint diseases. XIV. Social class and behavior in response to symptoms of osteoarthrosis. Milbank Mem Fund Q (1970) 1.06
Heberden Oration 1981: epidemiology and the arthritides. Ann Rheum Dis (1982) 1.06
Driving of motor vehicles as a risk factor for acute herniated lumbar intervertebral disc. Am J Epidemiol (1975) 1.05
The definition and identification of need for health care. J Epidemiol Community Health (1978) 1.05
Cigarette smoking and benign breast disease. J Epidemiol Community Health (1985) 1.03
Radiation and other environmental exposures and breast cancer. Epidemiol Rev (1993) 1.03
Oral and pharyngeal cancer and occupation: a case-control study. Epidemiology (1992) 1.03
Effect of age at first childbirth on risk of developing specific histologic subtype of breast cancer. Cancer (1982) 1.02
The incidence and distrubition of slipped capital femoral epiphysis in Connecticut and Southwestern United States. J Bone Joint Surg Am (1970) 1.01
Risk factors for hip fracture in men. Hip Fracture Study Group. Am J Epidemiol (1997) 1.01
Epidemiology of serum uric acid and gout: an example of the complexities of multifactorial causation. Proc R Soc Med (1970) 0.99
Fibrocystic breast disease in oral-contraceptive users. A histopathological evaluation of epithelial atypia. N Engl J Med (1978) 0.97
Preventive medicine at the Yale School of Medicine, 1950-1965. Milbank Mem Fund Q (1967) 0.97
Demographic characteristics of persons with acute herniated lumbar intervertebral disc. J Chronic Dis (1975) 0.97
A study of the validity of the diagnosis of stroke in mortality data. I. Certificate analysis. Yale J Biol Med (1967) 0.96
Response to Feinstein. Epidemiology (1991) 0.96
Body-weight, ABO blood-groups, and altitude of domicile as determinants of serum-uric-acid in military recruits in four countries. Lancet (1969) 0.96
Total hip arthroplasty performed without cement in patients with femoral head osteonecrosis who are less than 50 years old. J Arthroplasty (1998) 0.96
An epidemiologic study of the carpal tunnel syndrome in an adult female population. Prev Med (1985) 0.95
Relationship of neurological function and age in older women. The study of osteoporotic fractures. Neuroepidemiology (1998) 0.94
An epidemiologic study of non-occupational lifting as a risk factor for herniated lumbar intervertebral disc. The Northeast Collaborative Group on Low Back Pain. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) (1993) 0.94
The epidemiology of diseases of the hip: a review of the literature. Int J Epidemiol (1977) 0.93
Some aspects of management and outcome of acute coronary heart disease in Oxford region. Br Heart J (1977) 0.93
Social class gradients and serum uric acid in males and females. Br Med J (1969) 0.93
A case-control study of the epidemiology of benign breast diseases with reference to oral contraceptive use. Int J Epidemiol (1974) 0.92
Methylmethacrylate stabilization of the cervical spine. J Bone Joint Surg Am (1984) 0.92
Occupational risk factors for laryngeal carcinoma: Connecticut, 1975-1980. Am J Epidemiol (1986) 0.92
Does consumption of fruit and vegetables protect against stroke? Lancet (1983) 0.91
Serum cholesterol in a national sample of U.S. adults: a study from prevalence data of its relationship to physique, blood pressure, blood glucose and other variables. Int J Epidemiol (1973) 0.90
New Haven survey of joint diseases. XV. Size of the finger joints in the general population with and without osteoarthrosis. Int J Epidemiol (1972) 0.90
A case-control study of hip fracture: evaluation of selected dietary variables and teenage physical activity. Osteoporos Int (1992) 0.90
Oblique femoral osteotomy in cementless total hip arthroplasty. Prospective consecutive series with a 3-year minimum follow-up period. J Arthroplasty (1995) 0.90
Unwashed wound drainage blood. What are we giving our patients? Clin Orthop Relat Res (1995) 0.90
Cervical facet fusion for control of instability following laminectomy. J Bone Joint Surg Am (1977) 0.89