Published in Br J Vener Dis on June 01, 1972
In search of an ideal single-session penicillin schedule for the treatment of gonorrhoea in Uganda. Br J Vener Dis (1973) 1.51
Chlamydial infection of the male baboon urethra. Br J Vener Dis (1975) 1.35
Sensitivity pattern of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to penicillin and screening for beta-lactamase production in Ibadan, Nigeria. Br J Vener Dis (1977) 1.25
Antimicrobial sensitivity of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Comparison of penicillinase producing and non-penicillinase producing strains. Br J Vener Dis (1983) 1.17
Gonococcal urethral stricture and watering-can perineum. Br J Vener Dis (1976) 1.10
Sexually-transmitted diseases in women. Br J Vener Dis (1974) 1.06
Penicillinase-producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Br J Vener Dis (1981) 1.05
Contact tracing in the control of STD in Ibadan, Nigeria. Br J Vener Dis (1984) 1.00
Antibiotic sensitivities of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in the Toronto area. Can Med Assoc J (1974) 0.97
Estimate of annual incidence of undiscovered syphilis. Br J Vener Dis (1973) 0.93
An approach to VD control based on a study in Kingston, Jamaica. Br J Vener Dis (1974) 0.91
Epidemiology and treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhoea caused by non-PPNG strains in Córdoba, Argentina: auxotypes, susceptibility profiles, and plasmid analyses of urethral isolates from men. Genitourin Med (1987) 0.79
Sexually transmitted disease and the gynaecologist. Proc R Soc Med (1975) 0.76
Editorial: Promiscuity and infertility. Br Med J (1975) 0.75
Drug misuse in a special clinic patient population in Glasgow. Br J Vener Dis (1976) 0.75
As through a glass, darkly: the future of sexually transmissible infections among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. Sex Health (2016) 0.75
Human immunity to the meningococcus. I. The role of humoral antibodies. J Exp Med (1969) 13.87
Human immunity to the meningococcus. 3. Preparation and immunochemical properties of the group A, group B, and group C meningococcal polysaccharides. J Exp Med (1969) 8.30
Observations on the culture diagnosis of gonorrhea in women. JAMA (1969) 6.14
Gonorrhoea treated by a combination of probenecid and sodium penicillin G. Br J Vener Dis (1969) 4.90
Teaching of venereal diseases in medical schools throughout the world. Preliminary report. Br J Vener Dis (1966) 4.85
Gonorrheal pharyngitis. N Engl J Med (1967) 4.53
Asymptomatic gonorrhea. JAMA (1969) 3.88
The problem of penicillin resistant gonococci. Br J Vener Dis (1968) 3.52
Gonococcal ulceration of the tongue in the gonococcal dermatitis syndrome. Br J Vener Dis (1969) 3.23
Further studies of penicillin resistant gonococci. Br J Vener Dis (1970) 3.14
Sensitivity of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to penicillin and other antibiotics. Studies carried out in Toronto during the period 1961 to 1968. Br J Vener Dis (1969) 2.99
Venereal disease in an elite group (university students) in East Africa. Br J Vener Dis (1967) 2.96
Septic gonococcal dermatitis. Br Med J (1971) 2.88
Single-dose treatment of gonorrhea with selected antibiotic agents. JAMA (1969) 2.69
Gonorrhoea situation in South Greenland in the summer of 1964. Br J Vener Dis (1966) 2.59
Treatment of gonorrhoea by one oral dose of ampicillin and probenecid combined. Br J Vener Dis (1969) 2.58
Further observations on the persistence of Treponema pallidum after treatment in rabbits and humans. Br J Vener Dis (1968) 2.37
Spirochetes in the aqueous humor in seronegative ocular syphilis. Persistence after penicillin therapy. Arch Ophthalmol (1967) 2.30
An evaluation of gonorrhea case findings in the chronically infected female. Am J Epidemiol (1969) 2.15
Antibiotic sensitivity of gonococci and treatment of gonorrhoea in Uganda. Br J Vener Dis (1970) 2.12
Failure to control venereal disease. Br Med J (1970) 2.10
One-session treatment of gonorrhoea in males with procaine penicillin plus probenecid. Postgrad Med J (1970) 1.90
Gonorrhoea among prostitutes. Med J Aust (1967) 1.89
Kanamycin sulfate in the treatment of acute gonorrheal urethritis in men. JAMA (1968) 1.84
Reactivity of two selected antigens of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Appl Microbiol (1969) 1.82
Gonorrhea in the obstetric and gynecologic clinic. Incidence in a voluntary hospital in an urban community. JAMA (1969) 1.77
Antibiotic sensitivity of gonococcal strains isolated in the South-East Asia and Western Pacific regions in 1961-68. Bull World Health Organ (1969) 1.62
Sensitivity to penicillin of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Relationship to the results of treatment. Br J Vener Dis (1969) 1.59
The bentonite flocculation test in assay of Neisseria antibody. Can J Microbiol (1970) 1.52
Kanamycin in the treatment of rectal gonorrhoea. Br J Vener Dis (1970) 1.45
Sexually transmitted disease in antenatal patients. Br J Vener Dis (1970) 1.44
Gonococcal infection in a prenatal clinic. Am J Obstet Gynecol (1969) 1.38
Susceptibility of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to penicillin and tetracycline. Antimicrob Agents Chemother (Bethesda) (1968) 1.36
The international incidence of venereal disease. R Soc Health J (1971) 1.34
[Study of the effect of penicillin in late syphilis: persistence of Treponema pallidum following treatment. 2. Late syphilis--human]. Ann Inst Pasteur (Paris) (1962) 1.25
A survey of trichomonal and neisserian infection in antenatal patients. Med J Aust (1968) 1.21
Cephaloridine treatment of gonorrhoea in the female. Br J Vener Dis (1968) 1.18
Physician reporting of venereal disease in the USA. Br J Vener Dis (1970) 1.18
The present age of the menarche in Southern England. J Obstet Gynaecol Br Emp (1960) 1.12
Sexually acquired gonorrhoeal urethritis in a 6-year-old bod. Br J Vener Dis (1969) 1.10
Gonorrhea during pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol (1968) 1.10
Forward planning in the United Kingdom for anti-V.D. education. Br J Vener Dis (1970) 1.09
Antigenic structure of Treponema pallidum, Nichols strain. II. Extraction of a polysaccharide antigen with "strain-specific" serological activity. J Bacteriol (1969) 1.09
The "pill", promiscuity, and venereal disease. Br J Vener Dis (1970) 1.07
[Development of gonococcal sensitivity]. Pathol Biol (1967) 1.07
Genital infection in young delinquent girls. Br J Vener Dis (1970) 1.02
Treatment of gonorrhoea by penicillin and a renal blocking agent (probenecid). Med J Aust (1970) 1.00
Sexually transmitted disease in gynaecological out-patients with vaginal discharge. Br J Vener Dis (1970) 0.98
[On the value of routinely conducted swab examinations of the urethra and cervix of all clinical admissions in gynecology to discover all formerly unknown cases of gonorrhea]. Zentralbl Gynakol (1968) 0.95
Venereal disease in New Zealand. Br J Vener Dis (1969) 0.94
Oral contraception among special clinic patients. With particular reference to the diagnosis of gonorrhoea. Br J Vener Dis (1970) 0.82
Evaluation of venereal disease information campaign for adolescents. Am J Public Health Nations Health (1966) 0.79
[Isolation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in asymptomatic women]. Rev Invest Salud Publica (1969) 0.79
Gonorrhoea in a country town. N Z Med J (1969) 0.78
Gonorrhoea and the iceberg phenomenon. Br J Vener Dis (1970) 0.78
Teaching of genitourinary medicine (venereology) to undergraduate medical students in Britain. Br J Vener Dis (1981) 4.53
Treponema pallidum. A bibliographical review of the morphology, culture and survival of T. pallidum and associated organisms. Bull World Health Organ (1966) 3.76
Treatment of gonorrhoea with single oral doses of ampicillin plus probenecid. I. Comparison with procaine penicillin. Br J Vener Dis (1973) 3.37
A survey of problems in the antibiotic treatment of gonorrhoea. With special reference to South-East Asia. Br J Vener Dis (1970) 2.80
Nature and extent of penicillin side-reactions, with particular reference to fatalities from anaphylactic shock. Bull World Health Organ (1968) 2.79
Australia (hepatitis-associated) antigen in patients attending a venereal disease clinic. Br Med J (1973) 2.60
Rifampicin (Rimactane) in the treatment of gonorrhoea. Br J Vener Dis (1970) 2.19
Contact investigation of male West Indian patients with gonorrhoea. Br J Vener Dis (1966) 2.19
Treatment of gonococcal urethritis with single injections of 2-4 mega units of aqueous procaine penicillin. Br J Vener Dis (1968) 2.18
Cardiac Lesions in Reiter's Disease. Br Med J (1961) 1.98
Minocycline in the treatment of non-gonococcal urethritis. Br J Vener Dis (1975) 1.98
One-session treatment of gonorrhoea in males with procaine penicillin plus probenecid. Postgrad Med J (1970) 1.90
Importance of the so-called 'other' sexually-transmitted diseases. Br J Vener Dis (1975) 1.89
'Triple tetracycline' in the treatment of non-gonococcal urethritis in males. Br J Vener Dis (1972) 1.88
Venereal diseases in the islands of the North Pacific. Br J Vener Dis (1980) 1.72
Treatment of gonorrhoea with single oral doses of ampicillin plus probenecid. II. Comparison of results in London and Wales. Br J Vener Dis (1973) 1.65
Epidemiological importance of concealed nongonococcal urethritis. Br J Vener Dis (1979) 1.63
How suitable are available pharmaceuticals for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases? 1: Conditions presenting as genital discharges. Br J Vener Dis (1977) 1.59
Simplified method for the cultural diagnosis of gonorrhoea. Br J Vener Dis (1976) 1.58
Importance of "feedback" in gonorrhoea control. Br J Vener Dis (1965) 1.53
Amoxycillin in the treatment of gonorrhoea. Br J Vener Dis (1972) 1.51
Sexual behaviour and sexually transmitted disease patterns in male homosexuals. Br J Vener Dis (1981) 1.47
Immigration and venereal disease in Great Britain. Br J Vener Dis (1966) 1.41
Which Neisseria? Br J Vener Dis (1977) 1.38
Cephalexin in the oral treatment of gonorrhoea by a double-dose method. Postgrad Med J (1970) 1.35
The international incidence of venereal disease. R Soc Health J (1971) 1.34
Venereal diseases in the islands of the South Pacific. Br J Vener Dis (1980) 1.34
Oral and rectal coitus amongst female gonorrhoea contacts in London. Br J Clin Pract (1974) 1.25
The rectum as viewed by the venereologist. Br J Vener Dis (1981) 1.23
Ampicillin divided doses in the treatment of gonorrhoea. Br J Clin Pract (1965) 1.21
Immigration and venereal disease in England and Wales. Br J Vener Dis (1970) 1.19
Treatment of gonorrhoea with single oral doses of rifampicin. Br Med J (1968) 1.17
Penicillin in the treatment of syphilis. The experience of three decades. Bull World Health Organ (1972) 1.16
Perspectives in venereology--1964. Bull Hyg (Lond) (1965) 1.15
Spectinomycin in the treatment of gonorrhoea in males. Br J Vener Dis (1974) 1.09
Demethylchlortetracycline in the treatment of gonorrhoea. Br J Vener Dis (1967) 1.09
Nerve deafness in early syphilis. Br J Vener Dis (1971) 1.09
Changing patterns of treponemal disease. Br J Vener Dis (1974) 1.08
Cotrimoxazole in the treatment of non-gonococcal urethritis. Acta Derm Venereol (1974) 1.04
Effective treatment of gonorrhoea in London with two oral doses of amoxycillin. Br J Vener Dis (1974) 1.03
Streptomycin in the treatment of gonorrhoea in London in 1966. Acta Derm Venereol (1968) 1.01
Erythromycin in the treatment of non-gonococcal urethritis. Br J Vener Dis (1968) 1.01
Single oral dose of 1-5g. talampicillin in the treatment of gonorrhoea. Br J Vener Dis (1976) 0.99
International aspects of the venereal diseases and nonvenereal treponematoses. Clin Obstet Gynecol (1975) 0.92
The treponemal evolution. Trans St Johns Hosp Dermatol Soc (1972) 0.91
Venereal diseases in the Pacific Islands. Papua New Guinea. Br J Vener Dis (1980) 0.91
The essence of gonorrhoea control. IV. The promiscuous female pool. Acta Derm Venereol (1966) 0.91
Necrotic cervicitis due to primary infection with the virus of herpes simplex. Br Med J (1968) 0.91
Recent advances in venereology. II. Gonorrhoea and other sexually-transmitted diseases. Br J Clin Pract (1973) 0.89
A world look at the venereal diseases: recrudescence of the venereal diseases. Med Clin North Am (1972) 0.88
The essence of gonorrhoea control. I. The importance of "feed back". Acta Derm Venereol (1965) 0.88
The essence of gonorrhoea control. 3. The delineation of the male: female source ratio. Acta Derm Venereol (1966) 0.86
Treatment of gonorrhoea with two oral doses of antibiotics. Trials of cephalexin and of triple tetracycline (Deteclo). Br J Vener Dis (1971) 0.84
Spectinomycin dihydrochloride in the treatment of gonorrhoea in males. Br J Clin Pract (1975) 0.84
Twenty-five years of penicillin in the service of venereology. Br J Clin Pract (1967) 0.81
Mass treatment campaigns against the endemic treponematoses. Rev Infect Dis (1985) 0.81
Treatment of syphilis. Bull World Health Organ (1981) 0.81
'Epidemiological' treatment in non-venereal and in treponemal diseases. Br J Vener Dis (1973) 0.80
Treatment of gonorrhoea with double doses of demethylchlortetracycline. Acta Derm Venereol (1969) 0.77
Primary infection of herpes simplex causing necrotic cervicitis. Br J Clin Pract (1968) 0.77
Epidemiology of anorectal disease: a review. J R Soc Med (1980) 0.76
The American perspective. Br J Vener Dis (1974) 0.75
IV Harrison Lecture 1981: the international venereological scene as viewed by Harrison and St Mary's. Br J Vener Dis (1982) 0.75
How suitable are available pharmaceuticals for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases? (2) Conditions presenting as sores or tumours. Br J Vener Dis (1977) 0.75
Recent developments in the treatment of gonorrhoea. Br J Vener Dis (1970) 0.75
VD education in developing countries. A comparison with developed countries. Br J Vener Dis (1976) 0.75
Editorial: Treatment implications of the lessened sensitivity of the gonococcus to penicillin. J Am Vener Dis Assoc (1976) 0.75
Treatment of non-gonococcal urethritis with tetracycline-L-methylene lysine. Acta Derm Venereol (1965) 0.75
Treponema pallidum. A bibliographical review of the morphology, culture and survival of T. pallidum and associated organisms. Bull World Health Organ (1966) 0.75
Recent advances in venereology. I. Syphilis. Br J Clin Pract (1973) 0.75
International contact tracing in venereal disease. WHO Chron (1973) 0.75
The use of microcult GC in women. Br J Clin Pract (1977) 0.75
The current status of gonorrhoea control. Br J Clin Pract (1971) 0.75
The private physician and verereal disease control in the Western Pacific Region. Br J Clin Pract (1970) 0.75
[Nature and extent of penicillin side effects with special reference to 151 fatal cases after anaphylactic shock]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr (1969) 0.75
Ampicillin in the treatment of gonorrhoea. Acta Derm Venereol (1964) 0.75
Generalized Sensitivity to Sulphonamides. Br Med J (1943) 0.75
Social aspects of the venereal diseases. Curr Med Drugs (1965) 0.75
What are the chances of catching VD? Med Times (1976) 0.75
Some Medical Problems of Immigration into Britain. Proc R Soc Med (1963) 0.75
Gonorrhoea treatment practices in the United Kingdom. Postgrad Med J (1972) 0.75
Antibiotics and the venereal diseases. Curr Med Drugs (1965) 0.75
[Editorial: Epidemiologic treatment of non venereal diseases and the ones caused by Treponemas]. Rev Paul Med (1973) 0.75
Outside eyes on American Venereology. J Am Vener Dis Assoc (1974) 0.75
Treatment practices in gonorrhoea in the United Kingdom. Br J Vener Dis (1971) 0.75
Perspectives in venereology--1966. Bull Hyg (Lond) (1967) 0.75
Some aspects of the epidemiology of the venereal diseases as a world problem. Public Health (1972) 0.75
Perspectives in venereology--1965. Bull Hyg (Lond) (1966) 0.75
A venereological panorama. Trans Med Soc Lond (1972) 0.75
The prophylaxis of nonvenereal conditions: with its applications to venereology. J Am Vener Dis Assoc (1975) 0.75
[Nature and scope of adverse effects of penicillin with special reference to 151 deaths following anaphylactic shock]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr (1969) 0.75
[Nature and extent of penicillin side effects with special consideration of 151 fatalities following anaphylactic shock]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr (1969) 0.75
Venereal diseases and immigrants. Practitioner (1965) 0.75
VD around the world. J Am Pharm Assoc (1971) 0.75