Published in Transplantation on May 01, 1969
Histocompatibility studies in a closely bred colony of dogs. I. Influence of leukocyte group antigens upon renal allograft survival in the unmodified host. J Exp Med (1970) 0.88
Value of prospective tissue typing in kidney transplantation between HL-A identical siblings. Br Med J (1970) 0.78
Leucocyte group compatibility and renal allograft survival in the unmodified canine host. Ann Surg (1970) 0.76
Cloning of the human estrogen receptor cDNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1985) 4.58
A lymph node weight assay for the graft-versus-host activity of rat lymphoid cells. Transplantation (1970) 4.35
Preoperative evaluation of intubation conditions in patients scheduled for elective surgery. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand (1996) 2.72
Partition of membrane particles in aqueous two-polymer phase system and its practical use for purification of plasma membranes from plants. Plant Physiol (1983) 2.49
Good clinical research practice (GCRP) in pharmacodynamic studies of neuromuscular blocking agents. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand (1996) 2.42
Phenotypic difference of normal plasma cells from mature myeloma cells. Blood (1993) 2.35
The frequency of antigen-sensitive cells in tissue transplantation. A commentary on clonal selection. J Exp Med (1969) 2.15
Giant linear plasmids in Streptomyces which code for antibiotic biosynthesis genes. Nature (1987) 2.15
The elusive T cell receptor. Transplant Rev (1972) 2.14
Dhh1p, a putative RNA helicase, associates with the general transcription factors Pop2p and Ccr4p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics (1998) 2.02
Phospholipid degradation in frozen plant cells associated with freezing injury. Plant Physiol (1974) 1.98
Detection of patients at risk for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation during sinus rhythm by P wave-triggered signal-averaged electrocardiogram. Circulation (1991) 1.85
Humoral factor triggering DNA synthesis after partial hepatectomy in the rat. Nature (1970) 1.82
Alcohol-induced brain damage and liver damage in young males. Lancet (1979) 1.82
Neurotoxicity of glucocorticoids in the primate brain. Horm Behav (1994) 1.79
The division apparatus of plastids and mitochondria. Int Rev Cytol (1998) 1.73
Yak1p, a DYRK family kinase, translocates to the nucleus and phosphorylates yeast Pop2p in response to a glucose signal. Genes Dev (2001) 1.69
Essential role of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) in tumor promotion as revealed by TNF-alpha-deficient mice. Cancer Res (1999) 1.68
Identification and Quantification of Indole-3-methanol in Etiolated Seedlings of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Plant Physiol (1985) 1.59
Effect of menthol vapour on airway hyperresponsiveness in patients with mild asthma. Respir Med (1995) 1.59
The property of "strength" of histocompatibility antigens, and their ability to produce antigenic competition. Transplantation (1967) 1.58
Mechanism of survival in plant cells at super-low temperatures by rapid cooling and rewarming. Cryobiology (1970) 1.51
Different mechanisms of ischemic adaptation to repeated coronary occlusion in patients with and without recruitable collateral circulation. J Am Coll Cardiol (1997) 1.47
MR anatomy of the substantia innominata and findings in Alzheimer disease: a preliminary report. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol (1996) 1.46
The major histocompatibility complex class I heavy chain as a structural subunit of the human cell membrane insulin receptor: implications for the range of biological functions of histocompatibility antigens. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1986) 1.44
Does perioperative tactile evaluation of the train-of-four response influence the frequency of postoperative residual neuromuscular blockade? Anesthesiology (1990) 1.44
[Cancer morbidity among alcoholics]. Ugeskr Laeger (1995) 1.40
A putative mitochondrial ftsZ gene is present in the unicellular primitive red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. Mol Gen Genet (2000) 1.38
Ultrasonic aspiration in coronary artery surgery. Ann Thorac Surg (1985) 1.37
Degree of diversity of hepatitis C virus quasispecies and progression of liver disease. Hepatology (1994) 1.35
Insect immune response to bacterial infection is mediated by eicosanoids. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1991) 1.32
Cloning of the human oestrogen receptor cDNA. J Steroid Biochem (1986) 1.31
Three-dimensional analysis of the senescence program in rice (Oryza sativa L.) coleoptiles. Investigations of tissues and cells by fluorescence microscopy. Planta (1998) 1.30
Semen analysis performed by different laboratory teams: an intervariation study. Int J Androl (1997) 1.30
Interleukin-6 produced by renal-cell carcinoma cells and progression of multiple myeloma. N Engl J Med (1991) 1.30
Isolation and developmental expression of male reproductive organ-specific genes in a dioecious campion, Melandrium album (Silene latifolia). Plant J (1996) 1.21
The selective increase or decrease of organellar DNA in generative cells just after pollen mitosis one controls cytoplasmic inheritance. Planta (1999) 1.21
Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown apical meristems of wasabi (Wasabia japonica) by vitrification and subsequent high plant regeneration. Plant Cell Rep (1994) 1.20
Hac1: a novel yeast bZIP protein binding to the CRE motif is a multicopy suppressor for cdc10 mutant of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Nucleic Acids Res (1994) 1.19
Homograft reaction in amyloidotic mice. Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand (1966) 1.18
Some factors contribution in the survival of rapidly cooled plant cells. Cryobiology (1971) 1.18
Rolling-circle replication of the plasmid pKYM isolated from a gram-negative bacterium. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1991) 1.17
Large Q fever outbreak due to sheep farming near residential areas, Germany, 2005. Epidemiol Infect (2007) 1.17
Tumor necrosis factor acts as a tumor promoter in BALB/3T3 cell transformation. Cancer Res (1993) 1.16
The role of sugar and related compounds in variations of freezing resistance. Cryobiology (1969) 1.16
CNR1, central cannabinoid receptor gene, associated with susceptibility to hebephrenic schizophrenia. Mol Psychiatry (2002) 1.13
Cancer morbidity in alcohol abusers. Br J Cancer (1994) 1.12
Primary immune response in grafted cells. Dissociation between the proliferation of activity and the proliferation of cells. J Exp Med (1967) 1.11
Isolation, DNA sequence and regulation of a new cell division cycle gene from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast (1990) 1.11
The effect of an associated ulnar styloid fracture on the outcome after fixation of a fracture of the distal radius. J Bone Joint Surg Br (2009) 1.10
Survival of Suspension-cultured Sycamore Cells Cooled to the Temperature of Liquid Nitrogen. Plant Physiol (1974) 1.09
Nomenclature for chicken major histocompatibility (B) complex. Immunogenetics (1982) 1.08
Auxin and cytokinin have opposite effects on amyloplast development and the expression of starch synthesis genes in cultured bright yellow-2 tobacco cells. Plant Physiol (1999) 1.08
Long-term Antabuse treatment: tolerance and reasons for withdrawal. Acta Psychiatr Scand Suppl (1992) 1.08
Therapeutic pancreatic endoscopy after Whipple resection requires rendezvous access. Endoscopy (2009) 1.07
Isolation and characterization of Tn5-induced mutants of Pseudomonas paucimobilis UT26 defective in gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane dehydrochlorinase (LinA). Biosci Biotechnol Biochem (1993) 1.07
Liver regeneration and lymphocyte activation. Surg Gynecol Obstet (1976) 1.06
Granulocyte-specific antinuclear factors in synovial fluids and sera from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis (1974) 1.06
Correlation of estrophilin content of primary mammary cancer to eventual endocrine treatment. Ann Surg (1978) 1.06
Effects of second intracellular loop mutations on signal transduction and internalization of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor. J Biol Chem (1995) 1.05
Safety assessment of new antithrombotic agents: lessons from the EXTEND study on ximelagatran. Thromb Res (2008) 1.05
Primary follicular lymphoma of the gastrointestinal tract: a retrospective case series. Endoscopy (2007) 1.05
Detrimental effects of glucocorticoids on neuronal migration during brain development. Mol Psychiatry (2009) 1.04
On the pathology of angiokeratoma corporis diffusum (Fabry). Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand (1966) 1.04
Possible roles of compound membrane receptors in the immune system. Ann Immunol (Paris) (1983) 1.03
HD-PTP: A novel protein tyrosine phosphatase gene on human chromosome 3p21.3. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (2000) 1.03
The serine/threonine kinase Pim-2 is a novel anti-apoptotic mediator in myeloma cells. Leukemia (2011) 1.03
Analysis of Indole-3-Acetic Acid Metabolites from Dalbergia dolichopetala by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Plant Physiol (1992) 1.03
Compound receptors in the cell membrane: ruminations from the borderland of immunology and physiology. Prog Allergy (1985) 1.03
Rare case of the inferior mesenteric artery arising from the superior mesenteric artery. Anat Rec (1987) 1.02
The factor of immunization in the rat. The effect of allogeneic immunization on graft-versus-host activity. J Exp Med (1971) 1.02
[Repeat open heart surgery in a case associated with persistent left superior vena cava: a method of simple occlusion of L-SVC using an alternative extra-pericardial approach and retrograde cardioplegia]. Kyobu Geka (1995) 1.02
Identification of immature and mature myeloma cells in the bone marrow of human myelomas. Blood (1993) 1.01
Collateral channels that develop after an acute myocardial infarction prevent subsequent left ventricular dilation. J Am Coll Cardiol (1996) 1.00
Orexin-induced food intake involves neuropeptide Y pathway. Brain Res (2000) 1.00
Manual evaluation of residual curarization using double burst stimulation: a comparison with train-of-four. Anesthesiology (1989) 0.99
Wegener's granulomatosis. A survey and three cases. Acta Med Scand (1967) 0.99
Bony entrapment of ulnar nerve after closed forearm fracture: a case report. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong) (2004) 0.98
Isolation and characterization of Escherichia coli hag operator mutants whose hag48 expression has become repressible by a Salmonella H1 repressor. Mol Gen Genet (1989) 0.98
A subtype of human papillomavirus 5 (HPV-5b) and its subgenomic segment amplified in a carcinoma: nucleotide sequences and genomic organizations. Virology (1991) 0.97
MHC-like molecules in some nonmammalian vertebrates can be detected by some cross-reactive xenoantisera. J Immunol (1990) 0.96
Effects of finasteride on vascular endothelial growth factor. Scand J Urol Nephrol (2002) 0.95
A case of the left innominate vein passing behind the ascending aorta. Anat Rec (1981) 0.95
On the nature and measurement of antigenic strength. Transplant Rev (1969) 0.95
Dioecy and the evolution of pollination systems inSchiedea and Alsinidendron (Caryophyllaceae:Alsinoideae) in the Hawaiian Islands. Am J Bot (1998) 0.95
Measurement of the neutron radius of 208Pb through parity violation in electron scattering. Phys Rev Lett (2012) 0.95
The chicken erythrocyte-specific MHC antigen. Characterization and purification of the B-G antigen by monoclonal antibodies. Immunogenetics (1987) 0.95
Thyroid and parathyroid implantation: an experimental re-evaluation. Surgery (1967) 0.95
Linkage disequilibrium between TAP2 variants and HLA class II alleles; no primary association between TAP2 variants and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Eur J Immunol (1993) 0.94
Measurement of acceleration: a new method of monitoring neuromuscular function. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand (1988) 0.94
Estrous cycle characterisation and artificial insemination using frozen-thawed spermatozoa in the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Reproduction (2005) 0.94
Closed reduction and immobilization for traumatic isolated dislocation of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb in rugby football players. Two case reports. Am J Sports Med (2001) 0.94
A study on the localization of the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius motoneurons in the rat by means of the HRP method. Anat Rec (1982) 0.94
Hydrolysis and reconjugation of gibberellin A20 glucosyl ester by seedlings of Zea mays L. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1992) 0.93
Mapping and characterizing a new DNA replication mutant in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast (1989) 0.93
Influence of hypoxia and pulmonary air embolism on lung injury in perfused rat lungs. Respiration (1996) 0.93
Therapeutic relationships: from psychiatric hospital to community. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs (2005) 0.93