Published in Physiol Rev on July 01, 1969
Changes in sarcomere length during isometric tension development in frog skeletal muscle. J Physiol (1972) 3.67
Calcium-activated tension of skinned muscle fibers of the frog. Dependence on magnesium adenosine triphosphate concentration. J Gen Physiol (1974) 3.26
Regulation of tension in the skinned crayfish muscle fiber. I. Contraction and relaxation in the absence of Ca (pCa is greater than 9). J Gen Physiol (1971) 3.00
Mechanical deactivation induced by active shortening in isolated muscle fibres of the frog. J Physiol (1975) 2.57
A model for the transient and steady-state mechanical behavior of contracting muscle. Biophys J (1974) 2.17
Energetics of activation in frog and toad muscle. J Physiol (1972) 1.92
Mechanism of the inhibitory action of indomethacin on smooth muscle. Br J Pharmacol (1971) 1.61
Metabolic compartmentation and substrate channelling in muscle cells. Role of coupled creatine kinases in in vivo regulation of cellular respiration--a synthesis. Mol Cell Biochem (1995) 1.49
First-order kinetics of muscle oxygen consumption, and an equivalent proportionality between QO2 and phosphorylcreatine level. Implications for the control of respiration. J Gen Physiol (1985) 1.44
A comparison of the energy balance in two successive isometric tetani of frog muscle. J Physiol (1977) 1.29
Adenylate kinase 1 gene deletion disrupts muscle energetic economy despite metabolic rearrangement. EMBO J (2000) 1.23
Enzymic properties of myosin in fast and slow twitch muscles of the cat following cross-innervation. J Physiol (1969) 1.19
Tension generation by threads of contractile proteins. J Gen Physiol (1977) 1.12
Spectrophotometric studies on the pH of frog skeletal muscle. PH change during and after contractile activity. J Gen Physiol (1976) 1.08
Heat production and chemical change in tortoise muscle. J Physiol (1970) 1.06
Evaluation of the minimum energy hypothesis and other potential optimality criteria for human running. Proc Biol Sci (2011) 0.97
Energetics of shortening muscles in twitches and tetanic contractions. II. Force-determined shortening heat. J Gen Physiol (1973) 0.97
Energetics of contraction in phasic and tonic skeletal muscles of the chicken. J Gen Physiol (1973) 0.96
Interaction of creatine kinase and adenylate kinase systems in muscle cells. Mol Cell Biochem (1995) 0.95
The effect of distending the junction between the superior vena cava and the right atrium in the dog. J Physiol (1970) 0.94
Oxygen cost of dynamic or isometric exercise relative to recruited muscle mass. Dyn Med (2006) 0.89
Aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in smooth muscle cells of taenia coli in relation to active ion transport. J Physiol (1975) 0.89
Molecular system bioenergics of the heart: experimental studies of metabolic compartmentation and energy fluxes versus computer modeling. Int J Mol Sci (2011) 0.89
Initial heat production in isometric from muscle at 15 degrees C. J Gen Physiol (1973) 0.88
Energy production in cardiac isotonic contractions. J Gen Physiol (1970) 0.88
Creatine supplementation and exercise performance: a brief review. J Sports Sci Med (2003) 0.86
Application of the principles of systems biology and Wiener's cybernetics for analysis of regulation of energy fluxes in muscle cells in vivo. Int J Mol Sci (2010) 0.85
Energetics of isometric and isotonic twitches in toad sartorius. Biophys J (1972) 0.84
The heat of shortening during repeated tetanic contractions of muscle treated with 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene. J Physiol (1972) 0.81
Experimental and modelling evidence of shortening heat in cardiac muscle. J Physiol (2017) 0.75
Activation heat, activation metabolism and tension-related heat in frog semitendinosus muscles. J Physiol (1972) 2.59
Activation heat in frog sartorius muscle. J Gen Physiol (1966) 1.41
The modification of actomyosin by alpha- actinin. I. A survey of experimental conditions. Biochim Biophys Acta (1967) 1.37
Energetics of cardiac contractions. J Physiol (1967) 1.32
A temporal dissociation of energy liberation and high energy phosphate splitting during shortening in frog skeletal muscles. J Gen Physiol (1976) 1.29
The break-down of adenosine triphosphate in the contraction cycle of the frog sartorius muscle. J Physiol (1967) 1.28
Conformational studies on the membrane protein of sarcotubular vesicles. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1967) 1.27
Skeletal muscle. Basic and clinical aspects and illustrative new diseases. Ann Intern Med (1967) 1.20
Enzymic properties of myosin in fast and slow twitch muscles of the cat following cross-innervation. J Physiol (1969) 1.19
Density gradient separation of sarcotubular vesicles and other particulate constituents of rabbit muscle. J Cell Biol (1965) 1.18
Evidence for a direct action of thyroid hormone in specifying muscle properties. Am J Physiol (1982) 1.15
Circular dichroism of visual pigments in the visible and ultraviolet spectral regions. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1966) 1.04
Current problems in myocardial metabolism. Circ Res (1974) 1.01
Studies on alpha-actinin-like proteins liberated during trypsin digestion of alpha-actinin and of myofibrils. Biochim Biophys Acta (1969) 1.01
The modification of some biochemical properties of muscle by cross-innervation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1969) 0.98
Energetics of shortening muscles in twitches and tetanic contractions. II. Force-determined shortening heat. J Gen Physiol (1973) 0.97
The modification of actomyosin by alpha-actinin. 3. The enteraction between alpha-actinin and actin. Biochim Biophys Acta (1967) 0.93
Ultraviolet circular dichroism of myosin. J Mol Biol (1966) 0.91
The conversion of some biochemical properties of mammalian skeletal muscles following cross-reinnervation. Exp Neurol (1977) 0.89
The molecular size of the calcium-transport ATPase of sarcotubular vesicles estimated from radiation inactivation. Biochim Biophys Acta (1968) 0.83
Neural control of myofibrillar ATPase activity in rat skeletal muscle. Nat New Biol (1971) 0.83
The effects of thyroid status on some properties of rat fast-twitch muscle. J Muscle Res Cell Motil (1981) 0.82
The variable contractile force of the heart. Acta Cardiol (1965) 0.82
The origin of the tyrosyl circular dichroism of tropomyosin. Biochim Biophys Acta (1976) 0.81
The modification of actomyosin by alpha-actinin. II. The effect of alpha-actinin upon contractility. Biochim Biophys Acta (1967) 0.81
Myofibrillar ATPase as a determining factor for contraction velocity, and its changes upon experimental cross-innervation. J Physiol (1969) 0.81
Excitation and response in muscular tissues. Ann N Y Acad Sci (1971) 0.80
Activation of phosphorylase in frog muscle as determined by contractile activity. J Gen Physiol (1975) 0.78
Inotropic Effects of Trains of Impulses Applied during the Contraction of Cardiac Muscle. J Gen Physiol (1960) 0.78
The modification of actomyosin by alpha-actinin. IV. The role of sulfhydryl groups. Biochim Biophys Acta (1968) 0.78
A survey of the regulatory activity of some phosphorylated and dephosphorylated forms of troponin. Arch Biochem Biophys (1975) 0.77
Chemical energy and cardiac work. Adv Cardiol (1974) 0.75
The variable contractile strength of the heart. UCLA Forum Med Sci (1970) 0.75
Low-temperature extraction of a troponin-tropomyosin factor from the I-Z-I brush of striated muscle. Arch Biochem Biophys (1970) 0.75
Circular dichroism and the conformational properties of visual pigments. UCLA Forum Med Sci (1969) 0.75
Energetics of contraction. Muscle Biol (1972) 0.75
Neural influences on the distribution of troponin I isotypes in the cat. Exp Neurol (1984) 0.75
Myosin and Adenosinetriphosphatase in Muscular Activity. Science (1946) 0.75
V. The teaching of physiology from a base in molecular physiology. J Med Educ (1968) 0.75
The enthalpies of ionization of the imidazole group of carnosine and the methylimidazole group of anserine. J Muscle Res Cell Motil (1986) 0.75
The circular dichroism of visual pigments, particularly in the ultra-violet. J Physiol (1967) 0.75
The origin of concepts regarding contractility, its mechanism, and its control. Adv Myocardiol (1982) 0.75
On the reconstitution of rabbit myosin from fast and slow muscle. Biochim Biophys Acta (1971) 0.75
The Maxwell demon in sheep's clothing. Bull N Y Acad Med (1966) 0.75
A new form of native tropomyosin. J Biochem (1970) 0.75
Cardiac muscle and liver ribosomes of the rat: the influence of laparotomy and laparotomy combined with adrenalectomy. Experientia (1970) 0.75
Formative effect of nerve upon some functional and molecular characteristics of muscle. Res Publ Assoc Res Nerv Ment Dis (1972) 0.75
The energetic aspects of excitation-contraction coupling. Nihon Seirigaku Zasshi (1972) 0.75
The exchange of 18O between water and phosphate compounds in isolated frog sartorius muscle under conditions of negative work. J Mechanochem Cell Motil (1974) 0.75
Characterization of myosin heavy chain by cyanogen bromide peptide maps. J Muscle Res Cell Motil (1982) 0.75
Muscular contraction, a subject of molecular physiology. Arch Biol (Liege) (1965) 0.75
Fundamental concepts of cardiac dynamics and energetics. Trans Assoc Life Insur Med Dir Am (1965) 0.75
Bioenergetics, why? Gastroenterology (1967) 0.75
Vesalius Commemoration at Brussels. Science (1965) 0.75
Myosin in association with preparations of sarcotubular vesicles from muscle. Biochim Biophys Acta (1965) 0.75
Incorporation of inorganic phosphate into ATP and phosphorylcreatine of stretched muscle, measured by 18-O tracer. J Physiol (1971) 0.75
[Reflections on muscle research (in commemoration of Prof. A. Katschalsky-Katzir)]. Orv Hetil (1983) 0.75
Symposium on Myocardial Blood Flow in Man--Methods and Significance in Myocardial Disease: Pisa, Italy; June 10-12, 1971. Report of the session on acute hypoxia. Cardiology (1972) 0.75
Trisphosphoinositol as the intra-myonal signal messenger, crucial in excitation-contraction coupling in muscle. Bioessays (1986) 0.75
The role of physiology in medical education. Physiologist (1968) 0.75