Published in Proc R Soc Med on January 01, 1970
Analysis of the factors involved in cosmetic failure following excision of the eye. Br J Ophthalmol (1988) 0.75
New clinical method for measuring the rate of gastric emptying: the double sampling test meal. Gut (1968) 5.18
Human colonic motility: a comparative study of normal subjects, patients with ulcerative colitis, and patients with the irritable colon syndrome. I. Resting patterns of motility. Gastroenterology (1961) 3.78
The motility of the pelvic colon. 1. Motility in normals and in patients with asymptomatic duodenal ulcer. Gut (1961) 3.00
Comparison of the effect of meals and prostigmine on the proximal and distal colon in patients with and without diarrhoea. Gut (1966) 1.89
The relationships between anatomy and motor activity of the colon. Am J Dig Dis (1968) 1.27
Variation of bowel habit in two population samples. Br Med J (1965) 5.78
Risk factors for open-angle glaucoma. The Barbados Eye Study. Arch Ophthalmol (1995) 4.09
The Barbados Eye Study. Prevalence of open angle glaucoma. Arch Ophthalmol (1994) 3.92
Incidence of open-angle glaucoma: the Barbados Eye Studies. The Barbados Eye Studies Group. Arch Ophthalmol (2001) 3.20
Prevalence and causes of visual impairment in The Barbados Eye Study. Ophthalmology (2001) 2.70
Gastric incontinence and post-vagotomy diarrhoea. Br J Surg (1970) 2.56
Prevalence of lens opacities in the Barbados Eye Study. Arch Ophthalmol (1997) 1.99
The effect of a synthetic gastrin-like pentapeptide (I.C.I. 50,123) on intestinal motility in man. Lancet (1966) 1.97
Selective or truncal vagotomy? A double-blind randomised controlled trial. Lancet (1969) 1.89
Comparison of the effect of meals and prostigmine on the proximal and distal colon in patients with and without diarrhoea. Gut (1966) 1.89
Motility studies in diverticular disease of the colon. Gut (1969) 1.66
The cricopharyngeal sphincter in gastric reflux. Gut (1970) 1.56
Gastric emptying in patients with post-vagotomy diarrhea. Gut (1968) 1.55
Cholecystectomy and the development of colorectal neoplasia: a prospective study. Ann R Coll Surg Engl (1989) 1.51
Effect of metoclopramide on gastric function in man. Gut (1969) 1.49
Cholecystectomy and colorectal cancer. Br J Surg (1989) 1.40
Features of age-related macular degeneration in a black population. The Barbados Eye Study Group. Arch Ophthalmol (1995) 1.33
Gastric emptying and transit time as factors in postvagotomy diarrhea. Gut (1969) 1.33
Comparison of diabetic retinopathy detection by clinical examinations and photograph gradings. Barbados (West Indies) Eye Study Group. Arch Ophthalmol (1993) 1.32
Distribution of intraocular pressure. The Barbados Eye Study. Arch Ophthalmol (1997) 1.28
Selective or truncal vagotomy? Lancet (1970) 1.28
Auditing perioperative mortality. Ann R Coll Surg Engl (1987) 1.27
Diabetes, hypertension, and central obesity as cataract risk factors in a black population. The Barbados Eye Study. Ophthalmology (1999) 1.24
The role of gastrin in gastroileocolic responses. Am J Dig Dis (1967) 1.24
Colonoscopy in surgical practice. Br Med J (1977) 1.24
Variation of bowel habit in two population samples. Proc R Soc Med (1966) 1.23
Methyldopa hepatitis. Report of three cases. Am J Dig Dis (1973) 1.23
Absence of effect of bran on blood-lipids. Lancet (1975) 1.19
Incidence and progression of lens opacities in the Barbados Eye Studies. Ophthalmology (2000) 1.15
Selective or truncal vagotomy? Five-year results of a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Br J Surg (1973) 1.14
Bile acids and post-vagotomy diarrhoea. Br J Surg (1983) 1.14
The outcome in 455 patients admitted for treatment of diverticular disease of the colon. Br J Surg (1970) 1.13
Physiological and clinical assessment of the effect of the musculotropic agent mebeverine on the human colon. Br Med J (1965) 1.07
Pyloroplasty versus gastrojejunostomy. Results of a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Br J Surg (1973) 1.05
Faecal bile acid concentration of patients with carcinoma or increased risk of carcinoma in the large bowel. Gut (1980) 1.04
Pathogenesis of diverticular disease of the colon. Adv Intern Med (1977) 1.01
A controlled trial of bipolar electrocoagulation in patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Br J Surg (1984) 1.00
Diabetic retinopathy in a black population: the Barbados Eye Study. Ophthalmology (1999) 0.98
A double-blind controlled trial of the value of selective and total vagotomy in the surgical treatment of duodenal ulcer. Br J Surg (1969) 0.97
Coeliac and hepatic nerve function following selective vagotomy. Br J Surg (1973) 0.97
Relationship between duodenal bile acids and colorectal neoplasia. Gut (1987) 0.96
Recording of intstinal motility: routine or research? Gut (1967) 0.92
Liposarcoma of the colon. Ulster Med J (1994) 0.90
Lens opacities, demographic factors and nutritional supplements in the Barbados Eye Study. Int J Epidemiol (1997) 0.89
Pancreatic carcinoma presenting as bleeding from segmental gastric varices: pitfalls in diagnosis. Postgrad Med J (1990) 0.89
A pilot project of glaucoma in Barbados. Br J Ophthalmol (1989) 0.88
14C-tripalmitin breath test as a diagnostic aid for fat malabsorption due to pancreatic insufficiency. J Nucl Med (1974) 0.87
The irritable colon syndrome. Postgrad Med J (1968) 0.87
"Nonalcoholic" chronic hepatitis in the alcoholic. Gastroenterology (1977) 0.86
Does cholecystectomy predispose to colorectal cancer? A case control study. Dis Colon Rectum (1986) 0.86
Bile acids and the increased risk of colorectal tumours after truncal vagotomy. Br J Surg (1990) 0.85
Control factors in the release of gastrin by direct electrical stimulation of the vagus. Am J Dig Dis (1975) 0.85
Applied physiology of the colon: factors relevant to diverticular disease. Clin Gastroenterol (1975) 0.84
Limitations of radiology in the differentiation of diverticulitis and diverticulosis of the colon. Br Med J (1970) 0.84
Ileal reservoirs: an experimental study of motility in the Kock and triplicated pelvic ileal pouches. J Surg Res (1983) 0.82
Natural fiber and bowel dysfunction. Am J Clin Nutr (1976) 0.82
Indigent care limitation in university-owned hospitals. Health Care Manage Rev (1983) 0.82
Faecal bile acid concentrations in patients at increased risk of large bowel cancer. Acta Gastroenterol Belg (1978) 0.79
Design of a pilot study of glaucoma in Barbados. J Natl Med Assoc (1988) 0.79
Five years' experience in stapling the oesophagus and rectum. Br J Surg (1981) 0.79
Assessment of ornithine decarboxylase activity in rectal mucosa as a marker for colorectal adenomas and carcinomas. Br J Surg (1987) 0.78
Intestinal motility and the irritable bowel. Postgrad Med J (1984) 0.78
The assessment of intestinal motility. Proc R Soc Med (1966) 0.78
The pancreatic and biliary response to hypoglycaemia following both selective and truncal vagotomy. Br J Surg (1970) 0.78
Nutritional status in alcoholics with and without liver disease. Am J Clin Nutr (1982) 0.78
The origin of fat emboli after injury. Br J Surg (1969) 0.77
The pelvic ileal reservoir: an experimental assessment of its function compared with that of normal rectum. Br J Surg (1982) 0.77
Rectus abdominis muscle flap for persistent perineal sinus. Br J Surg (1988) 0.77
The effects of dietary fiber on gastrointestinal motor function. Am J Clin Nutr (1978) 0.77
Gastrin, acid, and bile. Gut (1968) 0.76
A comparative study of the radiological and clinical findings in diverticular disease of the colon. Gut (1969) 0.76
Effect of fibre from bran cereal on gastroenteropancreatic hormone responses of normal adults. Ir J Med Sci (1980) 0.76
Studies with drugs and hormones on the human colon [abridged]. Proc R Soc Med (1967) 0.75
Wound sepsis in 10,000 surgical patients. Ulster Med J (1990) 0.75
The Motility of the Small Intestine. Postgrad Med J (1961) 0.75
Gastric function in primary hyperparathyroidism in man. Ir J Med Sci (1975) 0.75
Peptic activity after the administration of Pentagastrin and in gastroduodenal disease. Gut (1969) 0.75
Spontaneous duodenocolic fistula. J R Coll Surg Edinb (1975) 0.75
Esophageal pain misdiagnosed as angina pectoris. West J Med (1978) 0.75
Wheat bran as an etiologic factor in certain diseases. Some second thoughts. J Am Diet Assoc (1977) 0.75
Clinical Experiences in 14C-tripalmitin breath test for fat malabsorption. Am J Gastroenterol (1980) 0.75
Experience and reform in the training of foreign graduates. Trans Ophthalmol Soc U K (1980) 0.75
The physician: provider, producer, or professional? Nebr Med J (1982) 0.75
The Kock ileostomy reservoir: an experimental study of the value of reservoir fixation in improving valve stability and facilitating catheterization. J Surg Res (1981) 0.75
Emotion and the gastrointestinal tract. Clin Gastroenterol (1982) 0.75
Tests of gastrointestinal motility. Clin Gastroenterol (1978) 0.75
The management of suspected tumours of the colon: the role of colonoscopy in general surgery. Br J Surg (1979) 0.75
Combination drugs in gastroenterology. Am J Gastroenterol (1986) 0.75
Dietary fiber and diverticular disease. Hosp Pract (1976) 0.75
Emotion-related gastritis. Am J Gastroenterol (1976) 0.75
Gastric emptying after proximal gastric vagotomy, an exprimental study. J R Coll Surg Edinb (1973) 0.75
Government regulation of gastrointestinal drugs is excessive. Am J Dig Dis (1977) 0.75
The measurement of gastric emptying: a comparison of fixed scintillation detection and the double-sampling technique. Br J Surg (1981) 0.75
The fda controversy. Am J Dig Dis (1977) 0.75
The Kock ileostomy reservoir: an experimental study of methods of improving valve stability and competence. Br J Surg (1981) 0.75
Medical school corner - dean's page. Nebr Med J (1982) 0.75
The bacterial flora of the upper gastro-intestinal tract in relation to gastric secretion and to bowel habit following vagotomy and pyloroplasty. Br J Surg (1973) 0.75