Published in Bull World Health Organ on January 01, 1965
Mycobacterium. Bacteriol Rev (1977) 3.20
Isolation, characterization, and biological properties of a tuberculin-active peptidoglycan isolated from the culture filtrate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infect Immun (1980) 0.81
Use of multiple mycobacterial antigens in skin testing among the Navajo. Health Serv Rep (1972) 0.75
In vitro cellular immune response to homologous and heterologous antigens in rabbits sensitized by five species of Mycobacterium and Nocardia asteroides. Infect Immun (1981) 0.75
Prevalence of mycobacterial sensitivity in Montreal children. Can Med Assoc J (1974) 0.75
Effects of infection with atypical mycobacteria on BCG vaccination and tuberculosis. Am Rev Respir Dis (1966) 6.38
Development of the new lung allocation system in the United States. Am J Transplant (2006) 4.02
An atlas of sensitivity to tuberculin, PPD-B, and histoplasmin in the United States. Am Rev Respir Dis (1969) 3.50
Long-term results of BCG vaccination in the southern United States. Am Rev Respir Dis (1966) 2.90
Identifying the tuberculous infected. The dual-test technique. JAMA (1968) 2.48
Height, weight, tuberculous infection, and tuberculous disease. Arch Environ Health (1971) 1.55
Tuberculin test in retrospect and prospect. Arch Environ Health (1967) 1.52
The Dark Adaptation Test for Vitamin A Deficiency. Am J Public Health Nations Health (1938) 1.39
Identification of tuberculous infected. Dual tests and density of reaction. Am Rev Respir Dis (1973) 1.26
Contributions of northern populations to the understanding of tuberculin sensitivity. Arch Environ Health (1968) 1.21
Tuberculosis morbidity in the U.S. Navy: its distribution and decline. Am Rev Respir Dis (1974) 1.21
OPTN/SRTR 2011 Annual Data Report: lung. Am J Transplant (2013) 1.20
Effect of preoperative pulmonary artery pressure on early survival after lung transplantation for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. J Heart Lung Transplant (2005) 1.17
Further observations on histoplasmin sensitivity in the United States. Am J Epidemiol (1973) 1.15
The future direction of the adult heart allocation system in the United States. Am J Transplant (2015) 1.13
Functional expression of sv40 in normal human prostatic epithelial and fibroblastic cells - differentiation pattern of nontumorigenic cell-lines. Int J Oncol (1995) 1.12
Epidemiology of sarcoidosis in the U.S. Navy. Am J Epidemiol (1974) 1.12
On the nature of tuberculin sensitivity in South India. Am Rev Respir Dis (1968) 1.10
OPTN/SRTR 2012 Annual Data Report: heart. Am J Transplant (2014) 1.08
OPTN/SRTR 2012 Annual Data Report: lung. Am J Transplant (2014) 1.07
OPTN/SRTR 2013 Annual Data Report: lung. Am J Transplant (2015) 1.01
OPTN/SRTR 2013 Annual Data Report: heart. Am J Transplant (2015) 1.00
Tuberculosis Case Finding in Institutional Populations-The Use of 35 mm. Fluorograms Among the Mentally Ill. Am J Public Health Nations Health (1942) 0.97
Lung transplantation in the United States, 1998-2007. Am J Transplant (2009) 0.97
Biology of the mycobacterioses. Identification of the tuberculous-infected by skin tests. Ann N Y Acad Sci (1968) 0.96
Fungi in the sputum of normal men. Mycopathol Mycol Appl (1974) 0.93
OPTN/SRTR 2011 Annual Data Report: heart. Am J Transplant (2013) 0.87
Tuberculosis risk in persons with "fibrotic" x-ray lesions. Bull Int Union Tuberc (1972) 0.83
Analysis of prostate tissue DNA for the presence of human papillomavirus by polymerase chain reaction, cloning, and automated sequencing. J Med Virol (1997) 0.82
Cross reactivity in skin testing with histoplasmin. Am Rev Respir Dis (1971) 0.82
Effect of topical fosfomycin on polymyxin B ototoxicity. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (1990) 0.81
Tuberculin sensitivity eight to fifteen years after BCG vaccination. Am Rev Respir Dis (1971) 0.80
Sensitivity to mycobacterial PPD antigens with some laboratory evidence of its significance. Tuberkuloza (2005) 0.80
Cell volume density alterations within the stria vascularis after administration of a hyperosmotic agent. Hear Res (1985) 0.79
Cytofluorometric analysis of the DNA content in ovarian carcinoma and its relationship to patient survival. Cancer (1989) 0.76
[Identification of mycobacterial infections]. Bol Oficina Sanit Panam (1966) 0.75
Reducing infant mortality: assessing a regional effort. J Community Health Nurs (1988) 0.75
Time-lapse cinemicrographic observations of heated G1-phase Chinese hamster ovary cells. I. Division probabilities and generation times. Radiat Res (1982) 0.75
The ototoxicity of ceftazidime in the chinchilla middle ear. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (1989) 0.75
Some Suggestions in Connection with the Requisite Apparatus. Ind Med Gaz (1908) 0.75
Effect of isoniazid on tuberculosis in guinea pigs. Scand J Respir Dis (1967) 0.75
Time-lapse cinemicrographic observations of heated G1-phase Chinese hamster ovary cells II. Cell death, fusion, and multipolar divisions. Radiat Res (1982) 0.75
Isoniazid prophylaxis in experimental tuberculosis. Comparison of single versus multiple daily doses. Scand J Respir Dis (1966) 0.75
Appraisal of Nutritional Status: Dark Adaptation Characteristics of Private School Children Measured with the Adaptometer. Am J Public Health Nations Health (1941) 0.75
Gender issues and partner preferences among a sample of emergency medical technicians. Prehosp Disaster Med (1998) 0.75