Published in Br J Anaesth on June 01, 1970
Therapeutic hypothermia is associated with a decrease in urine output in acute stroke patients. Resuscitation (2010) 0.83
Kidney protection by hypothermic total liquid ventilation after cardiac arrest in rabbits. Anesthesiology (2014) 0.76
Albumin concentrations are primarily determined by the body cell mass and the systemic inflammatory response in cancer patients with weight loss. Nutr Cancer (2001) 2.10
Effect of propranolol and phentolamine on myocardial necrosis after subarachnoid haemorrhage. Br Med J (1978) 1.84
Lead poisoning from eye cosmetic. Br Med J (1968) 1.67
Accuracy of whole-body low-dose multidetector CT (WBLDCT) versus skeletal survey in the detection of myelomatous lesions, and correlation of disease distribution with whole-body MRI (WBMRI). Skeletal Radiol (2008) 1.21
A prospective randomized study of megestrol acetate and ibuprofen in gastrointestinal cancer patients with weight loss. Br J Cancer (1999) 1.11
Fibrinolysis in subarachnoid haemorrhage. Postgrad Med J (1967) 1.05
An intra-erythrocytic low molecular weight lead-binding protein in acute and chronic lead exposure and its possible protective role in lead toxicity. Ann Clin Biochem (1988) 0.91
A pilot study of megestrol acetate and ibuprofen in the treatment of cachexia in gastrointestinal cancer patients. Br J Cancer (1997) 0.89
Multicentric Castleman's disease & HIV infection. Ir Med J (2009) 0.87
delta-Aminolaevulinic acid dehydratase as an index of the presence and severity of lead poisoning in acute and chronic lead exposure. Ann Clin Biochem (1986) 0.86
Pharmacokinetic study of 5-fluorouracil in a novel dialysate solution: a long-term intraperitoneal treatment approach for advanced colorectal carcinoma. Br J Cancer (1994) 0.84
Application of the regression coefficient to timed serial serum creatine kinase measurements in the early diagnosis of myocardial infarction. Ann Clin Biochem (1989) 0.83
Plasma urea and creatinine status in chronic alcoholics. Drug Alcohol Depend (1982) 0.79
Intraoperative ultrasound in colorectal cancer patients undergoing apparently curative surgery: correlation with two year follow-up. Clin Radiol (1996) 0.78
A phase II study of regional 5-fluorouracil infusion with intravenous folinic acid for colorectal liver metastases. Br J Cancer (1994) 0.78
Demonstration of serum gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase isoenzymes using cellogel electrophoresis. Clin Chim Acta (1973) 0.78
Adulteration of "street" heroin with chloroquine. Lancet (1987) 0.77
Evaluation of novel assays in clinical chemistry: quantification of plasma total homocysteine. Clin Chem (2000) 0.77
Blood vitamin status (B1, B2, B6, folic acid and B12) in patients with alcoholic liver disease. Int J Vitam Nutr Res (1982) 0.77
Evaluation in the dog of a single-shot urineless technique with 131 I-hippuran for the estimation of renal blood flow during anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth (1972) 0.77
Doppler index perfusion in the detection of hepatic metastases secondary to gastric carcinoma. Am J Surg (1997) 0.76
Thyroid status in patients with alcoholic liver disease. Drug Alcohol Depend (1981) 0.76
Vitamin C utilization status in chronic alcoholic patients after short-term intravenous therapy. Int J Vitam Nutr Res (1981) 0.76
Serum enzyme levels in alcoholism and drug dependency. J Clin Pathol (1975) 0.76
Rapid adaptation of pituitary responsiveness to TRH in the post-surgical state. The role of free T3. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) (1981) 0.76
The measurement of renal blood flow during anaesthesia by means of a single-shot urineless technique with 131-I-hippuran. Br J Pharmacol (1970) 0.75
Transient nephrotic syndrome after anaesthesia resulting from a familial cryofibrinogen precipitating at 35 degrees C. J Med Genet (1989) 0.75
Gross hepatomegaly due to 'minimal change' liver disease in a young female alcoholic. Postgrad Med J (1982) 0.75
Continuous positive airway pressure in respiratory-distress syndrome. Lancet (1972) 0.75
Emergency extracorporeal circulation. Int Anesthesiol Clin (1969) 0.75
The effect of Naftidrofuryl on ethanol-induced liver damage in chronic alcoholic patients. Drug Alcohol Depend (1983) 0.75
Evaluation of the Space Stat 30 sodium/potassium ion analyzer. Clin Chem (1978) 0.75
Assessment of a new enzyme reaction rate analyser, the Vitatron AKES. Clin Chim Acta (1975) 0.75
Evaluation in the dog of a single-shot urineless technique for the estimation of renal blood flow during anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth (1971) 0.75
The correlation between haemodynamic changes and arterial blood halothane concentrations during halothane-nitrous oxide anaesthesia in the dog. Br J Anaesth (1971) 0.75
Is point of care testing in Irish hospitals ready for the laboratory modernisation process? An audit against the current national Irish guidelines. Ir J Med Sci (2013) 0.75
Pneumopericardium complicating the treatment of respiratory-distress syndrome of the newborn. Br J Anaesth (1972) 0.75
The accuracy and standardization of TBG kits. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) (1980) 0.75
The renal excretion and clearance of unmetabolised halothane in the dog. Br J Anaesth (1972) 0.75
A method for the preparation of human thyroxine-binding globulin; its importance in the establishment of an accurate and specific radioimmunoassay. Clin Chim Acta (1980) 0.75
The effect of moderate blood alcohol levels on T1 and T2 relaxation times in the brains of normal volunteers. Magn Reson Med (1987) 0.75
Improved sensitivity of colour Doppler flow imaging of colorectal hepatic metastases using galactose microparticles: a preliminary report. Br J Surg (1994) 0.75
Lead haem saturation method: a method for measuring red cell lead binding protein. Ann Clin Biochem (1992) 0.75
Assessment of serum autoantibody status in chronic alcoholic patients--is it useful? Drug Alcohol Depend (1982) 0.75
The conflict between personal ideology and prevention programs. Alcohol Health Res World (1988) 0.75
A survey of point of care testing in Irish hospitals: room for improvement. Ir J Med Sci (2010) 0.75
Cardio-respiratory changes during pneumoencephalography. Anaesthesia (1976) 0.75
A comparative study of faecal occult blood kits in a colorectal cancer screening program in a cohort of healthy construction workers. Ir J Med Sci (2010) 0.75
A haematological study of 500 elderly females. Gerontol Clin (Basel) (1970) 0.75
In vitro cold activation of complement shown by an overestimation of total complement 4: a study in patients with hepatitis C virus infection. Ann Clin Biochem (2001) 0.75
The correlation between haemodynamic changes and arterial blood halothane concentrations during halothane-nitrous oxide anaesthesia in the dog. Br J Anaesth (1971) 0.75
Two types of curves for transfer of RIHSA from cerebrospinal fluid to plasma in patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus. J Neurosurg (1971) 0.75
A modified MIE Superlite exhaust valve incorporating a positive pressure safety relief valve. Anaesthesia (1984) 0.75
Proceedings: Enzyme analysis using the Vitatron 'automatic kinetic enzyme system'. J Clin Pathol (1974) 0.75
A comparison of some methods for estimating the area under a dye dilution curve. Br J Anaesth (1970) 0.75
Optimization of routine plasma homocysteine monitoring. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis (2000) 0.75
Some cardiovascular effects of intravenous atropine in patients anaesthetized with halothane. Br J Pharmacol (1970) 0.75
Dementia and normal-pressure hydrocephalus. Lancet (1971) 0.75