A W Kay

Author PubWeight™ 25.17‹?›

Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Hypertension with aldosterone excess and low plasma-renin: preoperative distinction between patients with and without adrenocortical tumour. Lancet 1970 1.90
2 The long term stability of the insulin test. Gastroenterology 1970 1.69
3 Truncal vagotomy and drainage for chronic duodenal ulcer disease: a controlled trial. Br Med J 1973 1.45
4 Results of adrenal surgery in patients with hypertension, aldosterone excess, and low plasma renin concentration. Br Med J 1975 1.32
5 "Switch": a system producing a full hospital case-history on computer. Lancet 1968 1.24
6 Analysis of basal acid secretion and its relation to the insulin response in normal and duodenal ulcer subjects. New criterion for the insulin test. Gastroenterology 1972 1.16
7 Quadric analysis in the preoperative distinction between patients with and without adrenocortical tumors in hypertension with aldosterone excess and low plasma renin. Am Heart J 1971 1.11
8 Time of conversion of insulin response after vagotomy. Gastroenterology 1972 1.10
9 Primary common bile-duct carcinoid. Br J Surg 1968 1.07
10 Memorial lecture: an evaluation of gastric acid secretion tests. Gastroenterology 1967 1.05
11 The effect of vagotomy on the lower part of the acid dose-response curve to pentagastrin in man. Clin Sci 1972 0.95
12 The long-term stability of the insulin response after vagotomy. Br J Surg 1969 0.92
13 Time of onset of carcinoma of the stomach following surgical treatment of duodenal ulcer. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1983 0.87
14 A study of the acid dose-response curve to small doses of pentagastrin in duodenal ulcer patients. Clin Sci 1972 0.85
15 Propanthelene as an agent for medical vagotomy. Gut 1966 0.85
16 Response to insulin of the intact stomach in patients with duodenal ulcer. Gut 1969 0.83
17 Combined gastric and duodenal ulcers managed by vagotomy and drainage. Lancet 1971 0.81
18 Insulin potentiation of the augmented histamine response. Gut 1968 0.80
19 The short term reproducibility of the insulin test in peptic ulcer patients. Gastroenterology 1970 0.79
20 Comparison of methods of expressing the results of augmented histamine tests. Br Med J 1967 0.76
21 The short-term reproducibility of the insulin response. Br J Surg 1970 0.76
22 An analysis of the insulin test after vagotomy using single and multiple criteria. Gut 1968 0.75
23 Exocrine secretory responses of the pancreas to insulin and to a meat meal in dogs. Gut 1973 0.75
24 Research in medicine. The surgeon's opportunity, commitment and contribution. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1970 0.75
25 Letter: Adrenal tumours and hypertension. Br Med J 1975 0.75
26 Truncal vagotomy and drainage for duodenal ulcer. Gut 1973 0.75
27 Abolition of Ch.M.Glasg. Lancet 1973 0.75
28 Surgical contributions to mechanisms of diarrhoea. J R Coll Surg Edinb 1970 0.75
29 Screening for colon cancer. Health Bull (Edinb) 1976 0.75
30 Symposium: what's new in the treatment of peptic ulcer? Introduction. Br J Surg 1970 0.75
31 The effect of sub-threshold doses of pentagastrin on the acid response to insulin in duodenal ulcer subjects before and after truncal vagotomy. Clin Sci 1972 0.75
32 [Quadric analysis applied to preoperative assessment between patients with or without adrenocortical tumors in hypertension with hyperaldosteronism and low plasma renin]. Brux Med 1972 0.75
33 Comparison of pyloroplasty and gastrojejunostomy. Br J Surg 1969 0.75
34 Advances in surgery. Practitioner 1966 0.75
35 Exocrine secretory responses of the pancreas to insulin and to a standard meal in dogs. Br J Surg 1971 0.75
36 The universities and medical research. Lancet 1978 0.75
37 [An evaluation of gastric acid secretion tests]. Bull Soc Int Chir 1969 0.75
38 [Evaluation of the tests of gastric acid secretion]. Bull Soc Int Chir 1967 0.75
39 Ch.M. Glasgow. Br Med J 1973 0.75
40 The long-term stability of the insulin response after vagotomy. Gut 1969 0.75
41 Managementt of peptic ulcer. Scott Med J 1968 0.75
42 The conference of Royal Colleges and Faculties in Scotland. Lancet 1973 0.75
43 Heat in the Treatment of Shock. Br Med J 1944 0.75
44 A festschrift for J. Englebert Dunphy. An international surgeon. Am J Surg 1978 0.75
45 Surgical research and duodenal ulcer. Part I. Nebr Med J 1982 0.75
46 Comparison of pyloroplasty and gastrojejunostomy. Gut 1968 0.75