Published in Minn Med on January 01, 1969
Heart of the athlete. Br J Sports Med (1991) 0.82
Lumbosacral plexus lesions: correlation of clinical signs and computed tomography. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1988) 1.39
The Landry-Guillain-barré syndrome. Complications, prognosis and natural history in 123 cases. J Neurol Sci (1977) 1.37
Carrying as colic "therapy": a randomized controlled trial. Pediatrics (1991) 1.16
Nontraumatic spinal epidural and subdural hematomas. Neurology (1987) 1.14
Transient global amnesia after clioquinol: five personal observations from outside Japan. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1979) 1.08
[Psychogenic sensory and motor disorders and their differential diagnosis]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr (1969) 1.07
Increased energy cost of walking in multiple sclerosis: effect of spasticity, ataxia, and weakness. Arch Phys Med Rehabil (1988) 1.06
The innervation of the trapezius muscle. An electrophysiological study. J Neurol (1974) 1.05
Isolated muscle hypertrophy as a sign of radicular or peripheral nerve injury. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1991) 1.04
[Familial analphalipoproteinemia (Tangier disease)]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr (1968) 1.02
Effect of excipients on the stability and structure of lyophilized recombinant human growth hormone. J Pharm Sci (1998) 1.02
Cogan's congenital ocular motor apraxia in two successive generations. Dev Med Child Neurol (1972) 1.00
Guillain-Barré syndrome in children with special reference to the natural history of 38 personal cases. Neuropadiatrie (1976) 0.98
The syndrome of 'continuous muscle fiber activity.'. Arch Neurol (1978) 0.96
Bone cancers induced by 224 Ra (Th X) in children and adults. Health Phys (1970) 0.95
Neuromuscular dysfunction associated with thyrotoxicosis. Eur Neurol (1969) 0.95
Autonomic dysfunction in botulism B: a clinical report. Neurology (1975) 0.93
Soft-tissue effects following 224Ra injections into humans. Health Phys (1978) 0.92
Some clinical aspects of peripheral nerve lesions. Eur Neurol (1969) 0.89
[Chorea in polycythemia vera]. Dtsch Z Nervenheilkd (1965) 0.89
Benign migraine-like syndrome with CSF pleocytosis in children. Dev Med Child Neurol (1985) 0.89
Nocturnal positional lumboischialgia: presenting symptom of lumbar spinal tumours. J Neurol (2008) 0.88
Alcohol elimination and simulator performance of male and female aviators: a preliminary report. Aviat Space Environ Med (1996) 0.88
Programmed texts: success or failure? An analysis of medical students' opinions. Clin Neurol Neurosurg (1977) 0.87
New chromosomal dysmorphic syndromes. 2. Trisomy 10p. Eur J Pediatr (1977) 0.86
Spray dried powders and powder blends of recombinant human deoxyribonuclease (rhDNase) for aerosol delivery. Pharm Res (1997) 0.86
[Amnestic episodes. Analysis of 111 personal cases]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr (1984) 0.85
Centronuclear myopathy with type I fiber atrophy and "myotubes". Arch Neurol (1970) 0.85
Time and dose dependency of bone-sarcomas in patients injected with radium-224. Radiat Environ Biophys (1988) 0.85
Lipid storage myopathy with normal carnitine levels. J Neurol Sci (1975) 0.84
Induction of malignant bone tumors in radium-224 patients: risk estimates based on the improved dosimetry. Radiat Res (2000) 0.84
Obstetrical lesions of the brachial plexus. Natural history in 34 personal cases. Eur Neurol (1982) 0.83
[Spinal claudication following ileocaval venous thrombosis]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr (1988) 0.83
[Mechanical lesions of peripheral nerves due to therapeutic interventions]. Ther Umsch (1970) 0.82
[Biochemical, histological and clinical findings in carriers of Duchenne-type progressive muscular dystrophy]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr (1971) 0.82
[Iatrogenic impairment of the nervous system and muscles. Introduction and completion]. Ther Umsch (1970) 0.82
Quadriparesis and nuclear oculomotor palsy with total bilateral ptosis mimicking coma: a mesencephalic 'locked-in syndrome"? Arch Neurol (1979) 0.82
[Episodes with amnesia]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr (1969) 0.82
[Congenital muscular dystrophy]. Dtsch Z Nervenheilkd (1967) 0.82
[Basis of the effect of hyperimmunoglobin, vaccine antigen and Marboran on vaccine virus infection]. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd (1966) 0.81
[Electroencephalographic findings in a pure whiplash injury of the cervical spine (author's transl)]. Nervenarzt (1977) 0.81
[Injuries and regeneration of peripheral nerves. Histopathology, pathophysiology and clinical course]. Z Unfallmed Berufskr (1968) 0.81
[The Werner syndrome]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr (1980) 0.80
Regeneration of tibialis anterior muscle in rat after complete excision and reimplantation of muscle fragments. Z Neurol (1971) 0.80
Necrosis and regeneration of the tibialis anterior muscle in rabbit. I. Histological changes following the ligation of the tibialis anterior artery. Arch Neurol (1969) 0.80
[Neurological syndrome as a remote effect of a malignant tumor (Ammon's horn sclerosis in bronchial carcinoma]. Schweiz Arch Neurol Neurochir Psychiatr (1967) 0.80
[Erythroprosopalgia. Review including 224 own observations]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr (1982) 0.80
Malignancies in patients treated with high doses of radium-224. Radiat Res (1999) 0.79
Giant cell arteritis (cranial arteritis, polymyalgia rheumatica). J Neurol (1978) 0.78
Needle Myopathy--An Experimental Study. J Neurol (1974) 0.78
Intracranial giant cell arteritis. J Neurol (1979) 0.78
[Whiplash injuries of the cervical spine, mechanism, diagnosis therapy and evaluation]. Ther Umsch (1974) 0.78
[Whiplash injuries of the cervical spine. A catamnestic study]. Arch Orthop Unfallchir (1975) 0.78
Surgery and granulocyte transfusions for life-threatening infections in chronic granulomatous disease. Helv Paediatr Acta (1985) 0.77
[Myopathy in the adult form of glycogenosis II. Two case reports and review of the literature]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr (1990) 0.77
Complicated migraine (migraine accompagnée) in children. Clinical characteristics and course in 40 personal cases. Neuropadiatrie (1980) 0.77
[Polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy and skin changes in a case of solitary myeloma]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr (1986) 0.77
[Congenital muscular dystrophy]. Z Kinderheilkd (1969) 0.77
[Characteristic clinical pictures of not primarilly traumatic peripheral nerve lesions. Causes and diagnosis]. Nervenarzt (1974) 0.77
[Reversible and preventable dementias]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr (1987) 0.76
[Objective criteria for the evaluation of chiropractic treatment of spondylotic headache (author's transl)]. Nervenarzt (1977) 0.76
[Neurological syndromes as remote effect of malignant tumors]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr (1971) 0.76
A proportional hazards analysis of bone sarcoma rates in German 224radium patients. Strahlentherapie Sonderb (1985) 0.76
Exostoses induced by 224Ra (ThX) in children. Eur J Pediatr (1979) 0.75
[Criteria of brain death. Spinal reflexes in 45 personal studies]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr (1977) 0.75
[Cerebral sclerosis. Diagnostic criteria and differential diagnostic consideration in practice]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr (1975) 0.75
[Central European encephalitis ("tick-borne encephalitis") in Switzerland]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr (1969) 0.75
The perifascicular atrophy factor. An aid in the histological diagnosis of polymyositis. J Neurol (1977) 0.75
[Criteria for determining whether to offer compensation in cases of whiplash injury to the spine (neck area). A study of cases in which compensation or cash settlement has been granted (author's transl)]. Arch Orthop Unfallchir (1977) 0.75
[The dangerous headache]. Ther Umsch (1997) 0.75
[Planning of vaccination for children]. Schwest Rev (1973) 0.75
[Inoculations today]. Landarzt (1967) 0.75
[Disinfection following mumps meningitis]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr (1969) 0.75
[Experience with new tuberculin tests for epidemiologic purposes]. Beitr Klin Erforsch Tuberk Lungenkr (1969) 0.75
[Lesions of the peripheral nervous system due to ionizing rays]. Schriftenr Neurol (1972) 0.75
[Immunity after parotitis epidemica]. Munch Med Wochenschr (1971) 0.75
[XYY syndrome and trisomy 21 (48, XYY, 21+). A phenotype showing a combined autosomal and gonosomal chromosome aberrations]. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd (1972) 0.75
Liver diseases in patients injected with 224Ra. Environ Res (1979) 0.75
[Tuberculin test following BCG vaccination]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr (1973) 0.75
[Hazards of vitamin D overdose--animal experiment studies]. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd (1973) 0.75
[Prophylaxis in pediatrics]. Munch Med Wochenschr (1969) 0.75
[Chemoprophylaxis and prevention chemotherapy in infection and disease]. Internist (Berl) (1967) 0.75
[Anaphylactic reaction following active tetanus immunization]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr (1973) 0.75
[In memoriam Gerhard Weber]. Munch Med Wochenschr (1973) 0.75
[The combination of computerized tomography and echography on ophthalmology (author's transl)]. Ther Umsch (1979) 0.75
[Antibody determination prior to rubella immunization]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr (1973) 0.75
[Repeated diphteria, pertussis, and tetanus immunization]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr (1973) 0.75
[In memoriam Prof. Gerhard Weber]. Med Monatsschr (1973) 0.75
[Immunologic prevention of measles]. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd (1967) 0.75
[Letter: Tuberculin reaction after measle- and rubella vaccination]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr (1974) 0.75
[Vaccination in childhood]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr (1972) 0.75
[Discussion on tuberculosis vaccination]. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd (1973) 0.75
Bone tumors in thorotrast patients. Environ Res (1979) 0.75
Prophylaxis and treatment of measles. Is immunity life-long? Ger Med Mon (1969) 0.75
[Tuberculin test in practice]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr (1969) 0.75
[Contagiousness of chickenpox]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr (1972) 0.75
[Indications for prophylactic and preventive measures]. Beitr Klin Erforsch Tuberk Lungenkr (1968) 0.75
[Tuberculosis immunization]. Landarzt (1967) 0.75
[Poems]. Rev Med Suisse Romande (1974) 0.75