Published in J Physiol on August 01, 1966
Detection and resolution of visual stimuli by turtle photoreceptors. J Physiol (1973) 7.85
The membrane current of single rod outer segments. J Physiol (1979) 7.50
Responses of retinal rods to single photons. J Physiol (1979) 7.47
Electrical responses of single cones in the retina of the turtle. J Physiol (1970) 7.21
Highly selective receptive fields in mouse visual cortex. J Neurosci (2008) 6.43
The photocurrent, noise and spectral sensitivity of rods of the monkey Macaca fascicularis. J Physiol (1984) 5.02
S-potentials from luminosity units in the retina of fish (Cyprinidae). J Physiol (1966) 4.19
The generation and spread of S-potentials in fish (Cyprinidae). J Physiol (1967) 3.98
An attempt to analyse colour reception by electrophysiology. J Physiol (1966) 3.01
Colour-dependence of cone responses in the turtle retina. J Physiol (1973) 2.71
Spectral sensitivity of cones of the monkey Macaca fascicularis. J Physiol (1987) 2.45
Contrast adaptation and representation in human early visual cortex. Neuron (2005) 2.17
Electrical responses of rods in the retina of Bufo marinus. J Physiol (1977) 2.11
Response properties of cones from the retina of the tiger salamander. J Physiol (1991) 2.04
Cones excite rods in the retina of the turtle. J Physiol (1975) 1.87
Stimulus-response functions of slowly adapting mechanoreceptors in the human glabrous skin area. J Physiol (1975) 1.83
Stimulus-response functions of rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors in human glabrous skin area. J Physiol (1973) 1.80
Spectral responses of the human circadian system depend on the irradiance and duration of exposure to light. Sci Transl Med (2010) 1.70
Adaptive gain control during human perceptual choice. Neuron (2014) 1.63
Dependence of the single photon response on longitudinal position of absorption in toad rod outer segments. J Physiol (1983) 1.53
The dynamic range of human lightness perception. Curr Biol (2011) 1.49
Slow PIII component of the carp electroretinogram. J Gen Physiol (1975) 1.48
Spatial contrast adaptation characteristics of neurones recorded in the cat's visual cortex. J Physiol (1984) 1.46
Colour-coded ganglion cells in the goldfish retina: extension of their receptive fields by means of new stimuli. J Physiol (1968) 1.45
Parallel input channels to mouse primary visual cortex. J Neurosci (2010) 1.43
Dynamical characteristics common to neuronal competition models. J Neurophysiol (2006) 1.42
Interactions leading to horizontal cell responses in the turtle retina. J Physiol (1974) 1.41
Adaptation and visual coding. J Vis (2011) 1.41
Genetic dissection of rod and cone pathways in the dark-adapted mouse retina. J Neurophysiol (2009) 1.35
Action spectra and adaptation properties of carp photoreceptors. J Gen Physiol (1973) 1.33
Relative contributions of rod and cone bipolar cell inputs to AII amacrine cell light responses in the mouse retina. J Physiol (2007) 1.30
Receptive-field properties of V1 and V2 neurons in mice and macaque monkeys. J Comp Neurol (2010) 1.30
Visual transduction in human rod photoreceptors. J Physiol (1993) 1.30
Spectral sensitivity of the barnacle, Balanus amphitrite. J Gen Physiol (1971) 1.28
Optimal mechanisms for finding and selecting mates: how threespine stickleback ( Gasterosteus aculeatus) should encode male throat colors. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol (2004) 1.27
Neuronal machinery of sleep homeostasis in Drosophila. Neuron (2014) 1.25
Photocurrents of cone photoreceptors of the golden-mantled ground squirrel. J Physiol (1988) 1.24
Intracellular recordings of rod responses during dark-adaptation. J Physiol (1975) 1.23
Temporal contrast sensitivity in the lateral geniculate nucleus of a New World monkey, the marmoset Callithrix jacchus. J Physiol (1999) 1.22
Blood oxygenation level-dependent contrast response functions identify mechanisms of covert attention in early visual areas. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2008) 1.22
Recovery of the human photopic electroretinogram after bleaching exposures: estimation of pigment regeneration kinetics. J Physiol (2003) 1.22
S-potentials in the dark-adapted retina of the carp. J Physiol (1972) 1.22
A quantitative analysis of interactions between photoreceptors in the salamander (Ambystoma) retina. J Physiol (1984) 1.21
S-potential and dark adaptation in fish. J Physiol (1968) 1.20
Interactions of rod and cone signals in the mudpuppy retina. J Physiol (1975) 1.19
A population-coding model of attention's influence on contrast response: Estimating neural effects from psychophysical data. Vision Res (2008) 1.19
Safety monitoring in bevacizumab (Avastin) treatment: retinal function assessed by psychophysical (visual fields, colour vision) and electrophysiological (ERG/EOG) tests in two subgroups of patients. Int Ophthalmol (2007) 1.18
The initiation of excitation and light adaptation in Limulus ventral photoreceptors. J Gen Physiol (1979) 1.17
Initial ocular following in humans: a response to first-order motion energy. Vision Res (2005) 1.16
Spatial properties of koniocellular cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the marmoset Callithrix jacchus. J Physiol (2001) 1.13
Modulation of the contrast response function by electrical microstimulation of the macaque frontal eye field. J Neurosci (2009) 1.11
Light-induced reduction in excitation efficiency in the trp mutant of Drosophila. J Gen Physiol (1982) 1.10
Dynamics of turtle cones. J Gen Physiol (1987) 1.07
Light-induced voltage noise in the photoreceptor of Drosophila melanogaster. J Gen Physiol (1978) 1.06
Distinct mechanisms mediate visual detection and identification. Curr Biol (2007) 1.06
Encoding of luminance and contrast by linear and nonlinear synapses in the retina. Neuron (2012) 1.04
Electrical responses of double cones in the turtle retina. J Physiol (1974) 1.03
Spectral tuning in salamander visual pigments studied with dihydroretinal chromophores. Biophys J (1999) 1.03
Rod-dependent intracellular responses to light recorded from the pigment epithelium of the cat retina. J Physiol (1971) 1.03
Influence of recording electrode type and reference electrode position on the canine electroretinogram. Doc Ophthalmol (2006) 1.03
The temporal properties of the response of macaque ganglion cells and central mechanisms of flicker detection. J Vis (2007) 1.02
How Chlamydomonas keeps track of the light once it has reached the right phototactic orientation. Biophys J (1997) 1.02
The relationship between light-evoked synaptic excitation and spiking behaviour of salamander retinal ganglion cells. J Physiol (1995) 0.99
Can the theory of "whitening" explain the center-surround properties of retinal ganglion cell receptive fields? Vision Res (2006) 0.98
Thresholds to chromatic spots of cells in the macaque geniculate nucleus as compared to detection sensitivity in man. J Physiol (1987) 0.98
The initial ocular following responses elicited by apparent-motion stimuli: reversal by inter-stimulus intervals. Vision Res (2005) 0.97
Information limits on neural identification of colored surfaces in natural scenes. Vis Neurosci (2004) 0.96
Pigments and signals in colour vision. J Physiol (1972) 0.96
Stochastic re-calibration: contextual effects on perceived tilt. Proc Biol Sci (2006) 0.95
Dynamics of turtle horizontal cell response. J Gen Physiol (1985) 0.95
Segregation of chromatic and luminance signals using a novel grating stimulus. J Physiol (2010) 0.95
Pattern-dependent response modulations in motion-sensitive visual interneurons--a model study. PLoS One (2011) 0.94
Neural activity within area V1 reflects unconscious visual performance in a case of blindsight. J Cogn Neurosci (2008) 0.93
Effect of 11-cis 13-demethylretinal on phototransduction in bleach-adapted rod and cone photoreceptors. J Gen Physiol (2000) 0.93
Short-latency disparity vergence eye movements: a response to disparity energy. Vision Res (2006) 0.91
Pigment transformation and electrical responses in retinula cells of drone, Apis mellifera male. J Physiol (1979) 0.91
The spectral sensitivities of single receptor cells in the lateral, median, and ventral eyes of normal and white-eyed Limulus. J Gen Physiol (1970) 0.91
Black-white asymmetry in visual perception. J Vis (2012) 0.91
Dynamics of normalization underlying masking in human visual cortex. J Neurosci (2012) 0.90
Relationship between the magnitude of intraocular pressure during an episode of acute elevation and retinal damage four weeks later in rats. PLoS One (2013) 0.90
Do common mechanisms of adaptation mediate color discrimination and appearance? Uniform backgrounds. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis (2005) 0.90
Functional diversity in the color vision of cichlid fishes. BMC Biol (2010) 0.90
The vergence eye movements induced by radial optic flow: some fundamental properties of the underlying local-motion detectors. Vision Res (2007) 0.89
The visual motion detectors underlying ocular following responses in monkeys. Vision Res (2005) 0.89
Occipital transcranial magnetic stimulation has an activity-dependent suppressive effect. J Neurosci (2012) 0.88
Do common mechanisms of adaptation mediate color discrimination and appearance? Contrast adaptation. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis (2007) 0.87
Rod and cone signals in the horizontal cells of the tiger salamander retina. J Physiol (1980) 0.87
Visual responses of ganglion cells of a New-World primate, the capuchin monkey, Cebus apella. J Physiol (2000) 0.85
Normalization regulates competition for visual awareness. Neuron (2012) 0.85
A Normalization Framework for Emotional Attention. PLoS Biol (2016) 0.85
Contrast sensitivity, first-order motion and Initial ocular following in demyelinating optic neuropathy. J Neurol (2006) 0.84
Isoflurane is an effective alternative to ketamine/xylazine/acepromazine as an anesthetic agent for the mouse electroretinogram. Doc Ophthalmol (2007) 0.84
The rat with oxygen-induced retinopathy is myopic with low retinal dopamine. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (2013) 0.83
Comparison of contrast-response functions from multifocal visual-evoked potentials (mfVEPs) and functional MRI responses. J Vis (2008) 0.83
Simulating the cortical 3D visuomotor transformation of reach depth. PLoS One (2012) 0.83
Factors influencing the time course of S-potentials resulting from brief flashes. J Physiol (1969) 0.83
Temporal resolution in mesopelagic crustaceans. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2000) 0.82
Comparison of visual function in pigmented and albino rats by electroretinography and visual evoked potentials. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol (2008) 0.82
The dynamics of the pi 1 colour mechanism: further evidence for two sites of adaptation. J Physiol (1977) 0.82
Response variability of marmoset parvocellular neurons. J Physiol (2006) 0.82
Visual pigment 467, a photosensitive pigment present in tench retinae. J Physiol (1952) 5.42
Electric responses from the isolated retinas of fishes. Am J Ophthalmol (1958) 4.97
S-potentials from luminosity units in the retina of fish (Cyprinidae). J Physiol (1966) 4.19
Retinal mechanisms for chromatic and achromatic vision. Ann N Y Acad Sci (1959) 3.51
An attempt to analyse colour reception by electrophysiology. J Physiol (1966) 3.01
Sensitive low-light-level microspectrophotometer: detection of photosensitive pigments of retinal cones. J Opt Soc Am (1964) 2.95
Origin of so-called cone action potential. J Neurophysiol (1959) 2.67
Further study on the origin of the so-called cone action potential (s-potential); its histological determination. Jpn J Physiol (1959) 1.99
Some quantitative aspects of an opponent-colors theory. II. Brightness, saturation, and hue in normal and dichromatic vision. J Opt Soc Am (1955) 1.98
Functional organization of the cyprinid fish retina as revealed by discriminative responses to spectral illumination. Jpn J Physiol (1959) 1.97
The colour of light of very long wavelength. J Physiol (1955) 1.86
A study on the origin of intraretinal action potential of the cyprinid fish by means of pencil-type microelectrode. Jpn J Physiol (1957) 1.69
A physical analysis of the relation between threshold and interpolar length in the electric excitation of medullated nerve. J Physiol (1934) 22.12
The effect upon the threshold for nervous excitation of the length of nerve exposed, and the angle between current and nerve. J Physiol (1927) 21.05
Nerve excitation by multipolar electrodes. J Physiol (1928) 10.63
The normal presence of alpha and gamma excitabilities in the nerve-muscle complex. J Physiol (1931) 10.58
Excitable substances in the nerve-muscle complex. J Physiol (1930) 8.88
Excitation of bent nerve. J Physiol (1928) 7.78
S-potentials from luminosity units in the retina of fish (Cyprinidae). J Physiol (1966) 4.19
The generation and spread of S-potentials in fish (Cyprinidae). J Physiol (1967) 3.98
Identification of Lucas's alpha excitability. J Physiol (1932) 3.13
An attempt to analyse colour reception by electrophysiology. J Physiol (1966) 3.01
Dark adaptation and increment threshold in a rod monochromat. J Physiol (1965) 2.70
Bleaching and regeneration of cone pigments in man. Vision Res (1968) 2.55
The rod increment threshold during dark adaptation in normal and rod monochromat. J Physiol (1965) 2.28
Nerve supply to Lucas's alpha substance. J Physiol (1932) 2.13
Bleached rhodopson and visual adaptation. J Physiol (1965) 2.02
Lapicque's canonical strength duration curve. J Physiol (1932) 1.90
Red--grees sensitivity in normal vision. Vision Res (1964) 1.74
The Florida retinal densitometer. J Physiol (1971) 1.65
The separation of cone mechanisms in dark adaptation. J Physiol (1966) 1.58
The size of rod signals. J Physiol (1970) 1.55
The flicker fusion frequency of the blue-sensitive mechanism of colour vision. J Physiol (1966) 1.52
The human rod ERG: correlation with psychophysical responses in light and dark adaptation. Vision Res (1978) 1.49
Identification of intracellular responses in the frog retina. Brain Res (1972) 1.45
Nonlinear analysis and synthesis of receptive-field responses in the catfish retina. I. Horizontal cell leads to ganglion cell chain. J Neurophysiol (1973) 1.42
Receptive-field organization of the catfish retina: are at least two lateral mechanisms involved? J Neurophysiol (1970) 1.39
Role of horizontal cells in organization of the catfish retinal receptive field. J Neurophysiol (1971) 1.38
Identification of the gamma excitability in muscle. J Physiol (1932) 1.36
Nonlinear analysis and synthesis of receptive-field responses in the catfish retina. II. One-input white-noise analysis. J Neurophysiol (1973) 1.35
The attenuation of rod signals by backgrounds. J Physiol (1970) 1.33
Signals from cones. J Physiol (1970) 1.30
Computer assisted analysis of S-potentials. Biophys J (1969) 1.28
The attenuation of rod signals by bleachings. J Physiol (1970) 1.25
The horizontal cells. Vision Res (1972) 1.25
Lapicque's theory of curarization. J Physiol (1933) 1.24
The rhodopsin content and the visual threshold of human rods. Vision Res (1972) 1.21
gamma-Aminobutyric acid: a neurotransmitter candidate for cone horizontal cells of the catfish retina. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1978) 1.21
S-potential and dark adaptation in fish. J Physiol (1968) 1.20
Visual pigments and color blindness. Sci Am (1975) 1.19
The nature of rise in threshold produced by contrast-flashes. J Physiol (1967) 1.17
The rod dark adaptation curve measured above cone threshold. J Physiol (1965) 1.14
The early phase of dark adaptation. Vision Res (1972) 1.14
Nonlinear analysis and synthesis of receptive-field responses in the catfish retina. 3. Two-input white-noise analysis. J Neurophysiol (1973) 1.09
Dynamics of turtle cones. J Gen Physiol (1987) 1.07
Glare: its measurement by cone thresholds and by the bleaching of cone pigments. J Opt Soc Am (1966) 1.05
Dogfish ganglion cell discharge resulting from extrinsic polarization of the horizontal cells. J Physiol (1972) 1.04
Encoding of nerve signals from retinal rods. Nature (1969) 0.96
Adaptation in catfish retina. J Neurophysiol (1979) 0.96
Pigments and signals in colour vision. J Physiol (1972) 0.96
Receptive field mechanism in the vertebrate retina. Science (1971) 0.96
Visual pigments in dichromats. Vision Res (1971) 0.95
Spatial distribution of potential in a flat cell. Application to the catfish horizontal cell layers. Biophys J (1972) 0.95
Exchange thresholds in dichromats. Vision Res (1973) 0.95
Rod/cone rivalry in pigment regeneration. J Physiol (1968) 0.93
Dissection of the neuron network in the catfish inner retina. IV. Bidirectional interactions between amacrine and ganglion cells. J Neurophysiol (1990) 0.90
Amino acids and the spikes from the retinal ganglion cells. Science (1967) 0.90
The red-green pigments of normal vision. Vision Res (1971) 0.89
Effects of temperature change on the catfish S-potentials. Vision Res (1970) 0.89
Stiles-Crawford effect and the bleaching of cone pigments. J Physiol (1971) 0.89
Dark adaptation and the rate of pigment regeneration. Vision Res (1969) 0.86
Cancellation of rod signals by cones, and cone signals by rods in the cat retina. J Physiol (1976) 0.85
Isolation of rod and cone contributions to cat ganglion cells by a method of light exchange. J Physiol (1976) 0.85
Chemical basis of colour vision and colour blindness. Nature (1965) 0.84
Processing of color- and noncolor-coded signals in the gourami retina. II. Amacrine cells. J Neurophysiol (1997) 0.84
The dynamics of inhibitory interaction in a frog receptive field: a paradigm of paracontrast. Vision Res (1971) 0.83
Factors influencing the time course of S-potentials resulting from brief flashes. J Physiol (1969) 0.83
Synaptic organization involving receptor, horizontal and on- and off-center bipolar cells in the catfish retina. Vision Res (1983) 0.81
Identification of multi-input biological systems. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng (1974) 0.81
Direct electrical connections between transient amacrine cells in the catfish retina. Science (1981) 0.80
Spatio-temporal receptive field measurement of retinal neurons by random pattern stimulation and cross correlation. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng (1979) 0.80
Processing of color- and noncolor-coded signals in the gourami retina. I. Horizontal cells. J Neurophysiol (1997) 0.80
Paradox with after images. Nature (1971) 0.80
Resolution of a paradox with after images. Nature (1971) 0.80
Pigments in anomalous trichromats. Vision Res (1973) 0.79
Simultaneous recording of S and spike potentials from the fish retina. Nature (1967) 0.78
The cells horizontal cells talk to. Vision Res (1982) 0.78
Processing of color- and noncolor-coded signals in the gourami retina. III. Ganglion cells. J Neurophysiol (1997) 0.78
Dissection of the neuron network in the catfish inner retina. V. Interactions between NA and NB amacrine cells. J Neurophysiol (1990) 0.78
The spectral sensitivity of "red" and "green" cones in the normal eye. Vision Res (1973) 0.78
Rod ERG of the mudpuppy: effect of dim red backgrounds. Vision Res (1978) 0.77
Light and dark adaptation. Invest Ophthalmol (1972) 0.77
Anomalous pigments in the eyes of the red-green colour blind. Nature (1973) 0.77
A class of catfish amacrine cells responds preferentially to objects which move vertically. Vision Res (1980) 0.76
Effect of humming on vision. Nature (1967) 0.75
The dark adaptation curve of rods measured by their after-image. J Physiol (1976) 0.75
Proceedings: Rod dark-adaptation measured above the cone threshold. J Physiol (1973) 0.75
The modes of chromatic interactions in the retina. Vision Res (1977) 0.75
A transistor amplifier for chronic micro-electrode recording. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol (1968) 0.75
Color vision: an approach through the cone pigments. Invest Ophthalmol (1971) 0.75
White-noise analysis as a tool in visual physiology. Prog Clin Biol Res (1985) 0.75
Dark adaptation: free opsin or regeneration rate? J Physiol (1969) 0.75
Densitometry of pigments in rods and cones of normal and color defective subjects. Invest Ophthalmol (1966) 0.75
An attempt to analyze multi-unit recordings. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol (1970) 0.75
Hamilton Hartridge, 7 May 1886--13 January 1976. Biogr Mem Fellows R Soc (1977) 0.75
Complexity and frequency hierarchies in the catfish retina. Front Med Biol Eng (1997) 0.75
Dendritic morphology of indoleamine cells revealed by intracellular injection of lucifer yellow in fixed carp retina. Neuroscience (1987) 0.75
Effects of dopamine on photopic L-type S-potentials in the catfish retina. J Neurosci Res (1984) 0.75