Published in J Nerv Ment Dis on June 01, 1966
Cognitive function in patients with Parkinson's disease undergoing stereotaxic thalamotomy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1996) 0.83
Are animals autistic savants. PLoS Biol (2008) 0.83
Colour imperception in unilateral hemisphere-damaged patients. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1970) 0.82
Why are the right and left hemisphere conceptual representations different? Behav Neurol (2014) 0.78
Focal hemisphere and visuoperceptual categorization. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1975) 0.75
Two Visual Pathways in Primates Based on Sampling of Space: Exploitation and Exploration of Visual Information. Front Integr Neurosci (2016) 0.75
Imitating gestures. A quantitative approach to ideomotor apraxia. Arch Neurol (1980) 2.18
The decline of working memory in Alzheimer's disease. A longitudinal study. Brain (1991) 1.91
Hemispheric contribution to exploration of space through the visual and tactile modality. Cortex (1970) 1.81
Dementia and working memory. Q J Exp Psychol A (1986) 1.70
Judgment of spatial orientation in patients with focal brain damage. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1971) 1.53
Limb apraxia in patients with damage confined to the left basal ganglia and thalamus. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1986) 1.51
The case of lost Wilma: a clinical report of Capgras delusion. Neurol Sci (2007) 1.48
The 'Petites Madeleines' phenomenon in two amnesic patients. sudden recovery of forgotten memories. Brain (1995) 1.45
Conjugate gaze paresis in stroke patients with unilateral damage. An unexpected instance of hemispheric asymmetry. Arch Neurol (1982) 1.35
Verbal and non-verbal short-term memory impairment following hemispheric damage. Cortex (1975) 1.32
Bilateral paramedian thalamic artery infarcts: report of eight cases. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1987) 1.32
Dual-task performance in dysexecutive and nondysexecutive patients with a frontal lesion. Neuropsychology (1997) 1.31
Modality-specific and supramodal mechanisms of apraxia. Brain (1982) 1.30
Is there a specific visuo-spatial impairment in Parkinsonians? J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1986) 1.28
Perceptual and associative disorders of visual recognition. Relationship to the side of the cerebral lesion. Neurology (1969) 1.25
The occurrence of visual neglect in patients with unilateral cerebral disease. Cortex (1976) 1.19
Neuropsychological evidence for the existence of cerebral areas critical to the performance of intelligence tasks. Brain (1973) 1.14
A neuropsychological instrument adding to the description of patients with suspected cortical dementia: the Milan overall dementia assessment. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1994) 1.12
Slowly progressive visual agnosia or apraxia without dementia. Cortex (1986) 1.11
Cerebellar softening. Ann Neurol (1980) 1.10
Cross-national comparisons of developmental dyslexia in Italy and the United States. Child Dev (1985) 1.09
Contrasting behavior of right and left hemisphere-damaged patients on a discriminative and a semantic task of auditory recognition. Cortex (1969) 1.09
Dual-task paradigm: a means to examine the central executive. Ann N Y Acad Sci (1995) 1.09
Is ideomotor apraxia the outcome of damage to well-defined regions of the left hemisphere? Neuropsychological study of CAT correlation. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1980) 1.08
Auditory extinction following hemisphere damage. Neuropsychologia (1984) 1.07
A cancellation test: its reliability in assessing attentional deficits in Alzheimer's disease. Psychol Med (1992) 1.07
Topographical amnesia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1977) 1.06
Recency, primacy, and memory: reappraising and standardising the serial position curve. Cortex (1992) 1.04
How many camels are there in Italy? Cognitive estimates standardised on the Italian population. Neurol Sci (2003) 1.02
An experimental investigation on the nature of extinction. Neuropsychologia (1995) 1.02
Spatial memory and hemispheric locus of lesion. Cortex (1977) 1.00
Right-sided anarchic (alien) hand: a longitudinal study. Neuropsychologia (1991) 1.00
Production, Identification, and Toxicity of (gamma)-Decalactone and 4-Hydroxydecanoic Acid from Sporidiobolus spp. Appl Environ Microbiol (1996) 1.00
C rossmodal agnosia for familiar people as a consequence of right infero polar temporal atrophy. Cogn Neuropsychol (2001) 0.97
Working memory and vigilance: evidence from normal aging and Alzheimer's disease. Brain Cogn (1999) 0.96
Proper name anomia. Cortex (1992) 0.95
Prosopagnosia in two patients with CT scan evidence of damage confined to the right hemisphere. Neuropsychologia (1986) 0.95
Gait apraxia after bilateral supplementary motor area lesion. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (2002) 0.95
Halving a horizontal segment: a study on hemisphere-damaged patients with cerebral focal lesions. Schweiz Arch Neurol Neurochir Psychiatr (1976) 0.94
The two-component hypothesis of memory deficit in Alzheimer's disease. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol (1991) 0.94
Letter: Anti-oedema treatment of completed stroke. Lancet (1974) 0.93
The incidence of aphasia and global aphasia in left brain-damaged patients. Cortex (1987) 0.93
Dual task effects of walking when talking in Alzheimer's disease. Rev Neurol (Paris) (2004) 0.92
The influence of spatial disorders in impairing tactual discrimination of shapes. Cortex (1969) 0.92
Bilateral perisylvian softenings: bilateral anterior opercular syndrome (Foix-Chavany-Marie syndrome). J Neurol (1980) 0.91
Impairment in associating colour to form, concomitant with aphasia. Brain (1972) 0.91
Left hemisphere damage and selective impairment of auditory verbal short-term memory. A case study. Neuropsychologia (1982) 0.90
Facial recognition in brain-damaged patients. An experimental approach. Neurology (1966) 0.90
Hemiataxia and crural hemiparesis following capsular infarct. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1983) 0.90
Autotopagnosia: fiction or reality? Report of a case. Arch Neurol (1970) 0.90
Spared and impaired cognitive abilities after bilateral frontal damage. Cortex (1994) 0.89
Ideomotor apraxia in patients with dementia of Alzheimer type. J Neurol (1987) 0.89
Primary dyscalculia after a medial frontal lesion of the left hemisphere. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1993) 0.89
Who is who: Italian norms for visual recognition and identification of celebrities. Neurol Sci (2005) 0.88
The performance of brain-damaged patients in spatial localization of visual and tactile stimuli. Brain (1971) 0.86
The executive and ideational components of apraxia. Cortex (1988) 0.86
Pure word deafness and bilateral posterior perisylvian softenings: report of a case with neuropsychological-C.A.T. correlation. Schweiz Arch Neurol Neurochir Psychiatr (1979) 0.86
Is memory loss without anatomical damage tantamount to a psychogenic deficit? The case of pure retrograde amnesia. Neuropsychologia (1997) 0.86
Different basic components in the performance of Broca's and Wernicke's aphasics on the Colour-Figure Matching Test. Neuropsychologia (1985) 0.85
Non-verbal colour impairment of aphasics. Neuropsychologia (1976) 0.85
Object recognition and object orientation in Alzheimer's disease. Neuropsychology (2002) 0.85
L-dopa for progressive supranuclear palsy. Lancet (1969) 0.85
Eyelid movement disorders and motor impersistence in acute hemisphere disease. Neurology (1986) 0.84
"What do you know about Ho Chi Minh?" Italian norms of proper name comprehension. Neurol Sci (2007) 0.83
Walking difficulties in patients with Alzheimer's disease might originate from gait apraxia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (2004) 0.83
Autobiographical recollection and frontal damage. Neuropsychologia (1993) 0.83
Sequential memory for figures in brain-damaged patients. Neuropsychologia (1977) 0.83
"What do you remember about Chernobyl?" A new test of memory for media-mediated events. Neurol Sci (2004) 0.83
Space exploration with and without the aid of vision in hemisphere-damaged patients. Cortex (1989) 0.83
Colour imperception in unilateral hemisphere-damaged patients. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1970) 0.82
Cognitive deterioration in Alzheimer's disease: is the early course predictive of the later stages? Neurol Sci (2004) 0.82
Upper and lower face apraxia: role of the right hemisphere. Brain (2000) 0.82
How to calculate an MMSE score from a MODA score (and vice versa) in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Neurol Sci (2003) 0.82
Impairment of memory for position following brain damage. Cortex (1969) 0.81
An Italian series of patients with organic dementia. Ital J Neurol Sci (1986) 0.81
Poppelreuter-Ghent's Overlapping Figures Test: its sensitivity to age, and its clinical use. Arch Clin Neuropsychol (1995) 0.81
Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand knoweth. The case of a patient with an infarct involving the callosal pathways. Brain (1998) 0.80
Controversial neuropsychological issues in Alzheimer's disease: influence of onset-age and hemispheric asymmetry of impairment. Cortex (1990) 0.80
Recovery from ideomotor apraxia. A study on acute stroke patients. Brain (1987) 0.80
'Indifférence amnésique' in a case of global amnesia following acute brain hypoxia. Eur Neurol (1986) 0.80
Autobiographical memory. Its impairment in amnesic syndromes. Cortex (1989) 0.80
Performance of left brain-damaged patients on imitation of single movements and motor sequences. Frontal and parietal-injured patients compared. Cortex (1983) 0.80
Intelligence and left hemisphere disease. The role of aphasia, apraxia and size of lesion. Brain (1981) 0.80
In eliciting hemisphere asymmetries which is more important: the stimulus input side or the recognition side? A tachistoscopic study on normals. Neuropsychologia (1982) 0.80
Therapy against brain swelling in stroke patients. A retrospective clinical study on 227 patients. Stroke (1975) 0.80
The nature of the disorder underlying the inability to retrieve proper names. Cortex (1999) 0.80
Persistent global amnesia following right thalamic stroke: an 11-year longitudinal study. Neuropsychology (1997) 0.79
Impaired recognition of written letters following unilateral hemispheric damage. Cortex (1969) 0.79
The time course of visual hemi-inattention. Arch Psychiatr Nervenkr (1970) (1982) 0.79
Frontal lobe functioning in man: the riddle revisited. Arch Clin Neuropsychol (1998) 0.79
Are hallucinations and extrapyramidal signs associated with a steeper cognitive decline in degenerative dementia patients? Neurol Sci (2007) 0.79
Ideomotor apraxia: a study of initial severity. Acta Neurol Scand (1987) 0.79
Persistent retrograde, amnesia following a minor trauma. Cortex (1995) 0.79
Ophthalmoplegic migraine with persistent abducens nerve palsy. Eur Neurol (1977) 0.79
Colour imperception in patients with focal excisions of the cerebral hemispheres. Neuropsychologia (1978) 0.79
Selective visual attention in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's patients: memory- and data-driven control. Neuropsychologia (1989) 0.78