Published in Rev Infect Dis on August 08, 1984
Prolonged replication of a type 1 vaccine-derived poliovirus in an immunodeficient patient. J Clin Microbiol (1998) 2.24
Viral quasispecies. Virology (2015) 1.09
Epidemic Coxsackie B virus infection in Johannesburg, South Africa. J Hyg (Lond) (1985) 0.95
Evolution and circulation of type-2 vaccine-derived polioviruses in Nad Ali district of Southern Afghanistan during June 2009-February 2011. PLoS One (2014) 0.84
Determinants of health disparities: the perennial struggle against polio in Nigeria. Int J Prev Med (2011) 0.84
Prevalence of asymptomatic poliovirus infection in older children and adults in northern India: analysis of contact and enhanced community surveillance, 2009. J Infect Dis (2014) 0.79
Identification of new genotype of Echovirus 19 from children with Acute Flaccid Paralysis in Pakistan. Sci Rep (2015) 0.75
Geographic distribution of wild poliovirus type 1 genotypes. Virology (1987) 4.03
Genetic co-regulation of galactose and melibiose utilization in Saccharomyces. J Bacteriol (1976) 2.92
Outbreak of paralytic poliomyelitis in Oman: evidence for widespread transmission among fully vaccinated children. Lancet (1991) 2.64
Molecular variation of type 1 vaccine-related and wild polioviruses during replication in humans. Virology (1981) 2.64
Epidemiology of poliomyelitis in the United States one decade after the last reported case of indigenous wild virus-associated disease. Clin Infect Dis (1992) 2.55
Multiple genetic changes can occur in the oral poliovaccines upon replication in humans. J Gen Virol (1981) 2.54
Detection and identification of vaccine-related polioviruses by the polymerase chain reaction. Virus Res (1991) 2.35
Genotype-specific in vitro amplification of sequences of the wild type 3 polioviruses from Mexico and Guatemala. Virus Res (1992) 2.33
Protein processing map of poliovirus. J Virol (1984) 2.33
Vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis. United States: 1973 through 1984. JAMA (1987) 2.28
Prolonged replication of a type 1 vaccine-derived poliovirus in an immunodeficient patient. J Clin Microbiol (1998) 2.24
Group-specific identification of polioviruses by PCR using primers containing mixed-base or deoxyinosine residue at positions of codon degeneracy. J Clin Microbiol (1996) 2.23
Poliomyelitis: epidemiology and prophylaxis. 1. A longitudinal epidemiological survey in Kenya. Bull World Health Organ (1973) 1.96
Changes in three of the four coat proteins of oral polio vaccine strain derived from type 1 poliovirus. J Virol (1980) 1.91
Comparative study of five methods for intratypic differentiation of polioviruses. J Clin Microbiol (1995) 1.83
Picornaviral VPg sequences are contained in the replicase precursor. J Virol (1980) 1.77
Molecular evolution of a type 1 wild-vaccine poliovirus recombinant during widespread circulation in China. J Virol (2000) 1.71
Evolution of circulating wild poliovirus and of vaccine-derived poliovirus in an immunodeficient patient: a unifying model. J Virol (2000) 1.54
Molecular and antigenic characterization of a highly evolved derivative of the type 2 oral poliovaccine strain isolated from sewage in Israel. J Clin Microbiol (2000) 1.50
Mouse neurovirulence determinants of poliovirus type 1 strain LS-a map to the coding regions of capsid protein VP1 and proteinase 2Apro. J Virol (1994) 1.25
Resolution of the pathways of poliovirus type 1 transmission during an outbreak. J Clin Microbiol (2000) 1.23
Molecular epidemiology of wild poliovirus type 1 in Europe, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent. J Infect Dis (1995) 1.18
Monoclonal antibodies of four different specificities for neutralization of type 1 polioviruses. Infect Immun (1982) 1.14
Paralytic poliomyelitis in Romania, 1984-1992. Evidence for a high risk of vaccine-associated disease and reintroduction of wild-virus infection. Am J Epidemiol (1994) 1.09
Oligonucleotide probes for the specific detection of the wild poliovirus types 1 and 3 endemic to Brazil. Intervirology (1991) 1.04
Coupled mutations in the 5'-untranslated region of the Sabin poliovirus strains during in vivo passages: structural and functional implications. Virus Res (1991) 0.99
Oligonucleotide fingerprint analysis of enterovirus 70 isolates from the 1980 to 1981 pandemic of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis: evidence for a close genetic relationship among Asian and American strains. Infect Immun (1983) 0.99
Poliomyelitis in the USA: virtual elimination of disease caused by wild virus. Lancet (1984) 0.99
Distribution of wild type 1 poliovirus genotypes in China. J Infect Dis (1993) 0.96
Molecular characterization of a wild poliovirus type 3 epidemic in The Netherlands (1992 and 1993). J Clin Microbiol (1995) 0.94
Geographical genotypes (geotypes) of poliovirus case isolates from the former Soviet Union: relatedness to other known poliovirus genotypes. J Gen Virol (1995) 0.93
Natural variants of the Sabin type 1 vaccine strain of poliovirus and correlation with a poliovirus neutralization site. Virology (1985) 0.91
Preparation of glutamate dehydrogenase from Micrococcus aerogenes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (1970) 0.90
A new epidemiologic and laboratory classification system for paralytic poliomyelitis cases. Am J Public Health (1989) 0.89
Genetic heterogeneity of the attachment glycoprotein G among group A respiratory syncytial viruses. Virus Res (1994) 0.87
Regions of poliovirus protein VP1 produced in Escherichia coli induce neutralizing antibodies. J Virol (1987) 0.87
The 2010 outbreak of poliomyelitis in Tajikistan: epidemiology and lessons learnt. Euro Surveill (2014) 0.86
Eradication of wild poliovirus from the Americas: wild poliovirus surveillance--laboratory issues. J Infect Dis (1997) 0.84
Molecular detection of an importation of type 3 wild poliovirus into Canada from The Netherlands in 1993. Appl Environ Microbiol (1997) 0.83
Outbreak of poliomyelitis in Gizan, Saudi Arabia: cocirculation of wild type 1 polioviruses from three separate origins. J Infect Dis (1997) 0.83
Application of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to poliomyelitis surveillance through the analyses of sewage samples. World J Microbiol Biotechnol (1993) 0.78
Reemergence of an epidemic coxsackievirus B5 genotype. J Infect Dis (1987) 0.75
Poliomyelitis in Angola: current status and implications for poliovirus eradication in Southern Africa. J Infect Dis (1997) 0.75
Strain characterization studies of poliovirus type I isolates from poliomyelitis cases in the United States in 1979. Dev Biol Stand (1981) 0.75
Intratypic differentiation & partial nucleotide sequencing of poliovirus isolates of northern India. Indian J Med Res (2000) 0.75
Nucleotide sequences of the VP1 capsid proteins of wild poliovirus types 1 and 3 from epidemic areas of Brazil. Braz J Med Biol Res (1990) 0.75