Published in Br Heart J on February 01, 1980
The electrocardiogram in apparently healthy men and the risk of sudden death. Br Heart J (1982) 0.95
Electrocardiographic abnormalities in apparently healthy men and the risk of sudden death. Drugs (1984) 0.81
Isolated left bundle branch block in a toddler. Case Rep Cardiol (2014) 0.75
QRS duration predicts death and hospitalization among patients with atrial fibrillation irrespective of heart failure: evidence from the AFFIRM study. Europace (2013) 0.75
Contribution of the 24 hour electrocardiogram to the prediction of sudden coronary death. Br Heart J (1993) 0.75
Maximum utilization of the life table method in analyzing survival. J Chronic Dis (1958) 22.07
Prevalence and prognosis of electrocardiographic findings in middle-aged men. Br Heart J (1978) 3.28
Relation of body weight to development of ischemic heart disease in a cohort of young North American men after a 26 year observation period: the Manitoba Study. Am J Cardiol (1977) 2.45
Electrocardiographic findings in 67,375 asymptomatic subjects. X. Normal values. Am J Cardiol (1960) 1.81
A clinical and follow-up study of right and left bundle branch block. Circulation (1975) 1.43
Types of left bundle branch block and their clinical significance. J Electrocardiol (1969) 1.33
Ventricular conduction blocks and sudden death in acute myocardial infarction. Potential indications for pacing. N Engl J Med (1973) 1.20
On sudden death. Circulation (1971) 1.07
Prognosis in bundle branch block. II. Factors influencing the survival period in left bundle branch block. Am Heart J (1951) 1.06
Abnormal electrocardiograms in apparently healthy people. I. Long term follow-up study. Circulation (1960) 1.04
A mortality study in bundle branch block. AMA Arch Intern Med (1951) 1.03
The outlook with bundle-branch block. Br Heart J (1969) 0.95
Significance of left axis deviation in patients with chronic left bundle branch block. Am J Cardiol (1978) 0.95
Risk factors and coronary heart disease--facts or fancy? Am Heart J (1976) 0.93
Predictability of sudden death from resting electrocardiogram. Effect of previous manifestations of coronary heart disease. Br Heart J (1978) 0.90
Study of intraventricular conduction times in patients with left bundle-branch block and left axis deviation and in patients with left bundle-branch block and normal QRS axis using His bundle electrograms. Br Heart J (1972) 0.81
Natural history of marked left axis deviation (left anterior hemiblock). Am J Cardiol (1979) 0.80
[Absence of modification of the QRS electric axis in installation of intraventricular block: 200 cases]. Acta Cardiol (1954) 0.78
The natural history of atrial fibrillation: incidence, risk factors, and prognosis in the Manitoba Follow-Up Study. Am J Med (1995) 6.49
Prevalence, control and awareness of high blood pressure among Canadian adults. Canadian Heart Health Surveys Research Group. CMAJ (1992) 2.98
Relation of body weight to development of ischemic heart disease in a cohort of young North American men after a 26 year observation period: the Manitoba Study. Am J Cardiol (1977) 2.45
Report of the Canadian Hypertension Society Consensus Conference: 1. Definitions, evaluation and classification of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. CMAJ (1997) 2.41
Factors associated with implementation of preventive care measures in patients with diabetes mellitus. Arch Intern Med (1999) 1.87
Does anesthesia contribute to operative mortality? JAMA (1988) 1.86
The association of cardiovascular disease risk factors with abdominal obesity in Canada. Canadian Heart Health Surveys Research Group. CMAJ (1997) 1.61
Variations in physicians' hospitalization practices: a population-based study in Manitoba, Canada. Am J Public Health (1986) 1.49
Waiting times for nursing-home placement: the impact of patients' choices. CMAJ (1992) 1.39
A population-based approach to monitoring adverse outcomes of medical care. Med Care (1995) 1.37
Hyperkalemia-induced bundle branch block and complete heart block. Clin Cardiol (1981) 1.35
Prevalence of asthma symptoms among adults aged 20-44 years in Canada. CMAJ (2001) 1.33
Report of the Canadian Hypertension Society Consensus Conference: 2. Diagnosis of hypertension in adults. CMAJ (1993) 1.32
Chronobiology of cardiac sudden death in men. JAMA (1980) 1.30
The natural history of primary first-degree atrioventricular heart block. N Engl J Med (1986) 1.23
The natural history of electrocardiographic preexcitation in men. The Manitoba Follow-up Study. Ann Intern Med (1992) 1.15
A randomized controlled trial to prevent patient lift and transfer injuries of health care workers. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) (2001) 1.13
Obesity and its relation to cardiovascular disease risk factors in Canadian adults. Canadian Heart Health Surveys Research Group. CMAJ (1992) 1.05
Cytosolic free magnesium in cardiac myocytes: identification of a Mg2+ influx pathway. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (1990) 1.04
A model of cardiac arrhythmias and sudden death: cantharidin-induced toxic cardiomyopathy. J Pharmacol Exp Ther (1979) 1.03
Predicting risk of ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease from systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Ann Intern Med (1978) 1.03
Palmitate-induced apoptosis in cardiomyocytes is mediated through alterations in mitochondria: prevention by cyclosporin A. Biochim Biophys Acta (2000) 1.02
Respiratory symptoms in a susceptible population due to burning of agricultural residue. Chest (1998) 1.02
Effect of an early intervention program on the relationship between subjective pain and disability measures in nurses with low back injury. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) (1996) 1.00
An Apparent Instance of Parathormone Inactivity. Can Med Assoc J (1937) 0.99
Canadian hypertension society guidelines for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Am J Hypertens (1999) 0.97
Haemophilus influenzae meningitis in Manitoba and the Keewatin District, NWT: potential for mass vaccination. CMAJ (1988) 0.96
Dynamics of intracellular free Mg2+ changes in a vascular smooth muscle cell line. Am J Physiol (1993) 0.96
The electrocardiogram in apparently healthy men and the risk of sudden death. Br Heart J (1982) 0.95
Value of toe pulse waves in addition to systolic pressures in the assessment of the severity of peripheral arterial disease and critical limb ischemia. J Vasc Surg (1996) 0.91
Do nursing homes reduce hospital use? Med Care (1987) 0.91
Report of the Canadian Hypertension Society Consensus Conference: 2. Nonpharmacologic management and prevention of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. CMAJ (1997) 0.90
Relationship of ventricular ectopy in men without apparent heart disease to occurrence of ischemic heart disease and sudden death. Am Heart J (1981) 0.90
Preoperative electrocardiography effect of new abnormalities on clinical decisions. Can Med Assoc J (1983) 0.90
The relation of blood pressure to stroke prognosis. Ann Intern Med (1978) 0.90
Preoperative electrocardiography: its cost-effectiveness in detecting abnormalities when a previous tracing exists. Can Med Assoc J (1979) 0.89
Novel LMNA mutations seen in patients with familial partial lipodystrophy subtype 2 (FPLD2; MIM 151660). Clin Genet (2007) 0.89
Satisfaction of women attending the Manitoba breast screening program. Prev Med (1999) 0.88
A comparison of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure and the Health Assessment Questionnaire. Can J Occup Ther (2001) 0.87
Effect of cAMP on choline uptake and phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis in cultured chick heart cells. Biochem Cell Biol (1988) 0.87
Changes in plasma high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration after weight reduction in grossly obese subjects. Br Med J (1980) 0.86
Effectiveness of overhead lifting devices in reducing the risk of injury to care staff in extended care facilities. Ergonomics (2005) 0.86
The effect of epidermal growth factor on chronotropic response in cardiac cells in culture. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (1987) 0.84
Long term changes in blood pressure and risk of cerebrovascular disease. Stroke (1978) 0.84
A clinical study of mesoridazine and chlorpromazine in relapsed schizophrenic patients. Dis Nerv Syst (1972) 0.84
Congenital complete atrioventricular heart block. A 25 year follow-up study. Am J Cardiol (1972) 0.84
Relationship of blood pressure in 20-39-year-old men to subsequent blood pressure and incidence of hypertension over a 30-year observation period. Circulation (1982) 0.83
Verapamil and supraventricular tachyarrhythmias: beneficial effect in patients with chronic pulmonary disease. Can Med Assoc J (1980) 0.83
The value of toe pulse waves in determination of risks for limb amputation and death in patients with peripheral arterial disease and skin ulcers or gangrene. J Vasc Surg (2001) 0.82
Evidence that height is an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease (the Manitoba Follow-Up Study). Am J Cardiol (1994) 0.82
Electrocardiographic abnormalities in apparently healthy men and the risk of sudden death. Drugs (1984) 0.81
Angiotensin II-induced inositol phosphate generation is mediated through tyrosine kinase pathways in cardiomyocytes. Cell Signal (1997) 0.81
Blood pressure and body mass index patterns-a longitudinal study. J Chronic Dis (1977) 0.81
A two compartment open model for digoxin pharmacokinetics in patients receiving a wide range of digoxin doses. Acta Cardiol (1975) 0.81
Using the McGill Pain Questionnaire to study common postoperative complications. Pain (1989) 0.80
Natural history of marked left axis deviation (left anterior hemiblock). Am J Cardiol (1979) 0.80
Mathematical and mechanical modeling of stress-strain relationship of pericardium. Am J Physiol (1975) 0.80
Change in risk factor and the development of chronic disease. A methodological illustration. J Chronic Dis (1977) 0.80
Prognosis after acute myocardial infarction: relation to blood pressure values before infarction in a prospective cardiovascular study. Am J Cardiol (1977) 0.80
Comparison of angiotensin II type-1 and type-2 receptor antagonists on angiotensin II-induced IP3 generation in cardiomyocytes. Gen Pharmacol (1998) 0.80
Relationship of weight loss and cigarette smoking to changes in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Am J Clin Nutr (1981) 0.80
Blood pressure characteristics of a select group of North American males, followed for 20 years. Can Med Assoc J (1972) 0.80
Health beliefs as predictors of success of alternate modalities of smoking cessation: results of a controlled trial. J Behav Med (1986) 0.80
Health-risk perception in the inner city community of Centro Habana, Cuba. Int J Occup Environ Health (2000) 0.79
Angiotensin II-induced protein phosphorylation in the hypertrophic heart of the Dahl rat. Hypertension (1992) 0.79
Relationship of various QRS indices to SGOT levels in acute anterior myocardial infarction. Acta Cardiol (1977) 0.79
A randomized trial comparing smoking cessation programs utilizing behaviour modification, health education or hypnosis. Addict Behav (1984) 0.79
Nutrition therapy in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care (1981) 0.78
A classification of ventricular ectopic beats. J Electrocardiol (1982) 0.78
Beneficial effects of streptokinase on left ventricular function after myocardial reoxygenation and reperfusion following global ischemia in the isolated rabbit heart. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol (1984) 0.78
Predictors of outcome in a risk factor intervention trial using behavior modification. Prev Med (1982) 0.78
The relationship of marked left axis deviation to the risk of ischemic heart disease. Int J Cardiol (1981) 0.77
Antiarrhythmic effects of cyclic guanosine 3' :5'-monophosphate and sodium nitroprusside on barium chloride arrhythmias in rabbits. Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther (1982) 0.77
Is health care use changing? A comparison between physician, hospital, nursing-home, and home-care use of two elderly cohorts. Med Care (1989) 0.77
Using an alternative data source to examine randomization in the Canadian National Breast Screening Study. J Clin Epidemiol (1996) 0.77