Published in Pol Tyg Lek on December 27, 1982
Mortality from acute respiratory infections in children under 5 years of age: global estimates. World Health Stat Q (1986) 2.39
The effects of the AIDS epidemic on the tuberculosis problem and tuberculosis programmes. Bull Int Union Tuberc Lung Dis (1988) 1.66
Rho is a negative regulator of human monocyte spreading. J Immunol (1996) 1.27
Evaluation of community-based interventions for non-communicable diseases: experiences from India and Indonesia. Health Promot Int (2010) 1.03
[Disorders in carbohydrate metabolism in the acute period of myocardial infarction. I. Evaluation of insulin-like activity of serum and cellular uptake of glucose]. Pol Arch Med Wewn (1969) 0.78
Metabolism and mutagenic activity of benzo[k]fluoranthene and 3-, 8- and 9-fluorobenzo[k]fluoranthene. Carcinogenesis (1988) 0.78
The effect of different dietary levels of vitamin E and selenium on antioxidant status and immunological markers in serum of laying hens. Pol J Vet Sci (2013) 0.77
Adrenergic responses to sustained handgrip in patients with juvenile-onset-type diabetes mellitus. Clin Sci Mol Med (1975) 0.77
[Epidemiology of tuberculosis in Poland and in the world]. Przegl Epidemiol (1997) 0.75
[Recorded morbidity of tuberculosis in Poland in 1965-1970]. Gruzlica (1972) 0.75
Tuberculosis control in refugee settlements. Tubercle (1989) 0.75
Two-three years follow up study of pulmonary tuberculosis treated 6 months with rifampicin-containing regimens. Bull Int Union Tuberc (1976) 0.75
[Value of cytologic sputum examinations in epidemiological surveys of respiratory diseases]. Gruzlica (1975) 0.75
[Prognosis of tuberculosis in Poland. II. Infection of the population during the years 1980-2000]. Pneumonol Pol (1982) 0.75
[Evaluation of diagnostic and therapeutic management in patients with bacteriologically negative pulmonary tuberculosis]. Pneumonol Alergol Pol (1998) 0.75
[Determining the effect of a pectin-enriched standard diabetic diet on diurnal blood glucose profiles and serum insulin (IRI) levels in diabetes mellitus type 2]. Pol Tyg Lek (1984) 0.75
Thioacetazone--a review. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci (1983) 0.75
[Alcoholism problem in the schools in Warsaw]. Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig (1966) 0.75
[Comparative study of BCG vaccines: Polish, Danish and Japanese]. Przegl Epidemiol (1994) 0.75
[Epidemiologic state of tuberculosis in Poland in 1975. II. Morbidity]. Pneumonol Pol (1978) 0.75
Some methodological problems in assessment of chronic respiratory diseases prevalence. Bronches (1976) 0.75
[Role of metabolism regulation disorders in fatty tissue cells in the pathogenesis of diabetogenic effect of obesity in humans]. Pol Arch Med Wewn (1975) 0.75
[Analysis of deaths from tuberculosis in selected provinces in 1969. II. Lublin and Wroclaw provinces]. Gruzlica (1973) 0.75
[Evaluation of intestinal absorption by xylose test in diabetic enteropathy]. Pol Arch Med Wewn (1971) 0.75
[Recorded incidence of tuberculosis in Poland in 1965-1970]. Gruzlica (1972) 0.75
[Epidemiological situation with respect to tuberculosis in Poland in 1975. I. Mortality and morbidity]. Pneumonol Pol (1978) 0.75
[Mass epidemiologic examinations for the detection of chest diseases and analysis of the epidemiologic state of tuberculosis in Poland]. Gruzlica (1973) 0.75
[Molecular pathophysiology of familial hypercholesterolemia]. Pol Tyg Lek (1985) 0.75
[Modernization of the system of postgraduate medical training in pulmonary diseases]. Gruzlica (1973) 0.75
[Relapse of tuberculosis in Poland. I. Bacteriological, radiographic and clinical structure of relapses and new cases]. Pneumonol Pol (1977) 0.75
[Prognosis of tuberculosis in Poland. III. Tuberculosis incidence in the years 1980-2000]. Pneumonol Pol (1982) 0.75
[Epidemiologic studies on respiratory diseases in Płock. IV. Selected environmental factors and symptoms of chronic non-specific respiratory diseases]. Pneumonol Pol (1978) 0.75
Fractures of the neck of the femur and the pelvis after x-ray therapy in cancer of the uterus. Pol Med J (1968) 0.75
[Course of tuberculin allergy in children vaccinated with BCG for the 1st time and those revaccinated. I. Tuberculin allergy in newborn infants vaccinated with BCG]. Gruzlica (1975) 0.75
[Prognosis of tuberculosis in Poland. IV. Tuberculosis prevalence in the years 1980-2000]. Pneumonol Pol (1982) 0.75
[Tuberculosis Institute--aims and prospects]. Pol Tyg Lek (1970) 0.75
[Epidemiological studies of respiratory tract diseases in Płock. I. Organization and methods of a complex study]. Pneumonol Pol (1976) 0.75
[Cost and benefit prognosis from tuberculosis treatment programs in Poland in the years 1975-2000]. Pneumonol Pol (1979) 0.75
[Prediabetes and early diabetes]. Pol Tyg Lek (1966) 0.75
[Tuberculosis, lung diseases and pneumology]. Pneumonol Pol (1976) 0.75
[Rapid intravenous glucose load test in the light of our observations]. Pol Tyg Lek (1965) 0.75
[Evaluation of medical ducumentation in a therapeutic and prophylastic department of the industrial health service]. Przegl Epidemiol (1968) 0.75
[The problem of the control of tuberculosis epidemic in Poland]. Gruzlica (1970) 0.75
[The aims and objectives of the Tuberculosis Research Center of the Tuberculosis Institute cooperating with WHO and UNICEF]. Gruzlica (1972) 0.75
[Biological forms of human insulin in the light of methodologic advances]. Pol Arch Med Wewn (1966) 0.75
[Relapses in tuberculosis in 1965-1970]. Gruzlica (1972) 0.75
[Prognosis of tuberculosis in Poland. I. Epidemiological and epidemiometric model. Assumptions and prognosis]. Pneumonol Pol (1982) 0.75
[Algorithm for the differential diagnosis of hyperlipidemia]. Pol Tyg Lek (1985) 0.75
[Pathophysiological principles of dose selecting and pharmacodynamic properties of insulin preparations for treatment of diabetes]. Pol Tyg Lek (1971) 0.75
[Role of the social committee against tuberculosis and lung diseases and the program for prevention of tuberculosis]. Pneumonol Alergol Pol (1993) 0.75
Disturbances in cabohydrate metabolism at the acute stage of myocardial infarction. Pol Med J (1970) 0.75
[Mass miniature radiography surveys in Poland in 1965-1970]. Gruzlica (1972) 0.75
[Effect of pectins on glucose tolerance and insulinemia (IRI) in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 associated with obesity]. Pol Tyg Lek (1984) 0.75
[Prognosis of tuberculosis in Poland. V. Mortality in the years 1980-2000]. Pneumonol Pol (1982) 0.75
[Evaluation of the expenditures and cost benefit analysis of the tuberculosis control programs - methodological basis]. Pneumonol Pol (1978) 0.75
Computation of the number of diabetics, as well as of diabetic genotypes and of the frequency of diabetic alleles in the Polish population above 14 years of age. Pol Med J (1971) 0.75
[Current fight against tuberculosis and lung diseases]. Pieleg Polozna (1973) 0.75
[Cost benefit analysis of the treatment of tuberculosis in Poland in the years 1966-1975]. Pneumonol Pol (1978) 0.75
[Analysis of the dynamics of tuberculosis mortality rates in Poland in 1957-1969]. Gruzlica (1972) 0.75
[Permissible physical effort criteria in juvenile diabetes]. Pol Arch Med Wewn (1974) 0.75
[Tuberculin allergy in children vaccinated with BCG for the 1st time and in revaccinated children. II. Tuberculin allergy in school children]. Pneumonol Pol (1977) 0.75
[The World Health Organization Program for acute respiratory infections in children]. Bol Oficina Sanit Panam (1984) 0.75
[Fluorographic examination of the population and the program for the prevention of tuberculosis in Poland]. Probl Tuberk (1976) 0.75
Effectiveness of mass radiophotographic examinations in tuberculosis control. Part I. Development of mass radiophatographic examination in Poland. Sante Publique (Bucur) (1975) 0.75
[Clinical aspects of the genetics of diabetes mellitus]. Ginekol Pol (1971) 0.75
[The use of methods applied in the study of cellular hormone receptors in clinical physiopathology]. Pol Arch Med Wewn (1975) 0.75
[Analysis of deaths from tuberculosis in selected provinces in 1969. I. City of Warsaw and Wroclaw]. Gruzlica (1973) 0.75
Role of disturbed metabolism of fat tissue cells in the pathogenesis of the diabetogenic effect of obesity in humans. Pol Med Sci Hist Bull (1977) 0.75
[Guidelines for treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, 1973]. Gruzlica (1973) 0.75
[Comparison of the effects of chromatographically purified insulin TZF-Polfa and highly purified insulin Nordisk on insulin-induced lipoatrophy]. Pol Tyg Lek (1987) 0.75
[Role of radiophotography in the implementation of the program of tuberculosis detection in the years 1965-1974 as well as recommendations for a program to run to 1980]. Pneumonol Pol (1976) 0.75
[Tuberculosis control on the 25th anniversary of the Polish People's Republic]. Gruzlica (1969) 0.75
[Epidemiological studies of respiratory tract diseases in Płock. II. Chronic cough and/or phlegm-production syndrome in the inhabitants of Płock]. Pneumonol Pol (1976) 0.75
[Clinical pharmacology of oral hypoglycemic drugs]. Pol Tyg Lek (1968) 0.75
[Computation of the number of diabetics, the determination of recessive genotypes and the incidence of diabetic alleles in the Polish population over the age of 14]. Pol Arch Med Wewn (1970) 0.75
[Current epidemiological situation and selected problems of treatment of pulmonary diseases and tuberculosis]. Pneumonol Pol (1976) 0.75
Tuberculosis control: the past, the present, the future. J R Soc Health (1988) 0.75
[Tuberculin allergy in children vaccinated with BCG for the 1st time and revaccinated. III. Evaluation of the Moro test in school children]. Pneumonol Pol (1978) 0.75
[30 years of tuberculosis control in Poland]. Gruzlica (1974) 0.75
[Our modification of the method of determining plasma glibornuride and the evaluation of its usefulness in clinical and pharmacological studies]. Pol Tyg Lek (1982) 0.75
[Sputum-positive tuberculous patients registered at tuberculosis dispensaries in 1965-1970 with special emphasis on chronic patients]. Gruzlica (1972) 0.75
[Chemoprophylaxis--significance in a tuberculosis management program]. Pneumonol Alergol Pol (1997) 0.75
[Value of health indicators in industrial occupations]. Med Pr (1966) 0.75
[Results of the systematic control of tuberculosis in the People's Republic of Poland according to the development of the epidemiological data till 1975 (author's transl)]. Z Erkr Atmungsorgane (1976) 0.75
[Guidelines for the treatment of tuberculosis (as of 1974)]. Gruzlica (1974) 0.75
[Analysis of diagnostic errors and recommendations of diagnostic procedures in bacteriologically negative pulmonary tuberculosis]. Pneumonol Alergol Pol (1998) 0.75
[Radiological changes suggesting small infiltration in the stomach. Differential diagnosis and management]. Pol Tyg Lek (1969) 0.75
[Results and assessment of treatment of tuberculosis in patients, registered at tuberculosis dispensaries in 1969]. Gruzlica (1971) 0.75
[Results of treatment of tuberculosis in the light of criteria used by anti-tuberculosis dispensaries]. Pneumonol Pol (1978) 0.75
[WHO program concerning acute respiratory infections in children]. Bull Int Union Tuberc (1986) 0.75
[Efficacy of mass miniature radiography surveys in Poland in 1965-1972]. Gruzlica (1975) 0.75
[The development of public health services in the Peoples Republic of Poland]. Med Ges (1979) 0.75
[Fractures of femoral neck and pelvis after radiotherapy of uteral cancer]. Nowotwory (1968) 0.75
[Recorded tuberculosis mortality in Poland in 1965-1970]. Gruzlica (1972) 0.75
[Classification of hyperlipoproteinemia in the light of advances in pathogenetic studies]. Pol Tyg Lek (1985) 0.75
Effectiveness of mass radiophotographic examinations in the tuberculosis control. II. Detection of tuberculosis and other chest diseases by radiophotographic examinations. Sante Publique (Bucur) (1975) 0.75
[Sputum-positive tuberculosis among newly registered patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in Poland in 1971]. Gruzlica (1973) 0.75
[Recurrence of pulmonary tuberculosis in Poland. 2. Risk factors]. Pneumonol Pol (1978) 0.75
[Epidemiological prognosis in childhood tuberculosis in Poland (based on an epidemiological model)]. Gruzlica (1975) 0.75