Published in Pediatr Res on February 01, 1983
Synchronous mechanical ventilation of the neonate. Arch Dis Child (1986) 1.27
Electroencephalography in premature and full-term infants. Developmental features and glossary. Neurophysiol Clin (2010) 1.36
Self-channeling of high-peak-power femtosecond laser pulses in air. Opt Lett (1995) 1.21
Influence of peroperative opioid on postoperative pain after major abdominal surgery: sufentanil TCI versus remifentanil TCI. A randomized, controlled study. Br J Anaesth (2003) 1.17
Respiratory frequencies of sleeping infants during the first months of life: correlations between values in different sleep states. Early Hum Dev (1981) 1.12
Laser-driven proton acceleration enhancement by nanostructured foils. Phys Rev Lett (2012) 1.06
[Electroencephalography of the premature and term newborn. Maturational aspects and glossary]. Neurophysiol Clin (1999) 1.06
Heart rate variability in normal sleeping full-term and preterm neonates. Early Hum Dev (1992) 1.05
Bax and Bid, two proapoptotic Bcl-2 family members, inhibit homologous recombination, independently of apoptosis regulation. Oncogene (2006) 1.04
Heart-rate variability in low-risk prematurely born infants reaching normal term: a comparison with full-term newborns. Early Hum Dev (1993) 0.95
Radiation induced cytochrome c release causes loss of rat colonic fluid absorption by damage to crypts and pericryptal myofibroblasts. Gut (2000) 0.93
Experimental evidence for supercontinuum generation by fission of higher-order solitons in photonic fibers. Phys Rev Lett (2002) 0.92
Thoracico-abdominal respiratory correlations in infants: constancy and variability in different sleep states. Early Hum Dev (1978) 0.89
Separation of recollision mechanisms in nonsequential strong field double ionization of Ar: the role of excitation tunneling. Phys Rev Lett (2001) 0.87
National survey of molecular epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus colonization in Belgian cystic fibrosis patients. J Antimicrob Chemother (2007) 0.87
[Respiratory pauses and sleep in the neonate and infant]. Rev Electroencephalogr Neurophysiol Clin (1976) 0.87
Respiratory patterns during sleep in Down's syndrome:importance of central apnoeas. J Sleep Res (1997) 0.87
Heart rate and heart rate variability during sleep in small-for-gestational age newborns. Pediatr Res (1994) 0.86
Compatibility test using 51chromium-labeled red blood cells in crossmatch positive patients. Transfusion (1978) 0.84
Abdominal muscle activity during CO2 rebreathing in sleeping neonates. J Appl Physiol (1985) (1991) 0.84
Functional and structural alterations of epithelial barrier properties of rat ileum following X-irradiation. Can J Physiol Pharmacol (2004) 0.84
Sleep-related abdominal muscle behavior during partial or complete obstructed breathing in prepubertal children. Pediatr Res (1989) 0.84
Sigh-related heart rate changes during sleep in premature and full-term newborns. Neuropediatrics (1992) 0.83
Respiratory pauses in normal prematurely born infants. A comparison with full-term newborns. Biol Neonate (1983) 0.83
Phase I trial combining temozolomide plus lapatinib for the treatment of brain metastases in patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer: the LAPTEM trial. Ann Oncol (2013) 0.82
Heart rate variability and apnea during sleep in Down's syndrome. J Sleep Res (1998) 0.81
[Transitional sleep states in the neonate at term]. Rev Electroencephalogr Neurophysiol Clin (1976) 0.81
Limitations on the attainable intensity of high power lasers. Phys Rev Lett (2010) 0.80
Neurological and physical maturation in normal growth singletons from 37 to 41 weeks' gestation. Early Hum Dev (1999) 0.80
Respiratory frequency during sleep in siblings of sudden infant death syndrome victims. A comparison with control, normal infants. Early Hum Dev (1983) 0.80
Frequency-tunable multigigawatt sub-half-cycle light pulses from coupled-state dynamics of optical solitons and impulsively driven molecular vibrations. Phys Rev Lett (2010) 0.80
Heart rate variability during sleep in infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Effects of mild decrease in oxygen saturation. Chest (1994) 0.80
Quantitative analysis of discontinuous EEG in premature and full-term newborns during quiet sleep. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol (1997) 0.80
Electrophoretic mobility of lymphocytes in new born. Biomedicine (1976) 0.79
Unlimited ion acceleration by radiation pressure. Phys Rev Lett (2010) 0.79
Respiratory and motor events in sleeping infants: their correlation with thoracico-abdominal respiratory relationships. Early Hum Dev (1978) 0.79
Rescattering of ultralow-energy electrons for single ionization of Ne in the tunneling regime. Phys Rev Lett (2003) 0.79
Respiratory pauses in very low risk prematurely born infants reaching normal term. A comparison to full-term newborns. Neuropediatrics (1984) 0.79
Cholinergic agonists increase cell calcium in rat medullary collecting tubules. A fura-2 study. Pflugers Arch (1990) 0.79
Respiratory pauses in normal infants and in siblings of victims of the sudden infant death syndrome. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl (1982) 0.79
[Femtosecond laser for refractive corneal surgery: foundations, mode of action and clinical applications]. Ophthalmologe (2006) 0.79
Alterations of the VIP-stimulated cAMP pathway in rat distal colon after abdominal irradiation. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol (2002) 0.78
[The reproduction of swine fever virus in a lymphocytic-phytocell-line and a line of monocytic cells]. Zentralbl Bakteriol Orig A (1971) 0.78
[Blood-pictures in different courses of swine fever infection concerning lymphocytic reactions, cellnecrobiosis, moving forms of lymphocytes ("lysocytes") and reactions of the bone-marrow (author's transl)]. Zentralbl Bakteriol Orig A (1974) 0.78
Sleep apneas in normal neonates and infants during the first 3 months of life. Neuropediatrics (1982) 0.78
Chemopreventive action of dexamethasone and alpha-tocopherol in oxidative stressed cells. Cancer Detect Prev (2008) 0.78
[Waking and sleeping E.E.G. in normal babies before 6 months of age (author's transl)]. Rev Electroencephalogr Neurophysiol Clin (1978) 0.78
Functional dyspepsia versus other functional gastrointestinal disorders: a practical approach in Belgian general practices. Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl (1993) 0.77
The parietal sheet of Bowman's capsule of rat renal glomerulus: a target of endothelin and PAF. Am J Physiol (1995) 0.77
Modified absorptive and secretory processes in the rat distal colon after neutron irradiation: in vivo and in vitro studies. Radiat Res (1999) 0.77
Exposure to either gamma or a mixed neutron/gamma field irradiation modifies vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor characteristics in membranes isolated from pig jejunum. Int J Radiat Biol (1996) 0.77
[A case of eperythrozoonosis suis and its differential diagnostic significance in relation to suspected swine fever]. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B (1968) 0.76
Necrotizing enterocolitis in a newborn: maternal psychotropic drugs suspected. Can J Psychiatry (1994) 0.76
Effect of state of alertness on the heart rate response to ocular compression in human infants. Biol Neonate (1995) 0.75
Chirped-pulse amplification of 55-fs pulses at a 1-kHz repetition rate in a Ti:Al2O3 regenerative amplifier. Opt Lett (1993) 0.75
An unconscious patient with an electrocardiogram mimicking an acute myocardial infarct. Postgrad Med J (1998) 0.75
[Mortality and cerebral prognosis of newborn infants with a very low birth weight]. Rev Prat (1981) 0.75
[Immunoelectrophoretic studies on the character and specificity of immune precipitates from swine sera and cell suspensions after infection with a highly virulent European swine plague virus]. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B (1977) 0.75
[Premature extraction of fetuses weighing less than 1500 grams in renovascular syndromes]. Rev Prat (1984) 0.75
[The propagation of swine fever virus in cultures of macrophages and lymphocytes of normal and immune pigs (author's transl)]. Zentralbl Bakteriol Orig A (1976) 0.75
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A study of GABAergic system in Scrapie-infected hamsters after striatal microinoculation of the agent. Neurosci Lett (1993) 0.75
[Clinical case of the month. Moskowitz syndrome in a patient treated with ticlopidine]. Rev Med Liege (1996) 0.75
[Safety of term birth and cesarean birth rates]. Arch Fr Pediatr (1985) 0.75
[Types of antibodies occurring in the course of swine plague and their relationship to antigens]. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B (1977) 0.75
[Necrotizing enterocolitis. A study of forty-six cases seen in a maternity hospital]. Sem Hop (1982) 0.75
[Serum protein changes and clinical symptoms in various manifestations of hog cholera]. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B (1966) 0.75
[Disturbed globulin (transferrine) and antibody formation during the leucopenic stage of swine plague (author's transl)]. Z Immunitatsforsch Exp Klin Immunol (1975) 0.75
[Clinical evaluation of transcutaneous bilirubinometry]. Ann Pediatr (Paris) (1982) 0.75
[Clinical case of the month. Physiopathology, symptoms, complications and treatment of alcoholic ketoacidosis: apropos of a fatal case]. Rev Med Liege (1996) 0.75
[Behavior of precipitating substances from normal organs and cells in comparison with precipitating pancreas antigens in hog chlorea infested pigs]. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B (1975) 0.75
Characterization of three new apparently related high frequency antigens. Transfusion (1976) 0.75
[Feasibility study of x-ray computed tomography in 100 patients with a sciatica caused by a disk hernia detectable by radiography]. Rev Rhum Mal Osteoartic (1985) 0.75
Sinusoidal fetal heart rate pattern in severe fetal anemia from feto-maternal transfusion. Int J Gynaecol Obstet (1982) 0.75
[Pneumomediastinum in children]. Rev Med Liege (2001) 0.75
[On increasing the virulence of swine fever virus in pigs treated with serum. A contribution to the problem of immunological variants (C. N]. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B (1967) 0.75
[Leukomalacia and subsequent brain status in relation to intensive neonatal care]. Ann Anesthesiol Fr (1975) 0.75
New methods for high current fast ion beam production by laser-driven acceleration. Rev Sci Instrum (2012) 0.75
[Amaurosis fugax of cardiac origin]. Bull Soc Sci Med Grand Duche Luxemb (2005) 0.75
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Kainate-induced status epilepticus leads to a delayed increase in various specific glutamate metabotropic receptor responses in the hippocampus. Brain Res (1994) 0.75
[Necrotizing enterocolitis. A study of forty-six cases seen in a maternity hospital (author's transl)]. Ann Pediatr (Paris) (1982) 0.75
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Coincident fragment detection in strong field photoionization and dissociation of H2. Phys Rev Lett (2002) 0.75
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[The spread of hog cholera by a virus of low virulence]. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr (1965) 0.75
Ontogenesis of quisqualate-associated phosphoinositide metabolism in various regions of the rat nervous system. Int J Dev Neurosci (1994) 0.75
A specific transduction mechanism for the glutamate action on phosphoinositide metabolism via the quisqualate metabotropic receptor in rat brain synaptoneurosomes: I. External Na+ requirement. J Neurochem (1991) 0.75
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[Toxic hazards for the fetus. Alcohol, psychoactive drugs and tobacco]. Rev Prat (1988) 0.75
Adjuvant chemotherapy in 2005: standards and beyond. Breast (2005) 0.75
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[Influence of the number of Rhizobium inoculated, on the production of lucern-fields]. Ann Inst Pasteur (Paris) (1965) 0.75
[On intrauterine transmission of hog cholera from immune sows to piglets]. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B (1966) 0.75
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Modulation of motor activity patterns and sleep states in low-risk prematurely born infants reaching normal term: a comparison with full-term newborns. Neuropediatrics (1995) 0.75
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[Value of simultaneous assessment of fibrinogen and orosomucoid for early diagnosis of neonatal infections]. Ann Pediatr (Paris) (1982) 0.75